A wet day can sometimes put people off, as they open their curtains on the morning of a trial, see the rain hammering down and think “OK, that looks worse than that trip to Ikea I have been promising the other half, so best get that out the way today”. Well the 71 riders who chose not to visit that well know Swedish flatpack retailer and fine purveyor of meatballs and gravy were treated to a great event once the weather settled down.
It was nice to see the highest count of bikes being Pre 65’s with 24 bikes being rolled out. This was closely followed up by 14 Twinshocks, 10 Pre 96 Air Cooled Monos, 6 Pre 2000 Water Cooled Monos and finally 17 Modern Monos.
It was also great to see 11 Expert riders distributed across all of the classes and 3 Novice riders (2 of which are in the Twinshock class so some great grass roots stuff coming through). That was capped off by 27 Clubman and 30 Intermediate riders closing the tally off.

Michael Jones – Expert / Pre 65
I do love the rivers of Plas Onn. I felt brave/stupid to try the Expert route on my Tiger Cub for a bit of entertainment and to bring up the numbers of old bikes of which there was loads and lovely to see/hear. It went better than expected for me as the bike is a budget pre65 and it’s safe to say the bike didn’t find it as enjoyable as me. I enjoyed the variety of sections.
Wendy’s section meandering up the hill was an interesting new one that looked easy but kept picking off marks from me. Section 10 had a tasty/slippy climb out of the river, up some reeds that was tough to start and got harder as it went on due to the weather.
I enjoyed the difficulty of Russ’s section with the rock step and slippery turns. I found all the sections really flowed for an expert route which was great for the older bikes. Just need to gear mine right as the clutch took a beating. It was lovely to be back at the trials after a tough couple of months and it was so enjoyable, it’s much more a family, than a group of individual riders. Bring on the next one.
Stephen Harding – Clubman / Modern Mono
So here we are at this great venue again, first of all a big thanks to everyone involved for setting up the sections, and huge thanks to all the observer’s for giving up there Sunday and putting up with the weather and us riders.
We got there early to help out with setting up the welcome/parking for the first hour or so. It was pouring down so we tried to keep as dry as possible, welcoming all the smiling riders, a decent brew and a bacon butty off Chris De -burger was the order of the day .
There was one noticeable smiley face missing, Gordon, I can’t remember a trial he hasten observed over the last 4 years that I’ve been riding, we wish him all the best and a speedy recovery.
Anyway here are a few of my favourites of the day, altho they were all spot on as usual.
We started on section 4: You start off from the bank and drop down into the stream and turn left on to the very slippery rocks before going up steam. A bit of a step up over 2 large rocks then keep going before a tight left out on to the left bank into the now wet very slippy grass. Along the bank and tight left over a hidden tree root and out of the section.
Section 7: You start off from the top of the bank (avoiding the electric fence), haha, drop a bit of a right down the off camber slippery slope into the stream and straight away back up and over a bit of a step back out onto the opposite side. Then a bit of a left before heading along the top of the bank onto the now wet very slippy grass then drop back into the rocky stream and between two trees before a tight right back out over a step back on to the bank turning right on the wet slippy grass and out ,
Section 9: You start off on some slippery rocks in the middle of the stream and into the section through the start gate and over some good sized very loose rocks towards the large stop up choosing left or right for the best route. Then back on to more slippy rocks in the stream, head left a bit and and out of the water onto the left bank, over some rocks and roots, past a tree then back down into the stream and over even more loose rocks before heading up and out of the section.
Just a few of my favourites of the day a bit hard to choose from as all were spot on.
A big thanks to everyone involved the observer’s and land owner for letting us use the venue, not forgetting Chris deburger for keeping us fed and watered. Overall I really enjoyed the day, thanks aqueduct team once again, cheers ,..
Ian Emery – Clubman / Air Cooled Mono
I always look forward to Plas Onn and Sunday’s comp didn’t disappoint. The weather was somewhat changeable with torrential downpours as we arrived and signed on, quickly changing to sunshine for a while before more rain during laps 3 and 4. Cooled me down but made a couple of sections more slippy. Here’s a few of my favourites.
Section 3: Shaded by leafy trees this section wound its way up the hillside snaking between various trees on the way up. The tricky bit for me was the beginning slalom style climb with a nasty slippy root just where you needed to be to keep a straight line and not lose momentum. There wasn’t much grip so a balance of throttle and speed was crucial. Managed to wriggle out 4 cleans without running over Russ or Nick who was busy taking photos of us all. Thanks Nick!
Section 4: Always a challenge this one. Started at the lower part of the stream and climbed gently to the nasty bit where there was a choice of 2 obvious lines. Left of the big rock in the middle, over a couple of slippy roots with a really slippy one at the top which could slide the rear out making the tight left turn even tighter, or right of the rock over more roots but the embankment could catch the front and impede progress. I watch a couple of riders struggle on both routes so chose a fast line straight up the middle over the rock using 2nd gear to gain speed and grip but I was to enthusiastic and was lucky to get away with a big dab as I struggled to get the front wheel down for the turn. Managed to wriggle up the left hand route for cleans on following laps.
