Category Archives: Event Report

Event Report – Carrog Isa (Jan 17)

Event Report by Ian Emery and Rob Sloggett

You know when a new competition season started well then the entry shows 73 bikes on a cold January Sunday morning. With 43 bikes making up the Pre 65 and Twinshock class and 51 competing in the Intermediate or Clubman class, its no surprise that the club that now enters its eight competition year is in hearty spirits as a well established classic trials club.

Lets be clear, it was cold! Cold and muddy and that sort of set the tone for the day. The sections we challenging. Not difficult or dangerous challenging, but offered that type of challenge that resulted in a higher than normal level of DNF’s either due to mechanical failure (as in my case) or riders finding that the 8 sections of 5 laps just took them to their riding limit on the day. Certainly in the Intermediate route I was riding, we were treating to a few new challenges which I will hold off for my part of the report below.

This months event report is kindly contributed to by Ian Emery and Rob Sloggett.

Ian Emery (Intermediate) – Yamaha TY AC Mono

Carrog Issa has always been a great venue and this event didn’t disappoint. For me it was the first proper competitive outing on my TY Pinky as I contest the ACM Class this year. To comply with the landowner’s wishes two sections in the main stream were dropped with 5 laps of 8 sections being the format for the day.

Section 1 was a cracker! The slight incline leading to the in-cards became a nightmare for many with some riders having several attempts just to get into the section due to the total lack of grip in the field. I took a 50 yard run up on the TY in 3rd gear (and once in 4th by accident ! ) and coasted up the hill into the section trying to maintain control for the tight u-turn left and back down, avoiding the footrest snagging tree stump and into the natural basin below where a swooping 180 turn back up the hill led to a slippy 90 left before crossing the camber to a gripless clay covered climb to the ends. I had mixed fortunes in the five laps. On a really steady throttle the TY found just enough grip pulling well at low revs and I ended up with three 3’s (including the 4th gear attempt !) and two cleans which I was pleased with. There were many high scores recorded but well done to Garry Shaw for getting his rigid Bantam round for 5 cleans.

Section 2 was a nice combination of a slippy double descent followed by a tight left/right turn combination to the ends with the slippiness of the slight incline catching a few marks. Section 3 used a similar line to the one set for the Kia National but was a bit tamer. Despite that, the lack of grip cost many a few marks especially on the slippy first turn and on the cross camber climb. Section 4 was a series of tight turns gentle climbing along the crest of the bank. The first tight u-turn saw a few lose marks often as the front pushed out but most marks were claimed by the jumble of awkward, slippy rocks just before the ends.

Sections 5 and 6 were back to back with Kara and Russ in charge. The first saw a steep double descent with a tricky dog-leg over exposed roots just before a tight left where many riders overshot and were lucky to recover with just a dab. There followed a climb up the clay bank to a left turn towards a steep bank taking you back to near where you started. The sting here was a gulley at the base of this climb, strewn with polished roots which had to be jumped hard to keep momentum up the climb. I used 1st gear for my opening lap, concerned I would need that gear to control the descent but it made for a hard fought exit. Using 2nd gear thereafter the TY flew up the climb out on a rolling throttle but needed the odd dab at the base of the descent to make the turn. For me it was a lesson as to just how well the TY’s suspension performed with the forks working hard on the descent and the rear doing the same on the exit.

 Section 6 ran alongside, dropping into the same gulley with a climb out up a slippy bank on the left to then drop back into the gulley on a cross camber and once back in follow the incline and finally climb out up the left bank. Two really good flowing sections.

Section 7 was nasty! A short but steep climb towards three trees with a choice of two paths either side of the centre tree. Left was a wider gap but had little run up for the sweeping climb and right turn to follow. To the right a narrower gap to thread through but a better line to attack the turn which was again strewn with gripless roots. My first two attempts were in first gear and yielded a 5 and a paddling 3, but thereafter I chose second gear carefully threading the TY around the tree to the right and squirted around the turn for three cleans.

Section 8 was interesting! A short climb was followed by a twisty path between trees leading to a steep down-up sump which also involved a 90 right turn. It was so narrow the front wheel was climbing the far side whilst the rear was still on its way down and the turn had to be completed whilst the front was still climbing to keep momentum and avoid another tree with the front. A climb over loose debris followed to then swing left and down across the bank to a right turn which fell away sharply needing a very quick turn to avoid snagging another tree on the way down.

Overall 8 really good technical, challenging sections. I was so impressed with the way my TY performed, testing its ability find grip and pull in 1st, 2nd and 3rd gears and just how well its suspension and brakes all worked. Can’t wait for the next round at Plas Onn.

Rob Sloggett (50/50) – Air Cooled Mono TY

So as I alluded to in the introduction, this opening round had a few new treats and whilst I ended up as a DNF (bit of a trend that as the opening round in 2016 for me had the same outcome) the two laps I did compete were great fun.

So what can I pick out? Well certainly Section 1 was a treat. The first section in years I can recall requiring a 3rd gear run up with about 3psi in the rear tyre to even get into the section. I have never been good on really slippery section entrances as people who recall me riding a Beamish a few years will attest to (sorry to those who got sprayed then), but once in the section the drop into a small gully then offered a right hand turn over some rough items then up an adjacent gully to be presented with a climb up a bank, left around a tree and then loop right up the bank to exit. This took high teen / twenty scores from most of the Intermediate riders although the Pre 65 class did seem to fair much better on this section with over half of the riders dropping 13 or less.

The sections were split across the venue and they tended to be in clustered pairs with sections 5 & 6 certainly my two favorites. Both incorporating a downhill drop and then peeling off into a tight turn with a challenging run either up hill or across a gully with exposed roots (remember this was a muddy terrain day) that really felt good when the ride hooked up well.

A quick top up with fuel after my second lap resulted in the bike cutting out whilst queuing in Section 1. As I write this I have still not explored why but I am suspecting a fuel blockage of some kind as it did run rough after but died on idling. But to be honest that did not spoil my day. Why? because the event offered something a bit different. It was a tough event but it was not “silly tough”.

The next event is on Sunday 5th February at Plas Onn As always we have to pass on our thanks to the club, landowner, observers etc. for allowing us to have a good days competition.

Top Places:

Pre 65 Expert: James Francis, BSA (10); Peter Edwards, BSA (76); Kev Ellis, BSA (76)

Pre 65 Intermediate: Garry Shaw, BSA Rigid (17); Harry Lyons, BSA (35); Vernon Roberts, BSA (36)

Pre 65 Clubman: Roger Smith, BSA (19); Mervyn Powell, Arial (27); Peter Elvidge, BSA (28)

Pre 65 Beginner: No enteries

Twinshock Expert: Steve Shelley, Honda (34); Tony Gush, Majesty (46); Danny Littlehales, Fantic (63)

Twinshock Intermediate: Steve Blackburn, Montesa (65); Jim Droughton, Yamaha (70); Jeremy Sutton, Ossa (79)

Twinshock Clubman: Rob Jones, Honda (23); Gwilym Lloyd Ellis, Ossa (53); John Sowden, Bultaco (58)

Twinshock Beginner: Craig Fowler, Yamaha (65)

AC Mono Expert: Jerry Hawker, Honda (86)

AC Mono Intermediate: Ian Emery, Yamaha (27); Gordon Wilson, Honda (58); Martin Powell, Honda (65)

AC Mono Clubman: Steven Blaxall, Fantic (69)

AC Mono Beginner: No finishers

Modern Mono Expert: Richard Beddoes, Beta (56); Steve Richards, Montesa (60); Vincent Brett, Beta (64)

Modern Mono Intermediate: Paul Hempkins, Beta (41); Dave Lovell, Montesa (45); Andrew Dean, Beta (68)

