February was the last time that the club held an event at Plas Onn, and it was lovely to arrive in the late spring for another great visit to this fantastic venue.
84 riders enjoyed the start with 28 Pre 65’s, 21 Twinshocks, 16 AC Monos and 19 Modern Monos making up the numbers. So great to see a strong bias to the Pre 65 and Twinshock classes. Experts and Beginners accounted for 12 and 7 of the entries with Intermediates making the biggest class at 39 riders and Clubman not far behind with 26 riders. It was great to see the Pre 65 Intermediate class as the largest with 17 riders taking part.
With Plas Onn being a privately ran farm and the use of this venue being kindly offered by Barry and Sarah on a regular basis, the club took the decision to establish the Plan Onn Trophy Trial which was won by William Leigh on its inaugural outing.
William Leigh – Twinshock / Clubman
I always enjoy riding at Plas Onn, no matter what time of year it is or what the weather is doing, just riding the laps themselves is a pleasure with the stunning scenery and navigating the big hills from top
to bottom puts a smile on my face, even if the sections don’t go to plan. Last Sunday I was fortunate to have an exceptional ride on my old trusty TY. A huge thank you goes to the landowners Barry and Sarah,
and to Geoff and all the Aqueduct team and observers that always make every event a great day.
Section 1: A smooth start downhill and turn left where the rocks begin and get gradually bigger, a nice wide exit
but plenty of opportunity to hit the wrong rock and start a waggle.
Section 2:Walking up the stream bed to weigh up the section I’m met with a big rock step up, having watched a few riders take both sides of the step, I chose the right hand side as is it gave me a better line to enter
the climb on the left. The left hand line over the rocks looked easier to ride up but a tighter turn was needed to enter the climb. Once at the top and down the bank it was a fairly straightforward exit up the stream bed.
Section 3: Probably my favourite section of the day. After watching a couple of riders, it was clear a turn of speed was required to get up the first incline. Looking at the network of roots sticking out of the ground I could see a reasonably straight line through the middle of them. It’s very rare that I use second gear in any section but I decided to use second cog on this one throughout. After rolling into the section, a slight
left turn got me pointing in my desired direction, full throttle and unleash all of those raging horsepowers. The new IRC hooked up and pulled me up to the top, time for half a breath before turning right and dropping down and immediately back up as you cross the stream. Following on to the right and looking closely at the approaching transition to the steep climb up to the left. An off camber depression that threatens to let either wheel slide off line. All my weight on the right hand peg got me
pointing uphill where it was full throttle again until the gradient eased off and straight out of the section.
Section 4: A short loose climb and then right around the tree, as you dropped down to the left turn, the off camber and loose soil make getting back on the power a gentle affair, once hooked up it was an easy right and out. I had never ridden this side of Plas Onn before where sections 4 and 5 were but both good sections and a welcome change.
Section 5: Well it sounds simple, ride in a straight line and then turn up to the left and out. Total concentration at not much above tickover in 1 st gear. It started to rain just before my second attempt here which added
to the jittery nerves. Visions of losing the front and sliding off down the hill. I didn’t see anyone riding much above walking pace on this one. Turning left up the bank it looks like there is lots of room to turn
between the markers but they soon get close as you struggle to turn on the camber.
Section 6: Steep downhill entry over the big rocks and roots, try to keep everything reasonably straight before pulling right as it flattens out, left over the stream bed and weave around the rocks before a squirt of
throttle to exit up to the right. A bit slimy on the exit and both wheels weren’t quite working together here but the bank straightened me up before the exit.
Section 6.5……….The view…., did you pause to look down the valley? The sun is shining, the wind in the last of my hair, twisting the bulls ear in 4 th gear, this is the real magic.
Section 7: Traversing the bank from right to left, there was plenty of roots and bits of rocks both visible and hidden
in the grass to catch you out. A steady throttle and no sudden movements here.
Section 8: Riding up the rocky stream and turning hard left immediately before the big flat rock lined me up just right for the tight gap to exit the stream, careful not to spin up on the roots but once back on dry land it
was a right turn uphill on the grass to exit. On my second lap there was a big queue so I went and had a quick look, good job I did as the 3ft big flat rock which was my turning marker had somehow (500 or a
twin?) migrated downstream so it was turn tight around the back of the rock to line up the exit after that.
Section 9: Turn right and drop into the stream, a couple of zig zags in and out of the stream bed but the second was quite a tight line between the rocks and the bank. A bit of throttle to climb out of the stream kept
the momentum up where a few odd rocks and steps tried to knock you off line on the gradually steepening incline, once at the top it was a steady right turn in the ever increasing greasy mud and out
to the exit.