Section 5: A typical Plas Onn stream section. A twisting , uphill climb against the flow of the stream. The route was littered with slippy rocks, loose rocks, and rocks that were both slippy and loose as well as big rocks that could stop you dead if you caught them with your front. Difficult balance of body weight here putting enough over the front to stop it pushing out on the turns whilst keeping enough weight over the back to enable some grip and therefore forward motion. The section was a series of swooping left/right/left/right turns all the way to the end cards with final left being the hardest. I had a massive 1 on lap1 then 0,1,0 for the remainder. Very happy with that.
Section 10: I struggled with this one. On entering the section you took an immediate left up the slippy climb with even slippier roots criss crossing it. A 180° right followed quickly by a drop back down to cross the stream and approach the double climb on the far bank. I cleaned the rooty climb surprising easily first lap but then got in trouble on the climb out as I hadn’t realised how far up the end cards were and I underestimated my speed and needed a dab as I went through them which Mr Hempkins wasn’t going to miss. Second and third lap I got spooked by the roots which I’d cleaned earlier. Too slow on lap2, too fast on lap3 both times needing a 2, and then a slack 1 on the final lap. Half my day’s total score was lost here.
All 10 sections needed care, some more than others. I enjoyed the challenge and finished the day with a big smile – and that’s what counts Thanks again to all involved for making it possible especially the observers who braved the sideways rain and to Wendy for the coffee and walnut cake at sign-on. That was some cake
Richard Webster – Expert / Pre 2000 Water Cooled
Plas Onn Dec 2021 was my first trial with the club, and it’s a venue I have never really enjoyed – probably because the weather always seems to be against you and when we arrived on Sunday it was no exception.
After the usual meet and greet, sign-on and visit to CDB, a couple of us congregated in the back of my van, talking rubbish and praying for the rain to stop. By 1030 we were in luck, so it was time to fuel up, lube the chain and check that the bike started – all good. Then pull the tailgate down and get drenched by the waterfall that had formed whilst parked up – great start to the day, soaked before the first section.
As usual, my nemesis Chris Garlick arrived about 15 mins before the start and still had to sort his bike out and go through his usual pre-trial routine – we call it “fannying around”. After cleaning off a leaky fork leg, applying a few cable ties to hold various bits of his bike together and moaning about being on the wrong bike (Vol 6, page 4) we set off to start at Elwyn’s section 6.
Russ and the team had been out in typical Welsh summer weather the day before, you know the type – grey skys, howling winds and horizontal rain. With this in mind the sections had been set slightly on the easier side of what we would normally experience.
So a fairly easy start got us under way and onto the “waterfall” of section 7. I didn’t see a need to point out the electric fence at the top of the climb for Chris, if he’s too lazy to walk it then that’s his problem – watching him nearly do a Steve McQueen over it with his over enthusiastic riding was hilarious from where I was sat.
Section 8……now then. Blue on the left, red on the right for experts. I managed this every lap, just saying, Chris
The final section at the top of the stream gradually got worse as the day progressed with a boggy climb and off-camber exit catching a few out.
Sections 1-3 up on the grassy hillside made a change from the norm, poor old Dave on section 1 must have been soaked on the most exposed part of the trial. Wendy on Section 2 had some tricky loose turns which got more difficult as the field passed through, those who had benefited from one of her cakes finding those few extra calories helping with traction.
Russ and Sue (plus Rosie) kept an eye on the tricky little section 3, for the expert route the final turn right and up the bank tested a few.
Down the bottom field was Ian on section 4, a nice little twisty section in and out of the gulley which then took us over to what I thought was the trickiest section of the day – certainly the one with the longest queues. For the experts a couple of steps up and down the bank and back and forth across the stream led to the exit up and across some loose rocks, this was where I nearly dropped a mark on the last lap when final section nerves got to me.
I finished on a clean sheet, something I have managed only a handful of times in my trials career. Yes the sections were on the easy side for a few of us, and yes I was riding a “modern” pre-2000 water boiler. After 3 years of riding a Fantic 300 at these trials it’s a much easier ride on the 315, but next year it will be a return to an older machine as I feel the need to add another bike to the collection.
As usual, a few of us and most of the Aqueduct team visited the local pub for a couple of refreshments to relive our best and worst rides, mock our mates and continue the traditional post-ride shenanigans.
I love these trials and the “family” that has been created by the Aqueduct Team and its members. So a big thank you to everybody involved including the landowners who allow us to play on their land, Chris de Burger for the food and drink, and Chris Garlick for keeping me entertained with his continual mental games. Better luck next time pal.
Mark Gaskell – Intermediate / Pre 65
Sunday morning at Plas Onn, and typical weather for July. Heavy rain.