Modern Mono Clubman: Tony Rainford, Sherco (47); Nick MacGillivray, Montesa (64); Hayden Rainford, Sherco (68)

Modern Mono Beginners: No finishers

Class Breakdown:

Pre 65 – 27
Twinshock – 16
A/C Mono – 9
Modern Mono – 21
Total = 73

Expert – 16
Intermediate – 28
Clubman – 23
Beginner – 6

Bike Stats:

Pre 65:
Arial – 1
BSA – 9 (2 rigid)
DOT – 2
Francis Barnett – 3
Norton – 1
Triumph – 4

Armstrong – 1
Beamish Suzuki – 1
Bultaco – 7
Fantic – 6
Honda – 3
Ossa – 1
SWM – 1
Yamaha Majesty – 1
Yamaha TY – 10

Aircooled Mono:
Aprilla – 1
Beta – 1
Fantic – 2
GasGas – 1
Honda – 1
Yamaha – 1

Modern Mono:
Beta – 3
GasGas – 1
Sherco – 3

Event Report – Belgium Mons Pre 65 2 day International

The Aqueduct Team

Event Report by Paul Owen

Aqueduct classic riders Russell Jones, Kev Ellis and myself (Paul Owen) left at 4am on Friday to travel to Belgium. The weather forecast was not looking good but our spirits were high and the long journey was filled with fun and laughter and plenty of Facebook live videos.

We finally found our hotel and got settled in. The little town was very welcoming and the event was about 3 miles away.

 Saturday morning was cold and wet. We signed on for the trials and hill climb and went for a walk around the paddock to see some exotic bikes. My favourite was the indian twin furnished with wooden footpegs and side stand. The trial was all on banks with no rocks or stream sections in sight but the ground was slippy. Every section was challenging with steep inclines and tight turns. I believe there was over 110 riders and 2 classes with clubman and expert both being very good.

Saturday was 3 laps of 8 sections and we waited back at the start for the course to get cut up so we could get rear grip which worked on lap 1 but then we had a rain shower and it turned the sections into a mud bath and very slippy. Grip was there but throttle control had to be gentle as the rear would spin up as the gritty mud would grip but then lose all traction.

 Russell and Kev were at hand to help with great advice for me and my powerless bantam as they are more experienced riders than me on the big BSA Goldstar and the James/Francis Barnet. We were glad to see a nice warm hotel room that evening and we made a plan for Sunday to attack the course early as the rain was coming.

With 3 laps of 11 sections we were the first 3 away at the start in a slippy, greasy venue that felt like it was -10. The 3 of us stopped for 1 minute silence at 11am for Rememberance Sunday and our bikes had poppies next to our number boards.

 With new sections ahead we all rode well and dug deep to come away with great results . We also hung around for the hill climb.

I was first up on the rigid bantam and just looking at that hill was daunting for me. I made it up about the first 3rd of the hill. Kev was next up on the big lump of a Goldstar and fell just shy of the top. Russ made it up two 3rds of the hill on his James powered 2 stroke. The hill was suited for the big 4 stroke motors though.

We packed away and managed to get back across the channel that evening and home 3am on the Monday morning. All in all it was a great experiance for me with the lads and can’t wait for next year. The organisers were very welcoming, friendly and helping .

Results Saturday:

2nd pre-unit class, Kev.

2nd rigid class, Paul.

4th 2 stroke class, Russ Jones.

Results Sunday:

2nd pre-unit class. Kev Ellis.

1st rigid class, Paul Owen.

7th 2 stroke class. Russ Jones.

Event Report – Kia Championship (Sept 17)

Set up of one of the sections

Report information collated by Rob Sloggett

Sunday 17th September saw Aqueduct Classics host Round 7 of the National Kia Twinshock Championship. This has been the third year the club has hosted a round and after the first two years at Carrog Isa, this year moved to the fantastic forestry at Llanbrynmair Forest, previously used for the clubs annual Foel Y Classeur and National Bantam Championship.

A total entry card of 117 riders was distributed with 89 riders registered across the Clubman route and with the twinshock and Pre 72 classes respectfully registering 40 and 32 entries across both routes.

The venue always offers a challenging set of sections and the Aqueduct team did not disappoint this year with the streams playing a predominant part of the layout. The format of this report is made up of short soundbites and contributions from the riders and observers. We hope you enjoy reading it….

Facebook soundbites:

Proper trial, proper sections,well done everybody involved,really enjoyed it – Adrian Kent

Thanks to all the people involved with today trial, haven’t ridden any thing so hard for a long time didn’t help having a bit of an off ( well big off really) on the first section seemed a long way down from the top of the falls, landed on my hand not sure if i can open my wallet now for a few weeks – Mike Hughes

Just home from what id call the hardest trials iv ever done. It was a round of the british KIA twinshock championship. Really hard sections for me on old bessy but i tried to up my game and ride hard. Big thanks to Russell Jones and the team at aqueduct classic club for putting on a great 2 days of trials. And thanks to Mark Newman and Mark Gaskell for the company and entertainment . And to the observers for sitting at there posts allday. Hot bath and early bed for this old soldier – Paul Owen

Big thanks to all the organisers for a great trial. Thanks also to the photographers for making us look good. Enjoyable day out, I am healing slowly – Nick Boxall

I would like to thank the organizers of today’s kia round and also the observers, I started at section 12 and was soon at the stream sections which were very slippery. But what a change on the 2nd lap -grip! Great trial well worth the 3 hour drive – Steve Bisby

Riders and Observers contributions

I feel very privileged to ride at such an amazing venue. From the stunning scenery to the varied and challenging sections. The section severity was perfect for my class, each one cleanable with a good ride and in keeping with the no stop rules. Impossible to pick a favourite, although the stream sections 1 to 6 and 15 to 19 were particularly enjoyable. I hope you run a round here again – Steve Bird (Monoshock Expert)

KIA championship Foel . Set in the welsh hills this 20 miles of 40 section over 2 lap was very challenging for me on a 1949 rigid bantam but i like a challenge. All the sections were rideable and very enjoyable. Here are a few of my favourites. Section 11 looked difficult as i walked it with really tight turns and step climbs and drops. It was a uphil start with a tight right turn then left over slippy tree roots and around a tree into a deep muddy puddle then straight up a 4 metre bank with a rock half way up . Once at the top it was a tight right down a gully then a drop off into another muddy bog that led to a stoney right turn up the bank then drop back down to a immediately steep left climb between the heather then a climb to the out gate. Section 20 was a basic looking section down off the mountain road. With a steady ride down over some fallen branches that wanted to wipe the front wheel way. Then into a tight left turn and a gentle off camber rooted bank to a very steep lose dirt climb but it suited my rigid bantam ticking over in 2nd gear up to the out gate – Paul Owen (Pre 72 Britshock Clubman)

Aqueduct did nothing special, just put in sticks to natural terrain, but seeing that terrain took some planning, and did it oh so well, if you ride a trial bike you want a challenge not a {easy [ed ammended]} ride. ACC did just that – Eirian Davies (Historic Spanish Clubman)