Section 10: Crossing over the stream to the opposite bank and dropping back in again, there was a few rocks in the stream to keep an eye on before exiting up onto the grass, dropping back left into the stream I found it was almost a single line to avoid some bigger rocks and keep a steady tight turning circle to the right. Once the markers came into view, a quick blip of throttle to exit the stream and out of the section.
Mark Newman – Pre 65 / Intermediate
Well after a great tribute to Barry and Sarah the land owners , the talking was done and it was now time for the riding..
Section 1 was in the gully its was prity dry but the rocks were still slippy for some reason, but steady away down into the Section and following the gully away to the left then a sharp short climb to the right out the gully up the banking and back down end cards to the right all well and good first Section nerves all gone .
Section 2, very similar but large rocks to go over as you enter the Section sharp up to the left because again steep climb up to the right out the gully and a steep drop back in …very hair raising if you have any ..as it was a nasty drop and a very quick right to get back in line for the exit…I was concerned about this drop first few times but on the last lap it had me for a 5 bike tucked on me and I went down ..as much as Dave the observer wanted me to clean it and pretend it never happened he had no choice but to give me the 5 ..
Section 3 last one in the gully well this was the hardest of the day tight n twisty and add a measure of slippy in there …watching the first few riders go through I thought Russ and Mark had got this wrong and it was way to tough..if you could make the tight turn up to the left and over the slippy roots no way could you make the tight right turn. But after watching the first 5 or so riders fail an expert who I don’t know came through slow and controlled he entered the Section on the left went as far right as you could pulled it round for a perfect line on the tree roots you a gentle throttle….no wheel spin and just made the tight right ..he then went a different way to me but cleaned the rest slow and in control….I new it was possible….my turn I kept left on entering went as far right as I could a big sweeping left turn almost back to where I was coming from perfect line for the roots gentle throttle control up the roots tight right and the Francis Barnett just gripped and pulled through I was ecstatic but only half way through ….concentrate Newman I said to myself we then turned right and dropped back into across the steam up the grassy bank big left , tight right between two trees slippy on the grass you can see the wheel spin marks but I went straight through and didn’t try tuning right until I was through pulled it right to get back on line with the last gates before the end cards straight ahead ….through for a clean ….I was amazed and so were plenty other I hadn’t seen anyone clean it on the green route even the few modern bikes who had gone struggled…it was the ride of my life and I was thrilled to say the least….I did however take a dab on the second lap 2 on the third as I did get off line a couple of inches that’s all it took and another clean on the last lap…
Stephen Harding – Modern Mono / Clubman
First of all a big thanks to everyone involved and Russ and Mark for spending their Saturday setting up the sections for us all to enjoy, A big thanks to Barry and Sarah for the use of the land and a well deserved trophy in appreciation to them for the use of Plas Onn farm, Chris Deburger for keeping us fed and watered . A huge thank you to all the observer’s for giving up there Sunday especially jeff Hughes for travelling a long way with the 2 terriers just to observe a section ,it is really appreciated.
So here are a few of my favourite sections of the day , all the sections were spot on but I seemed to struggle with one or two but had a great day any way.
Section 2, David on watch. You ride up the stream from section 1, a good way over the slippery rocks before you get to the start gate of section 2. You start off in the stream and have a choice to go left or right up a good sized step and then turn tight left on to a wet slippery bank back out of the stream and over some tricky roots and keep climbing right up the bank then drop back down into the stream and and left up stream over some slippy rocks and out of the section and carry on up stream to section 3.
Section 6 with Sue on watch. You start off from the main track and drop straight down a very steep slope on to the slippery rocks and over the slippy log that caught out many of us on the way up last time here, (a bit of a reverse section from last time here). Then drop down left and straight back up right past a large rock, back down then back up a bit and then turn tight left and drop back down into the stream and across some slippy rocks. Then a turn left and back up the stream then a tight right back up the slippy slope and out .
Sections 8, Russ on watch. You start off from the bank of the stream and drop straight into the section and up the sections over some large slippery rocks. Then keep it right and tight left round a large rock which seemed to move out of the way as the day went on, then back up a steep step back out of the stream between two trees on to the wet slippy grass. Then turn right and up the steep hill and tight left back out of the section, I dropped a good few points but had a great day, all sections were tough but well set out,
Well done to will Leigh for cleaning up and winning the Plas Onn trophy, and a huge thanks and well done to all the aqueduct team for another great trial,
Matt Duff – Twinshock / Clubman
My 3rd trial and first time riding the clubman route on my fantic 200, I was a bit apprehensive about returning to this particular venue due the very wet/difficult conditions back in February on my first ever trial which resulted in me breaking my clutch lever and not finishing but this time is was excellent.