Russ assured us that the sections had been set out with rain in mind, so Mark Newman and I set off in matching waterproofs on not quite matching twin cylinders.
After one lap the waterproofs went back in the van, so when the rain came again we got wet.
Sections 1 & 2 clean.
Section 3 (Russ) looked innocent enough, but the uphill slalom tuned out to be my nemesis. Mindful of two roots across the line, I gingerly rode over them, only for forward motion to cease as I tried to take the left turn. Somewhat surprised, I had to paddle to regain momentum, but the rest of the section went ok. Next lap I noticed a root in line with the track, and thought that was what I had spun out on. I rode to one side of it, and spun out again! On lap three Russ pointed out where I was going wrong, and I managed to clean it. On lap four, I managed to get past the left turn without incident, only to lose it completely on the next element for a 5!
Section 4 clean, and very pleased with it!
Section 5 all about momentum. If you kept it, you got through. 5,0,3,0.
Section 6 clean.
Section 7 a silly dab on lap one, and an even sillier 5 on lap four when my arms wouldn’t work
Section 8 clean
Section 9 two completely unnecessary 5’s.
Section 10 did too many things wrong on different laps, only getting it right at the end! 5,2,5,0
Despite being the highest scoring intermediate, I really enjoyed the trial. My lack of “bike time” showed up on lap four, when keeping the Triumph pointed in the right direction became a real struggle.
Huge thanks to organisers and observers, for standing out in the rain so we can ride.
Before we move into the usual stats, we have to close by once again say a huge thankyou to the club team for all of the effort they put in over the preceding months to make this happen, the observers for still taking the time to support and the land owner as always.
Top Places
Pre 65
- Expert – Jim Hough, Triumph (9); Tony Gush, DOT (12); Kev Ellis, BSA (52)
- Intermediate – Adrian Kent, Drayton Villiers (11); Phil Alderman Triumph (12); Robin Foulkes, Francis Barnett (13)
- Clubman – Stephen Leyshon, James (14); Tim Lewis, Matchless (15); Damian Morey, Triumph (18)
- Novice – No riders
- Expert – Paul Smart, Fantic (19); Jack Lycett, Fantic (32)
- Intermediate – Jim Williams, Honda (2); Dave Wood, Montesa (6); Dave Pengilley, Kawasaki (12)
- Clubman – Oliver Barker, Bultaco (8); Phil Cottiga, Honda (9); Gary Holt, Fantic (10
- Novice – Paul Beswick, Ossa (5); Allan Thomas, Fantic (6)
Air Cooled Pre 96 Mono
- Expert – Peter Ruscoe, Honda (2); Andrew Williams, Beta (25)
- Intermediate – Ian Tracey, Ossa (8); David Matthews, Yamaha (8); Steven Blaxall, Fantic (36)
- Clubman – Ian Emery, Gas Gas (12); Paul Corfield, Yamaha (15); Neville Kirkham, Yamaha (35)
- Novice – No riders
Pre 2000 Water Cooled Mono
- Expert – Richard Webster, Montesa (0); Chris Garlick, Honda (3); Mike Jones, Gas Gas (27)
- Intermediate – Alec Roberts, Montesa (7); Mike Smith, Montesa (12)
- Clubman – Marcus Greer, Beta (27)
- Novice – No riders
Modern Mono
- Expert – No riders
- Intermediate – Michael Warburton, Vertigo (10);Steve Downe, Beta (22); Elwyn Beedles, Beta (23)
- Clubman -Ken Williams, Beta (10); Martin Speed, Electric Motion (17); Martin Howard, Montesa (21)
- Novice -Matthew Willcocks, Sherco (19)
Observer List
1 – Dave
2 – Wendy
3 – Sue, Russ and Rosie
4 – Ian
5 – Brian
6 – Elwyn
7 – Ffion
8 – Jeff
9 – Mark
10 – Paul
Bikes Classes
- Pre 65 – 24
- Twinshock – 14
- Air Cooled Mono – 10
- Pre 2000 Mono – 6
- Modern Mono – 17
Route Classes
- Expert – 11
- Intermediate – 30
- Clubman – 27
- Novice – 3
Pre 65
- Ariel – 1
- BSA – 8
- Dalesman Puch – 1
- DOT – 1
- Drayton – 2
- Francis Barnett – 1
- James – 2
- Triumph – 8
- Bultaco – 3
- Fantic – 5
- Honda – 3
- Kawasaki – 1
- Montesa – 1
- Ossa – 1
Air Cooled Mono
- Fantic – 1
- Gas Gas – 2
- Honda – 2
- Ossa – 1
- Yamaha – 3
Pre 2000 Mono
- Beta – 1
- Gas Gas – 1
- Honda – 1
- Montesa – 3
Modern Mono
- Beta – 7
- Electric Motion – 1
- Gas Gas – 1
- Meccatechno – 1
- Montesa – 1
- Sherco – 2
- TRS – 2
- Vertigo – 2