The Foel is one of the highlights of my trials calendar, offering some superb riding and fantastic scenery with its forest and moorland setting. This year had the added bonus of being one of the rounds of the Kia National Twinshock championship to spice things up a bit. Unfortunately we were unable to make the club trial on the Saturday, but rolled up eager to go on the Sunday. My bike was running perfectly, jetting issues had been cleared up, suspension spot on, brakes were, erm, reasonable. After escorting Denise, her daughter, and her dog to the section where they were observing, I rode back to join my two riding partners for the day. Mark Newman was on a Drayton Triumph Twin similar to my own, Paul Owen on his trusty rigid Bantam. Mark and I are recent converts to the Twins, having only built them in the last few months. We are both really pleased with the way they ride, and especially the way they sound! The sections were tough, not impossible, but needing you to have brought your best riding trousers with you. It soon became apparent that mine weren’t with me today. Rather than describe each of the sections, I’ll list my scores for the first lap. Four cleans, a one, three five’s and twelve three’s. Giving an average of 2.6 per section. Not my ‘A’ game for sure, so I opted to retire and helped out at Denise’s section for the rest of the day. There is no shame in quitting, I keep telling myself, shamefully. As usual, the organisers deserve all the credit and praise that I heard bandied about for a worthy championship trial. I know they went above and beyond the call of duty to make the event work. Section setters, admin, caterers, observers, dogsbodies, thank you all. Sorry I couldn’t reward all your hard work with a decent ride! – Mark Gaskell (Pre 72 Britshock Clubman)

I take photographs of the riders and to talk to them either before or after the sections. You know when to do so and have the banter with then. I always try and catch up with as many as I can to see how they find the course. I had spoke with Jim Waters (a young lad riding a TY175 in the Historic Spanish Clubman class) who said the venue was stunning and it was a very well set out course with some technical but very challenging sections. He said the club had done a fantastic job for the Kia round, up there with  the rest of the rounds as he has gone to then all – Gillian Lawson (Photographer and trials blogger)

Riding my trusty TY Yamaha in the Clubman class, here’s a selection of section reports.

Section1: What a section this was! Mainly in the river but getting down to the water was a challenge. The section opened with a gentle descent through gloopy mud which led to a choice of 3 deeps ruts in the the river bank taking you steeply down to the water. It was a drop where gravity was in full control with me hanging on in free-fall needing a long dab each time to regain some control. There followed a climb up the stream trying to keep tight to the right hand bank to avoid hidden traps of deep water, to then hit a waterfall of 2.5-3ft in height. I got up this for a 1 first lap but bounced off it backwards on my 2nd attempt. Section 3: A nice preamble up the stream with a nasty rock to the left which had to be attacked hard as to its left the water concealed a deep hole which captured many front wheels for an inevitable 5. I rode the Yam straight over the rock feet-up both times but had a slack dab right on the end cards on lap1. Section 6: Having dropped into the stream from the left bank there followed 50 yards flowing upstream across a selection of deep pools and rocks to then cut across and out onto the far bank avoiding following the tyre marks of an early rider who went the wrong side of the end cards. I plotted my route carefully but ended up riding a totally different path as each time the early rocks forced an unplanned change of direction though I still managed to hang on for 2 cleans. Section 10: Loved this one! It opened with a steep rock step of 2ft+, followed quickly by another, to then traverse a muddy bog and straight onto a steep climb which luckily retained its grip despite the mud being carried onto it. There followed a steep descent down a rock face and two careful right turns to the ends. Two cleans for me. Section 11: This started with a tight right onto a bank with a rising/ falling left turn onto a seriously steep hillclimb which at the top had a tight right around a clump of tall heather which obscured the view of the narrow path that formed the way down. At the bottom of this was a drop into a sump which I underestimated just how much it would grab the front as the forks fully compressed costing me a 2 to recover. Second lap I lifted the front a little to jump onto the far bank to remain clean. Section 12: For me, staring the trial via the second loop first, this was my first section of the day. I found it scary! A small rock step followed by a steep climb to then traverse along the top and across a root strewn camber ( I remember losing the front there on my Ossa some years ago) to then make the first of the nasty, scary turns. This was was a 90 right, sharply down the hill, the issue being a deep rut which was so difficult to get into. Two choices – keep your front high to the left and let the back drop into the rut but then the front still had to be pulled into line causing a nose dive sensation of falling, or let the front follow the rut but the back would then kick up on the heather before it followed – again gravity taking full control. I needed a big dab each time and I’m sure I had my eyes closed! Once down and control regained there was then a steep climb to a righthand U-turn back down again. You needed to keep left to open up the turn as the descent had a similar scary rut through the heather. Keeping left was almost impossible though as the camber pulled you across to the right, tightening the turn, and making the descent far more scary (eyes closed again for me). Another dab each time here but two 2s was a satisfying outcome given what could have happened. Glad it wasn’t four laps. Section13: This section circled around a muddy pond almost like a basin,starting with a steep climb to then turn left and follow the rim through a muddy root strewn bog and a 90 left around a tree to a steep descent with a sawn tree stump sticking up right where you didn’t want to to be to make the turn smoothly. The camber of the descent drew you across towards the water and a quick cross camber climb before crossing some very deep water led to the ends. I cleaned it first lap but then later got too enthusiastic on the first climb ending up overshooting into the heather and needing a big one to recover and then another one at the base of the descent somewhat annoyed with myself. Section 15: Great section this one. A drop into a narrow stream gulley from the roadside, a gentle climb over several rock steps, to a slippy 90 left and a short blast up a very greasy root covered climb and once over the summit some careful turns to a swoop up and down the bank and out. A the base of the first descent was an awkwardly placed rock which caught my front first lap and cost a few marks but second lap I held it together for a clean. Sections 16, 17 & 18. These were back to back in the stream. The first had a drop in, a nasty rock step to climb the left bank and then drop back into the stream to cross some deep water before attacking a big rock step waterfall which was like glass. I got a great line both times and rode it clean each time despite slipping everywhere when I tried to walk it. The next had a tricky entrance with a nasty rock step on the turn followed by an innocuous looking gentle climb ( which cost me a dab!) to cross the stream again to the ends. Finally 18 started with an upstream gentle climb, threading between visible rocks and deep water to attack a rock step on the edge of the left bank and onwards to the ends. A clean and a daft 1 for me.

For me Foel isn’t just about the sections themselves, the terrain in between is also a massive challenge. 4th and 5th gear blasts for miles along the forest tracks had my WES silencer so overheated the oil soaked wadding inside it set on fire, whereas some of the bog-crossing routes between sections had me almost carrying the bike. Strength sapping but an enjoyable, adrenaline fuelled day. Thanks to all who put in the work to organise, set the sections out, and of course to the observers, especially Amy who had the misfortune of a ride in an ambulance. Get well soon! – Ian Emery (Monoshock Clubman)

As usual, thanks have got to be made to the event organisers and the observers (and our best wishes to Ami following your tumble whilst observing!). I think looking at the feedback and the volume of photos taken, a simple thank you probably does not do it! Dont forget that all of the photos can be found on the Aqueduct facebook page and also on the Kia Twinshock Trials page.

Photos kindly reproduced following permission of Edward Wain, Andrea Godsmark and Gillian Lawson –

Top Places:

Twinshock Expert – Richard Allen, Honda (17); Matt Spink, Suzuki (40); Olly Wareing, Fantic (52)

Twinshock Clubman – Martin Gilbert, Honda (7); Stephen Robson, Fantic (14); Paul Cook, SWM (18)

Monoshock Expert – Steve Bird, Yamaha (10); Dan Sanders, Yamaha (14); David Carter, Gas Gas (17)

Monoshock Clubman – Colin Pedley, Yamaha (5); Gary Hawkins, Honda (8); Gary Fleckney, Honda (22)

Historic Spanish Expert – Gary Younghusband, Bultaco (29); Dave Wood, Bultaco (49); Stephen Bisby, Ossa (58)

Historic Spanish Clubman – Eirian Davies, Yamaha (10); James Waters, Yamaha (16); Chris Kent, Bultaco (26)

Pre 72 Britshock Expert – James Francis, BSA (24); Martin Stanistreet, James (57); Pete Morris, Triumph (63)

Pre 72 Britshock Clubman – Peter Edwards, BSA (7); Keith Gardner, Triumph (14); John Souch, Triumph (17)

Note: Keith Wells shows on provisional results in Twinshock Clubman but on a BSA (15 marks). Corrected classification may change the above.