My favourite sections were:
Section 2: Nice section in and out of the stream with a good test up over the large rocks which was challenging earlier on due to slime on the rocks.
Section 3: This section seemed to be a challenge for most especially on the green route with the tight turns up and around the tree. On the clubman route the climb up and over the roots was surprising difficult and the turn up the final climb caught me out a number of times but it was good testing section.
Section 5: This was a very deceiving section, when first walking the section I presumed it would be fairly easy but the incline combined with the very soft grass made it difficult especially the turn and final steep climb up. I did try a number of different gears but eventually decided first gear was the most suitable.
Section 8: As with section 3, this one seemed to be giving people problems especially the tight turn up and out the stream but to my surprise I managed to clean it every time which gave me a good confidence boost.
All in all a great day and my most enjoyable one to date with the added bonus of doing fairly well on the scores. Big thank you to everyone who makes the trials possible, butty van for the great burger and thanks to Mr Mark Newman for his help/advice while riding!
We now go into a short break to allow people to have a nice Summer and get their bikes ready for the Autumn and Winter phase of the Championship but before we move into the usual stats, we have to close by once again say a huge thankyou to the club team for all of the effort they put in over the preceding months to make this happen, the observers for still taking the time to support and the land owner as always.
Top Places
Pre 65
- Expert – No finishers
- Intermediate – Simon Thornley, BSA Bantam (3); Peter Edwards, Drayton Banton (9); Steve Gollings, Drayton (9)
- Clubman – Jon Flower, James (2); Steve Walker, Francis Barnett (9); Paul Brimelow, Cotton (12)
- Novice – Chris Dean, Ariel (3); Terry Lloyd, Triumph (12); Mike Phillips, BSA (37)
- Expert – Paul Smart, Fantic (17); Richard Webster, Fantic (19); Jim Williams, Honda (56)
- Intermediate – Dave Pengilley, Kawasaki (6); Tim Cuffin, Honda (9); Chris Beech, Honda (10)
- Clubman – William Leigh, Yamaha (0); Matthew Duff, Fantic (7); Elwyn Beedles, Honda (9)
- Novice – No riders
Air Cooled Mono
- Expert – Chris Garlick, Gas Gas (15); Peter Ruscoe, Gas Gas (27); Kev Ellis, Yamaha (45)
- Intermediate – Robin Foulkes, Yamaha (5); Neil Brooks, Fantic (5); Mike Jones, Gas Gas (5)
- Clubman – Stephen Richards, Yamaha (10); Steve Goode (29)
- Novice – Tony Williams, Scorpa (8)
Modern Mono
- Expert – Hayden Rainford, Montesa (99)
- Intermediate – Michael Warburton, Vertigo (9); Mike Smith (12); Peter Moor, Gas Gas (13)
- Clubman – Phil Clarkson, Beta (5); Stephen Hall, Beta (26); Stan Trojnar, Beta (30:
- Novice – Gareth Edwards, Gas Gas (10); Bradley Zyskowski, Gas Gas (12); Glyn Roberts, Montesa (23)
Observer List
Geoff, Jan, Russ, Suz, Chris, Mark, Dave, Gordon, Jeff Hughes, Elwyn,Bill
Bikes Classes
- Pre 65 – 28
- Twinshock – 21
- Air Cooled Mono – 18
- Modern Mono – 16
Route Classes
- Expert – 12
- Intermediate – 39
- Clubman – 26
- Novice – 7
Pre 65
- AJS – 1
- Ariel – 1
- BSA – 10
- Cotton – 1
- Francis Barnett – 3
- James – 1
- Starmaker – 1
- Triumph – 8
- Villiers – 1
- Bultaco – 3
- Fantic – 4
- Honda – 9
- Kawasaki – 1
- Majesty – 1
- Ossa – 1
- Yamaha – 1
Air Cooled Mono
- Beta – 1
- Fantic – 2
- Gas Gas – 5
- Honda – 1
- Scorpa – 1
- Yamaha – 4
Modern Mono
- Beta – 6
- Gas Gas – 5
- Montesa – 3
- Sherco – 1
- Vertigo – 3