1. Roger Kenton

2. Annette Cole

3. Pete Thomas

4. Karen Newman

5. Amy Newman

6. Graham Pennington

7. Tony Cartwright

8. Geoff Jones

9. Dave Williams

10. Pete Cottrell

11. Chris ( De Burger) Jones

12. Fiona Brimlow

13. Graham Miller

14. Denise Blunt

15. Ange Godsmark

16. Albert

17. Tim Godsmark

18. Gordon

19. Brad

20. Rob Goodwin

Bike Stats:

Total Enteries = 117 of which 89 were Clubman


Twinshock Expert = 9

Twinshock Clubman = 31

Monoshock Expert = 8

Monoshock Clubman = 20

Historic Spanish Expert = 5

Historic Spanish Clubman = 12

Britshock Expert = 6

Britshock Clubman = 26


Pre 72:

Ariel – 1

BSA – 17

DOT – 2

Francis Barnett – 2

James – 2

Triumph – 8


Aprilla – 1

Bultaco – 1

Fantic – 15

Honda – 12

Kawasaki – 1

Ossa – 1

SWM – 3

Suzuki – 1

Yamaha Majesty – 2

Yamaha TY – 2

Historic Spanish Twinshock:

Bultaco – 4

Kawasaki – 1

Montesa – 2

Ossa – 3

Suzuki – 2

Yamaha TY – 5

Aircooled Mono:

Beta – 2

Fantic – 5

GasGas – 2

Honda – 8

Yamaha – 11

Event Report – Plas Onn (Mar 16)

Event report by Rob Sloggett, Geoff Jones and Ian Emery

Mothers Day saw the second round of Aqueduct Classics 2016 series offer a great day’s competition to the 70 riders who braved the changeable conditions at Plas Onn (Selattyn). It was great to see that 23 of these were Pre 65 bikes with over half campaigning in the 50/50 route. A further 20 bikes were twin shocks with the Clubman route being the most popular (7 bikes). As always the Air Cooled Mono class was well represented with a good support class of Modern Monos enjoying a Championship league of their own.

This months event report is kindly contributed to by Paul Owen, Geoff Jones and Rob Sloggett

Paul Owen – 50/50 class (Pre-65)

It was a cold fresh morning on the hillside looking down the Ceiriog valley, but once I got going I soon warmed up.

Section 1,2 and 3 were going up the stream, section 1 was straight forward on the green (50/50) route, dropping into the stream and across a greasy leafy bank then back into the stream to the exit gate.

Section 2 and 3 were very similar, starting in the steam there was a rocky step that you had to get right and then around a tree, across the water to a steep slippery bank then a sudden drop back into the water and then around a few rocks to the exit gates.

Section 4 was on a grassy bank and around two trees that looked easy but you couldn’t really touch the front brake on the downhill stretch. It was then a ride across a few fields to the far end of the land to section 5 and 6. Starting off in the stream you had a rocky section between some trees, across the bank, then back into the stream and a steep incline up a greasy muddy exit, my rigid bantam was perfect for those condition.

Section 6 was similar to 5 but had a challenging 2nd half to it with rocks and roots, if you messed up the first lot of rocks you would be all arms and legs up to the exit gate. You then started to make your way back to the start with a stop in each field to experience the rocky gullies.

Section 7 saw the greens doing the same route as the expert red class, dropping into a left hand turn and up what seemed like the Grand Canyon, but after watching a few riders fail trying to pick their way around the big rocks I decided to hit it straight on and just hope for the best. It looked daunting but was a proper grin factor when I cleaned it twice and only had 2 single dabs.

Section 8 was in the next field and a similar start dropping into the stream and weaving my way on and off the muddy bank, back across the stream to a steep turn and up another rock path to the exit gate.

Section 9 and 10 were very similar with a crossing from bank to bank across the stream then a short steep rocky incline to the exit gate. Every section was challenging but nothing dangerous, another cracking trials held by the club, roll on round 3! .

Geoff Jones – Observer

Despite it being a snow threatened Mothers Day the second round Aqueduct Classic 2016 series attracted 71 riders in all, high up in the Welsh Hills at Plas Onn farm. Again the sections were set to accommodate a slightly snow covered landscape, which made for a very wet and slippery going. Luckily the terrain allowed for all sections to be more or less run in the stream which flowed through the venue, which avoided the near impossible going elsewhere and protecting the land owner’s fields.

Section 9 was set for the four routes, White (beginners), Yellow (clubman), Green (50/50) and Red (Elite).

White route more or less followed the stream bank with a water splash to cross to the opposite side where the end gate was situated, accessed by a climb out of the steam and a sharp slippery right turn to the end flag.

Yellow followed a similar course but ridden within the stream, which had the pitfalls of rolling rocks and deep pools hidden by the now muddied waters, again the end gate was accessed by a climb out of the stream with a sharper right turn to the gate, surprisingly more than a couple of riders who had cleaned the main part of the section, fell foul of the degree of offset to the end cards and missed the exit.

Green took a similar course to the Red, starting off through a water splash exiting on the opposite bank to execute a sharp right rocky turn, back into the stream with a sharp climb out and around a tree stump to dive back into the stream again, to access the end gate. Again this took one or two fives from the unwary, having cleaned the section cresting the bank and missing the sharp offset exit to the end gate!

Red obviously being the more demanding again set off through the first water splash, with a steep climb out up a rocky muddy bank to crest onto a bordering field, which although quite flat was deceptively slippery and in itself took one or two marks, with competitors losing too much momentum due to lack of grip. After a 180 deg turn the bank was descended to the second water splash with the same sharp climb out around the same tree stump that greens were using, but after dropping sharply back into the water the sting in the tail for the reds was a sharp right turn to climb a rocky waterfall In a narrow gulley, with an immediate left turn out of the section to the offset exit.

The sections in general we’re flowing but technical, with nothing to cause a stop under the slippery conditions, but never the less designed to take marks.

Rob Sloggett – Elite Class (Modern Mono)

With both of my classic bikes under the weather and having some well-deserved TLC, my aim of stepping up to Elite class on a Modern Mono this year to allow me to experience the depth of the new challenge but on a bike I felt comfortable tackling them on came into play. I was so please with the challenges laid out by Aqueduct at this level. Everything was safe but challenging and enough new variety to make me drop some fives and re-engage my brain to watch the experienced Experts on their lines.

A couple of sections really jumped out. Section 1 was an absolute gem as you entered high up a bank and dropped down perpendicular to the stream bed. The aim was to then fire it straight up the opposite bank and then a left turn on a camber around a tree whilst scrubbing off momentum. The rest of the section was straight forward but this steep drop in and equal climb out was a length and gradient uncomfortable to me. First attempt, I bottled the drop in taking a more gradual drop down the bank, almost traversing it at a diagonal. This resulted in me getting on the power at an angle with the rear wheel inevitably spinning out resulting in a very graceful five. Second lap, feeling more comfortable on the bike and looking at the lines taken, I approach high, dropped straight down and allowed the momentum plus a squirt of the throttle to fire me straight up the bank. A single dab around the tree on the 3 remaining laps left me feeling that I had improved in one area but still had something to learn regarding this type of obstacle.

Section 6 was another great section for the Elite route with a muddy entry leading to an across gully routing, a large loop on the left hand bank then traversing back across the gully over a selection of rocks and roots to enter the second parallel gully. This then offered a 20 second challenge taking an S shaped path around or over a number of sizeable rocks until you exited up a shallow right hand bank. The range of scores across all classes of bike on the Elite route shows how the team setting up the sections found the best use of the land to ensure there was something for everyone but nothing to put anyone off or put them in harm’s way.

As always, we have to pass on our appreciation and thanks to the club officials, observers, catering team and land owner. The next completion is on Sunday 3rd April at Pen Y Graig Quarry.

Top Places:

Pre 65 Elite: Ben Butterworth, Ariel (2); Russ Jones, Francis Barnett (25); Steve Thompson, BSA (26)
Pre 65 50/50: David Beddoes, BSA (4); Phil Alderman, Triumph (5); Carl Winstanley, James (9)
Pre 65 Clubman: Roger Smith, BSA (2); Terry Lloyd, Tiger Cub (7); Graham Miller, Tiger Cub (8)
Pre 65 Beginners: Andrew Huxley, BSA (27)

Twinshock Elite: Danny Littlehales, Fantic (8); Alan Miles, Chase TY (18); Steve Shelley, Honda TLR (24)
Twinshock 50/50: Philip Clarkson (9); Alex Barrie, Honda (15); Ian Emery, Ossa (18)
Twinshock Clubman: John Sowden, Bultaco (7); Karl Kavanagh, Fantic (10); Phil Cottiga, Fantic (13)
Twinshock Beginners: Pete Thomas, Yamaha (17)

AC Mono Elite: Craig Howarth, Scorpa (51)
AC Mono 50/50: Stephen Richards, Yamaha (8); Gordon Wilson, Honda (21); Paul Cartwright, Beta (57)
AC Mono Clubman: Andy Steele, Yamaha (24); Mike Sutton, Ossa (26); Steven Blaxall, Fantic (27)

Modern Mono Elite: Rob Sloggett, Beta (68)
Modern Mono 50/50: Alec Roberts, Gas Gas (9); Liam Marsden (40)
Modern Mono Clubman: Bob Shelley, Gas Gas (8), P Hempkins, Beta (10); Ken Williams, Montesa (12)
Modern Mono Beginners: Andrew Dean, Gas Gas (7); Glyn Evans, Beta (10); Pete Rainsford, Montesa (21)

Class Breakdown:

Pre 65 – 23
Twinshock – 20
A/C Mono – 9
Modern Mono – 18

Elite – 11
50/50 – 24
Clubman – 28
Beginner – 7

Event Report – Plas Onn (Dec 16)

Event report by Rob Sloggett and Ian Emery

December has quickly come around and this report checks into the last event of Aqueduct Classics 2016 Championship campaign and what an event it was. Last visited in June, the venue whilst starting off a bit chilly quickly warmed up as the 60 riders comprising of 24 Pre 65’s, 16 Twinshocks, 9 Air Cooled Monos and 11 Modern bikes gathered at 11:00 for the off. A good split of 8 Elite riders, 22 riding the 50/50 route (to be renamed “Intermediate” for the 2017 series), 23 Clubman and 7 Beginners were offered the usual mix of 4 laps of 10 sections. And what a great set of routes they turned out to be!

Ian Emery (50/50) – Twinshock Ossa Gripper

A very cold start greeted the 60 riders at Plas Onn Farm which led to two immediate problems for me; firstly keeping the Gripper’s engine hot enough to run cleanly and secondly keeping my fingers warm to grip the bars. Luckily a clever Spaniard designed an exhaust system that works as a hand warmer too. This report covers the “Green” or Intermediate route and how my day went.

Section 1 was testing starter. A run alongside the stream with a nasty drop in over rocks to then make a difficult right turn across the water, over algae coated rocks, to then climb the far bank, traverse a camber and drop back in higher up the flow. The first turn was the hardest bit with many riders losing grip especially on the first lap. Section 2 was even harder! A drop into the stream followed by a sweeping U-turn to then climb against the water flow, across a jumble of rocks all of which seemed to be in just the wrong place to allow a smooth line to be taken. Once past these obstacles a 90 left turn followed by a traverse across slippy exposed roots to then blast through a muddy speed-sapping bog before joining the stream again. A long section, with lots of technical difficulty, needing a lot of effort to clean. Great sense of achievement if you did. Section 3 had its sting at the beginning. Two left/right 90 degree turns into the narrow stream gulley with an awkwardly placed rock just catching the rear just as the front pushed against the far bank. Easy to lose momentum but once through, the climb across a mass of exposed roots to the ends was more straightforward than it looked.

Section 4 was a drop into the stream and a tight left turn on the far bank to then climb a rooty step, to be then faced with a clay bank and a swooping left turn across the camber to the ends. It all went wrong for me here when the Ossa spun out just after the roots leaving me feet-up but pointing in totally the wrong direction. A “5” ! Not what I wanted with a Championship at stake. Section 5 was in the next stream cleverly using three parts of previously used sections to great effect. A steep drop on the turn into the stream, followed by a short blast up the far bank between two large boulders, to then cross a jumble of loose rocks, up a root step with a left turn, and then a right turn over a steep hump to join the adjacent stream with a long climb over a root step and loose rocks. Another really good section and easy to get into trouble.

Sections 6, 7 and 8 were in the stream just below the farm. Section 6 looked fairly innocuous when I walked it – a drop down several rock steps into the stream with a 90 right up a steep 7ft climb out into the field, a U-turn, back down again and up the far bank to the ends. What nearly caught me out was just how quickly the turn for the climb out appeared and several times I nearly overshot with the Ossa pulling sweetly from tick-over at the base of the climb. Section 7 resembled a zigzagging snake going back and to across the stream with each turn comprising a climb, a tight turn, and a steep drop back down, before repeating several times up the stream. The turns had to be made very quickly to stay inside the markers and each drop gave a sense of falling as I struggled to hold the bars. Section 8 was a drop in, tight left, and simple climb up the stream but several awkwardly placed rocks made things difficult. Sections 9 and 10 were in the higher part of the stream.

Section 9 cost me some marks. A gentle climb up the stream was followed by a tricky rock step ( very slippy on lap1) followed by a cross camber traverse before dropping back into the stream to turn left towards the ends. This drop back in always seemed to pull my front wheel onto two large rocks which cost me a big dab several times. Finally section 10, a nice flowing series of swooping turns up and down each bank with more grip than the exposed roots would suggest.

Overall, 10 great sections, each with their own challenges, and shows just how much thought was put in by the section-setters. A great finale to the Championship.

Rob Sloggett (50/50) – Air Cooled Mono TY

Why do we do this sport? I asked myself that as I fived my first section of the day. Then as I locked the rear brake (twice) stalling the engine and taking another two stupid fives on other sections over the first two laps, I asked myself the same question.

Then I approached Section 2 for the second lap, saw the challenge of gully and reminded myself “that’s why”.

Then the line I was totally uncomfortable with on Section 6 and tried an new approach made me realise that this sport of as much about the personal challenge as it is the results at the end of the day.

And that sort of sums up my competition (and my year). Ian has given a great review of the sections and we shared the same route (albeit different classes) so what can I add to this report? Well as I said for me the competition is about the personal challenge as much as the result and 2017 will be the year where I know where I am likely to end up and what a good improvement will look like, but what about those two sections mentioned above?

So Russ was looking after Section 2 and this was a great test of someone who is getting comfortable on the green route but offered enough to make you think and take the odd mark off you if you were not 100%. An angular left hand entrance into the gate fed you into an initial tight right hander feeding into a more open right hand arch but with some slippery roots and cambers. Across the gully and then feeding in with a left hand turn fired you up a probably 40 – 60 ft run with some nice texture of roots and rocks to keep the mind sharp. Peeling out of the gully right and up a bank then offered you a 100 deg left hand turn around a tree. A short run across a camber then fired you into a rutted gully which needed commitment of throttle and line to emerge clean. I think each run took the odd dab from me but a great challenging section which was well thought out.

Geoff looked after Section 6 and this was my nemesis. I have always attested to people who ask  me about this sport that approaching a section is probably a blend of 60% technique and 40% mental attitude and when the section is slightly outside of your comfort zone, that 40% can really come into play. When I first walked this section my mind immediately said “five”. I did not like the second obstacle. After entering off a high bank into the stream you were presented with a 90 degree right turn to fire up what (in my mind) was a formidable bank.  So what did I do? First lap I pushed the boundaries of the route (literally) and instead of using the gully tried to capitalise on the opposite bank and using a wider arch to approach the climb. Needless to say my mind said “no” and I locked the rear wheel dropping in for an immediate 5. Lap 2 I walked the section again, watched a few riders and elected for a well planted dab to make the turn in the gully and ended up with what in my mind was an acceptable 2. The bank was not actually that formidable! The next 2 laps offered acceptable scores but has planted a seed in my mind of a scenario that in my next practice session I need to master.

This was a great way to finish off the year and as always a big thanks have got to go out to the landowners, organisers, club officials and observers.

Don’t forget that our next event is on Sunday 15th January 2017  at Carrog Isa. This is the first round of the 2017 Club Championship.

Top Places:

Pre 65 Elite: Kev Ellis, BSA (26); Colin Fray, DOT (33)

Pre 65 50/50: Gary Shaw, Triumph (2); Roly Jones, Ariel (3); Paul Cook, DOT (7)

Pre 65 Clubman: Adrian Kent, Sprite (7); Roger Smith, BSA (7); Peter Cocking, BSA (9)

Twinshock Elite: Stephen Knight, Yamaha (19); Danny Littlehales, Fantic (19); Julian Price, Fantic (31)

Twinshock 50/50: Ian Emery, Ossa (18); Steve Blackburn, Montesa (27); Jeremy Sutton, Ossa (33)

Twinshock Clubman: Peter Elvidge, Bultaco (20); Keith Gush, Yamaha (23); Karl Kavanagh, Fantic (28)

Twinshock Beginner: Craig Fowler, Yamaha (47)

AC Mono 50/50: Gordon Wilson, Honda (9); Paul Cartwright, Beta (25); Martin Powell, Honda (30)

AC Mono Clubman: Neil Francis, Aprilla (10); Steve Blaxall, Fantic (35); Andy Steele, Yamaha (45)

AC Mono Beginner: Pete Thomas, Fantic (15); Chris Matthews, Fantic (92)

Modern Mono Elite: Vincent Brett, Beta (31)

Modern Mono 50/50: Declan Marsden, GasGas (26)

Modern Mono Clubman: Ken Willians, Montesa (21); Steven Creaser, GasGas (22); Mark Bill, Honda (22)

Modern Mono Beginners: Pete Rainsford, Montesa (32)

Class Breakdown:

Pre 65 – 24
Twinshock – 16
A/C Mono – 9
Modern Mono – 11

Elite – 8
50/50 – 22
Clubman – 23
Beginner – 7

Event Report – Pen Y Graig (Oct 16)

Event report by Rob Sloggett and Paul Owen

Sunday 16th October saw Aqueduct Classics return to its Championship round after hosting a very successful event for the Kia Twinshock series. A fantastic turnout of Pre 65 and Twinshock bikes where 58 riders enjoyed a damp but warming days competition. The 21 Pre 65’s were joined by 16 twinshocks, 9 Air Cooled Monos and 12 modern Monos. The Clubman route was the most popular of the day with 28 bikes contesting this class and a further 20 in the 50/50 group. 6 Experts and 4 Beginners made up the final totals.

This month’s reports is contributed to by Rob Sloggett (Twinshock 50/50 class) and Paul Owen (Pre-65 50/50 class).

In an interesting twist, it was great to see Allan Seedhouse on a fully electric adult size trials bike mixing it with the pre-65’s. Who would have thought that 50 years of development would take us this far? Well done Allan for your 21 mark score on the Mono Clubman class.

Paul Owen (50/50) – BSA Bantam “Bessie” Rigid

It was a miserable wet start to the day but seeing all the regular friendly faces and the smell of burning oil fumes soon made you forgot about it.

Section 1 was a double step incline, around a tree to the left followed by a slippy off cambered steep bank up around some trees and a steep drop out to the exit. Section 2, you would climb a bank on loose stones, around a left hander on a camber, down the bank into a left hand steep climb then back down to another short off cambered bank with a very trick sharp right hand turn to the exit gate. Section 3 was my most enjoyable section, you dropped into a big bomb hole and climbed out to turn right down another bank and a left hand slippy off cambered climb and drop back into the gully and a slippy routed bank , sharp right turn back down over some rocks and climb back up the other side to a left turn exit.

Section 4 was a uphill climb over roots then a drop back down a bank to a steep drop and up a short bank, over a fallen tree to a drop back down the bank and a tight right up hill exit gate. Section 5 was in the open and in the rocky part of the quarry, with 2 steepish up hill banks then drop back down to a 2nd gear rocky climb and a foot high rock step at the top of the bank. It might not have been that big of a step but on the rigid framed bantam it felt bigger. Section 6 was a proper hard section and on the rocky ground, between trees an off camber bank to another rocky section and up to the exit gate. Section 7 didn’t suit the rigid as it had to many big rocks but it was a muddy start over a few rocks, a left hand turn over some bigger rocks, and a right hand turn into a tricky rock left hander that claimed many riders attacking the slippy run to the exit gate.

Section 8 was heading back down the old quarry with a steady climb over some roots and rocks. You turned right across a flat section to a left then sharp right turn down an off cambered bank then to the exit. Section 9 was similar to 8 to ride, but a down hill start to a right turn, back up the bank to a left drop out and exit gate. Section 10 started between some trees and a drop down then a climb up the opposite banking, around a tree to a left-handed drop, then a right left off camber exit and then back around to start the following lap.

I think it was a great trial and all the competitors enjoyed it.

Rob Sloggett (50/50) – Yamaha TY

It was so nice to get back on the bike after a prolonged break. A puncture in June gave me a DNF and having observed in the Kia Round last month it has been 4 months since my last competitive ride. And boy did it show!

My first lap was nothing short of a disaster with  missed flags and basic errors quickly tallying up the start of a high score for me. Needless to say, after the first lap I put my brain in gear, rewalked every section and the final 3 laps at least gave me something to be more pleased with.

Once again, Aqueduct marked out an excellent trial with a good number of sections on the 50/50 route giving a nice blend of extra aspects to make the rider think and challenge the mind.

I think the first section that springs to mind was Section 6 (I think). If I cant remember the number I can certainly recall the entrance! A beautifully crafted first obstacle offered 3 options across a 4 ft. gate. Image an inwardly curving tree to the left, a rock the size of an average family car size wheel in the middle, or sneak past this to the right but then have to immediately turn left if you took this line. Lap 1 I went for the final option and got it totally wrong! Dabbing with my right foot as the bank dropped away as the left  hand turn beckoned, I struggled to control my speed with the front brake only as I had no access to the rear brake. Luckily a good run out allowed me to save it for a 3 but it wasn’t my finest display. Funny how things hooked up on the second lap as the same route resulted in a clean for that aspect and a silly single dab later on. The final 2 laps found the large rock dislodged and a much more favorable route presenting itself.

Section 7 was another one which took a large number of marks across 50/50 class and offered a second half that presented a really stretching level of complexity. An easy entrance turned right into a 180 degree counterclockwise loop with rocks and roots thrown in for good measure. You were then offered a second 270 loop, also counter clockwise but whilst being flat, this 3ft corridor was paved with football size boulders. Plenty of routes to try, none really worked for me!

This was a top event in a class venue and as always a big thanks have got to go out to the landowners, organisers, club officials and observers.

Don’t forget that our next event is on Sunday 6th November at Nant Ucha Farm. This is our Annual Charity event with the proceeds going to a number of chosen charities.

Top Places:

Pre 65 Elite: Kev Ellis, BSA 350 (39)

Pre 65 50/50: Gary Shaw, BSA C15 250 (7); Phil Alderman, BSA 250 (8); Paul Owen, BSA Bantam 175 Rigid (18)

Pre 65 Clubman: Peter Cockins, BSA 250 (1); Roger Smith, BSA 250 (2); Jon Flower, BSA C15 250 (4)

Pre 65 Beginner: Keith Lloyd, Drayton Bantam (1); Stephen Johnson, BSA Bantam (26)

Twinshock Elite: Danny Littlehales, Fantic 200 (23); Stephen Knight, Yamaha 175 (56)

Twinshock 50/50: Jeremy Sutton, Ossa 350 (31); Jed Downes, Honda TLR200 (32); Steve Blackburn, Montesa 349 (47)

Twinshock Clubman: Stephen Collinson, Fantic 300 (1); Mark Blackwell, Honda TLR200 (2); John Sowden, Bultaco 340 (8)

AC Mono Elite: Terry Musgrave, Honda TLR 200 (44)

AC Mono 50/50: Paul Cartwright, Beta 260 (34)

AC Mono Clubman: Neil Francis, Apprilla TX311M (1); Steven Blaxall, Fantic 212 (2); Richard Osbourne, Aprilla (3)

AC Mono Beginner: Pete Thomas, Fantic 155 (14)

Modern Mono Elite: Declan Marsden, GasGas 125 (102)

Modern Mono 50/50: Alec Roberts, GasGas 300 (18); Andrew Dean (35)

Modern Mono Clubman: Ken Williams, Beta 250 (5); Jim Marsden, GasGas 200 (8); Richard Corbett, Beta Rev3 250 (12)

Modern Mono Beginners: Connie Jones, Beta Rev3 125 (25)

Class Breakdown:

Pre 65 – 21
Twinshock – 16
A/C Mono – 9
Modern Mono – 12

Elite – 6
50/50 – 20
Clubman – 28
Beginner – 4

Event Report – Plas Onn (Jun 16)

Event report by Rob Sloggett & Mark Gaskell

Sunday 5th June saw Aqueduct Classics put on another fantastic Pre 65 and Twinshock Trial where 53 riders enjoyed a warm and dry days competition. The 16 Pre 65’s were joined by 17 twinshocks, 8 Air Cooled Monos and 12 modern Monos. The Clubman route was the most popular of the day with 19 bikes contesting this class and a further 17 in the 50/50 group. 10 Experts and 7 Beginners made up the final totals.

This month’s reports is contributed to by Rob Sloggett (Twinshock 50/50 class) and Mark Gaskell (Pre-65 50/50 class).

Mark Gaskell (50/50) – Triumph Tiger Cub

I’m not normally that keen on riding in hot weather, but as I’d made some adjustments to the Tiger Cub, I was looking forward to trying it out.

Plas Onn is a superb venue for trials and a new area of the land was being tested, with four sections a good few minutes ride away. This involved three field margins, a green lane, and a tarmac driveway, with fabulous views over the North Wales countryside to distract you. Pity I’d forgotten my camera!

The team had cleverly set all the sections to be under trees, keeping riders and observers alike away from the decidedly un-Welsh sunshine. I was riding the pre 65 green, or inter route, in the company of my good friend Tim Godsmark on his C15 BSA, out celebrating his wedding anniversary.

Sections one to three were familiar, set in the stream at the corner of the rear of the farm. Each had subtle twists on previous trials to keep it fresh. I was pleased to clean all these, finding the Cub a lot easier to manage now that the forks had oil in them! Section four was a new one, an off camber slalom on fresh grass over plenty of roots. The baking sun made it relatively simple to clean, if you kept control.

After the top gear blest (25mph in my case) over to the new area, section five took a serpentine course on a steep, grassy slope. Easy to get wrong when you are desperately trying to find the rear brake pedal!

Section six started with a steep downhill to a tight turn around a tree. First lap I came to an undignified halt when I misread how little grip there was and fived. The other three laps needed a dab apiece to keep me moving and on through the rest of the section.

Section seven looked far worse than it turned out. The start looked like it would have very little grip, when in fact we cut through to rock almost immediately. A right then left to a narrow muddy ledge, then left and right down a step to the finish. I was pleasantly surprised to clear it on lap one, and only lost a silly dab later in the day when I wobbled at the exit.

Section eight again had far more grip than it looked, so was relatively easy to get through, as evidenced by my four cleans.

Returning to the farm by the fields and lanes which we rode out on brought us to my nemesis, section nine. Climbing up a streambed, we turned right out of the stream, then left and back across and up the opposite bank. Or we would, if we had the skill and throttle control to do so! I was sadly lacking in both, and gained a maximum score of four fails, with varying degrees of severity. Then watching one of the other riders clean it almost effortlessly added insult to injury!

Section ten was being observed by the aforementioned Tim Godsmark’s wife, Ange, coincidentally also out celebrating her wedding anniversary! I helped her celebrate by charging across the off camber roots of her section with much noise and drama for three cleans, then going off line on the last lap and getting far too intimate with a tree. She didn’t laugh. Much.

A superb day, many thanks again to the team at Aqueduct Classics, the observers, the land owner, and anyone else who had a hand in it.

Rob Sloggett (50/50) – Yamaha TY

I supposed its unusual for an event report to be completed by someone who ended up as a DNF but as I got a lap and a half in before experiencing my first ever puncture in all of my years competing (running repair kit now purchased and will be in the car for the next competition after a weekend of practicing tube changes to F1 team standard).

Having just had the engine on the TY rebuilt this event was as much as a shakedown ride as well as a championship round for me and that is never good as on lap one I was paying more attention to the engine note and getting use to the extra cc’s after the rebore than my line in the sections!

But what about the event, well Mark has already sung the praises of the new sections and I think the team did a great job of starting to explore some new terrain that complimented the normal high level of stream sections common to this venue.

Sections 1 to 3 are always killers. At the Intermediate level, they have just enough complexity in the gullies to keep you occupied with the bank elements giving just enough variety to not make it just a blast up the stream.

The area around Section 9 and 10 has been a common staple now and the team did an excellent job with Section 9 giving an exit that really stretched this class. This gave the day a real balance as this class is the stepping stone into the Elite group and every now an then an obstacle that challenges but is not dangerous gives the riders that opportunity to learn and develop. This section took a total of 211 marks off of 16 riders (ave 13 per rider) and almost 50% of this routes total score across all bike types. Only 7 out of the 13 riders in the Inter group took maximum marks on this section.

The new sections were a good development by using a set of banks with varying terrain (which included loose boggy ground, grass and stoney gullies) and I am really looking forward to seeing how the Clerk of the Course and his team develop this potential for future events.

We now have a summer break as our next competition is a two day event on the 17th and 18th September at Carrog Isa. Saturday will be our normal Championship event whilst Sunday, we will be hosting a round of the Kia National Twinshock Championship for the second year running. As always we would like to take this opportunity to thank the land owners, club officials, observers and the catering team for giving everyone such a greats days competition.

Top Places:

Pre 65 Elite: Peter Edwards, BSA Bantam (18); Russ Jones, Triumph Twin (20)

Pre 65 50/50: Jim Pickering, BSA Bantam (5); Steve Walker, Francis Barnett (14); Mike Butler, BSA Bantam (19)

Pre 65 Clubman: Graham Miller, Triumph Tiger Cub (3 FC); Jon Flower, BSA (3); Terry Lloyd, Triumph Tiger Cub (4)

Pre 65 Beginner: David Beddoes, OK Supreme (6)

Twinshock Elite: Colin Leese, Chase TY (8); Stephen Knight, Yamaha TY (30); Martin Roberts, Fantic (39)

Twinshock 50/50: Adrian Kent, Bultaco (2); Ian Emery, Ossa (7); Chris Kent, Bultaco (13)

Twinshock Clubman: John Sowden, Bultaco (8); Karl Kavanagh, Fantic (5); Keith Gush, Yamaha TY, (21)

AC Mono Elite: Jerry Hawker, Honda (5); Tony Gush, Honda (12); Terry Musgrave, Honda (24)

AC Mono 50/50: Gordon Wilson, Honda (25 FC); Paul Cartwright, Beta (25);

AC Mono Clubman: Neil Francis, Aprilla (9);

Modern Mono Elite: Christopher Dean, Jotagas (32)

Modern Mono 50/50: Declan Marsden, GasGas (27); Liam Marsden, GasGas, (69)

Modern Mono Clubman: Patrick Forde, Beta (7); Steven Creaser, GasGas (8); Jim Marsden, GasGas (14)

Modern Mono Beginners: Wayne Francis, Sherco (26 FC; Harley Lewis, Beta (26)

Class Breakdown:

Pre 65 – 16
Twinshock – 17
A/C Mono – 8
Modern Mono – 12

Elite – 10
50/50 – 17
Clubman – 19
Beginner – 7

Event Report – Nant Ucha (Feb 16)

by Paul Owen, Geoff and Jan Jones

A delayed start to the 2016 season as a result of respecting our kind landowner’s wishes of protecting the venues after the heavy January storms resulted in Round 1 of the 2016 series kicking off at Nant Ucha on Sunday 14th February.
Cupid was certainly in the air as 86 riders took the love of their lives out for a day’s competition. What more could a pre-65 or twin shock classic ask for apart from a gallon of fuel, 40 sections and an owner fuelled up on hot steaming team and bacon rolls from Chris De Burgers catering!
Oh by the way, those modern lasses also turned up in good numbers so the speciality teas sold quite well along with the jambon et fromage croissants.
This month’s report is kindly contributed to by Paul Owen (50/50 Route) and Geoff and Jan Jones (Observers Section 5).

Intermediate (50/50) Green Route – Paul “Moz” Owen (Rigid Bantam)

Section 1 and 2 were similar as you stopped into a rocky downstream with a few turns and a tricky exit. Section 3 and 4 were up stream but 4 was a slippery uphill bank then dropping back into the stream for a challenging 2nd part to that section, up an ever changing slippy rocky exit.

Section 5 was shorter but was a tight left turn up a steep bank to turn across wet roots and a steep drop out on more slippy conditions. Section 6 was a longer, bigger version of 5 with an off camber middle section, a long slippy drop out that you could easy lock the front end up and taste the welsh soil, then you crossed the stream, up a bank to section. You were greeted there with a tight Uphill S-bend and drop into a muddy downhill and around an up turned tree roots to the exit, then back across the stream for section 8 and 9.

Section 8 had you back in the stream, up a bank with loads of grip, you dropped back into the water for a step-up the back onto the bank to the exit, section 9 was back in the stream, around a few large rocks and a challenging exit across slippy green rocks then tree routes to the exit gate. You then followed the markers to the top of the stream and stopped down a bank to start section 10. Here you had to cross the stream again to a rocky slippy channel that kicked the bike all over the place, across the water again to a steep exit out, then it was out the woods, across the field and back to section 1.

It is a great venue to ride and all the sections were very rideable, slippy but safe and nothing dangerous. Sections 4, 9 and 10 being the most challenging for me on the rigid bantam, but with great company from 80+ competitors, it made for a great day out, roll on Round 2!

An observer’s view at section 5 – Geoff & Jan Jones

We were all blessed with a fine but cold day for our first trial of 2016 at Nant Ucha Farm, the sections had been eased off albeit slightly due to the threat of an impending snowstorm, which in the end did not materialise.

The white route which although it appeared to be quite an easy line, tightened up rather sharply through a muddy slot with hidden roots at right angles to the slot just before the exit, which I think caught several competitors out breathing a sigh of relief after relaxing for the end gate.

Yellow route had a slight climb around a tree with a ninety right downhill, to exit the same way as the whites, which obviously being on the brakes downhill and across the aforementioned tree roots, caught out the unwary with one or two slips, and curses just before the exit gate.

As for the intermediates and experts their job was vastly more difficult obviously, with a sharp left around a tree with exposed shiny roots, a steep slippery climb crest the bank with another sharp right around a tree at the top, to drop back down sharply. Whilst that was it more or less for the intermediates, they had a short run out to the exit. The experts then we’re routed back up another sharp slippery climb to crest the bank again, with a sharp right and a drop off to run to the exit, which was designed to rob the unwary of marks. I think the overall impression was of a highly successful trial, according to comments that we received from a good selection of riders on the day, with good flowing sections, just difficult and technical enough to be challenging but totally rideable .

As always we cannot close an event report without thanking the club officials, volunteers, observers, land owners and catering team who allow us each month to keep our bike engines spinning and (in some cases) our feet on the pegs. Whilst we cannot promise a valentines theme next month, it would be great to see you on the 6th March at Plan Onn, Selattyn.

Top Places:

Pre 65 Elite: Chris Gascoigne, Francis Barnett (5); Jack Butterworth, Triumph Twin (6); Russ Jones, Francis Barnett (7)
Pre 65 50/50: Roly Jones, Dot (9); Harry Lyons, BSA Bantam (11); Steve Walker, Francis Barnett (14)
Pre 65 Clubman: Jon Flower, BSA C15 (10); Terry Lloyd, Triumph Tiger Cub (16): Tim Godsmark, BSA (37)

Twinshock Elite: Danny Littlehales, Fantic (15); Martin Roberts, Yamaha (21); Oliver Foulke. Majesty (22)
Twinshock 50/50: Garry Shaw; Bultaco (16); Rob Jones, Honda (22); Ian Emery, Ossa (24)
Twinshock Clubman: John Sowden, Honda (14); Martin Johnson, Bultaco (15); Karl Kavanagh, Fantic (24)
Twinshock Beginner: Pete Thomas, Yamaha (67)

A/C Mono Elite: Phil Hulme, Yamaha (21)
A/C Mono 50/50: Alex Barrie, Honda (8); Gaz Thomas, Yamaha (17), Gordon Wilson, Honda (19)
A/C Mono Clubman: Neil Francis, Aprilla (17); Andy Steele, Yamaha (20); Steven Blaxall, Fantic (61)

Modern Mono Elite: Robert Wilde, Gas Gas (9); Owen Edwards, Montesa (10); R Beddoes, Beta (12)
Modern Mono 50/50: Philip Clarkson, Beta (11); Jim Droughton, Montesa (17); Alec Roberts, Gas Gas (20)
Modern Mono Clubman: Mark Bill, Honda (3); P Hempkins, Beta (8); Ken Williams, Montesa (20)
Modern Mono Beginner: Andrew Dean, Gas Gas (43); Jonathon Hayes, Gas Gas (54)

Class Breakdown:

Pre 65 – 24
Twinshock – 24
A/C Mono – 9
Modern Mono – 26

Elite – 23
50/50 – 27
Clubman – 28
Beginner – 5