Report information collated by Rob Sloggett
Sunday 17th September saw Aqueduct Classics host Round 7 of the National Kia Twinshock Championship. This has been the third year the club has hosted a round and after the first two years at Carrog Isa, this year moved to the fantastic forestry at Llanbrynmair Forest, previously used for the clubs annual Foel Y Classeur and National Bantam Championship.
A total entry card of 117 riders was distributed with 89 riders registered across the Clubman route and with the twinshock and Pre 72 classes respectfully registering 40 and 32 entries across both routes.
The venue always offers a challenging set of sections and the Aqueduct team did not disappoint this year with the streams playing a predominant part of the layout. The format of this report is made up of short soundbites and contributions from the riders and observers. We hope you enjoy reading it….
Facebook soundbites:
Proper trial, proper sections,well done everybody involved,really enjoyed it – Adrian Kent
Thanks to all the people involved with today trial, haven’t ridden any thing so hard for a long time didn’t help having a bit of an off ( well big off really) on the first section seemed a long way down from the top of the falls, landed on my hand not sure if i can open my wallet now for a few weeks – Mike Hughes
Just home from what id call the hardest trials iv ever done. It was a round of the british KIA twinshock championship. Really hard sections for me on old bessy but i tried to up my game and ride hard. Big thanks to Russell Jones and the team at aqueduct classic club for putting on a great 2 days of trials. And thanks to Mark Newman and Mark Gaskell for the company and entertainment . And to the observers for sitting at there posts allday. Hot bath and early bed for this old soldier – Paul Owen
Big thanks to all the organisers for a great trial. Thanks also to the photographers for making us look good. Enjoyable day out, I am healing slowly – Nick Boxall
I would like to thank the organizers of today’s kia round and also the observers, I started at section 12 and was soon at the stream sections which were very slippery. But what a change on the 2nd lap -grip! Great trial well worth the 3 hour drive – Steve Bisby
Riders and Observers contributions
I feel very privileged to ride at such an amazing venue. From the stunning scenery to the varied and challenging sections. The section severity was perfect for my class, each one cleanable with a good ride and in keeping with the no stop rules. Impossible to pick a favourite, although the stream sections 1 to 6 and 15 to 19 were particularly enjoyable. I hope you run a round here again – Steve Bird (Monoshock Expert)
KIA championship Foel . Set in the welsh hills this 20 miles of 40 section over 2 lap was very challenging for me on a 1949 rigid bantam but i like a challenge. All the sections were rideable and very enjoyable. Here are a few of my favourites. Section 11 looked difficult as i walked it with really tight turns and step climbs and drops. It was a uphil start with a tight right turn then left over slippy tree roots and around a tree into a deep muddy puddle then straight up a 4 metre bank with a rock half way up . Once at the top it was a tight right down a gully then a drop off into another muddy bog that led to a stoney right turn up the bank then drop back down to a immediately steep left climb between the heather then a climb to the out gate. Section 20 was a basic looking section down off the mountain road. With a steady ride down over some fallen branches that wanted to wipe the front wheel way. Then into a tight left turn and a gentle off camber rooted bank to a very steep lose dirt climb but it suited my rigid bantam ticking over in 2nd gear up to the out gate – Paul Owen (Pre 72 Britshock Clubman)
Aqueduct did nothing special, just put in sticks to natural terrain, but seeing that terrain took some planning, and did it oh so well, if you ride a trial bike you want a challenge not a {easy [ed ammended]} ride. ACC did just that – Eirian Davies (Historic Spanish Clubman)
The Foel is one of the highlights of my trials calendar, offering some superb riding and fantastic scenery with its forest and moorland setting. This year had the added bonus of being one of the rounds of the Kia National Twinshock championship to spice things up a bit. Unfortunately we were unable to make the club trial on the Saturday, but rolled up eager to go on the Sunday. My bike was running perfectly, jetting issues had been cleared up, suspension spot on, brakes were, erm, reasonable. After escorting Denise, her daughter, and her dog to the section where they were observing, I rode back to join my two riding partners for the day. Mark Newman was on a Drayton Triumph Twin similar to my own, Paul Owen on his trusty rigid Bantam. Mark and I are recent converts to the Twins, having only built them in the last few months. We are both really pleased with the way they ride, and especially the way they sound! The sections were tough, not impossible, but needing you to have brought your best riding trousers with you. It soon became apparent that mine weren’t with me today. Rather than describe each of the sections, I’ll list my scores for the first lap. Four cleans, a one, three five’s and twelve three’s. Giving an average of 2.6 per section. Not my ‘A’ game for sure, so I opted to retire and helped out at Denise’s section for the rest of the day. There is no shame in quitting, I keep telling myself, shamefully. As usual, the organisers deserve all the credit and praise that I heard bandied about for a worthy championship trial. I know they went above and beyond the call of duty to make the event work. Section setters, admin, caterers, observers, dogsbodies, thank you all. Sorry I couldn’t reward all your hard work with a decent ride! – Mark Gaskell (Pre 72 Britshock Clubman)
I take photographs of the riders and to talk to them either before or after the sections. You know when to do so and have the banter with then. I always try and catch up with as many as I can to see how they find the course. I had spoke with Jim Waters (a young lad riding a TY175 in the Historic Spanish Clubman class) who said the venue was stunning and it was a very well set out course with some technical but very challenging sections. He said the club had done a fantastic job for the Kia round, up there with the rest of the rounds as he has gone to then all – Gillian Lawson (Photographer and trials blogger)
Riding my trusty TY Yamaha in the Clubman class, here’s a selection of section reports.
Section1: What a section this was! Mainly in the river but getting down to the water was a challenge. The section opened with a gentle descent through gloopy mud which led to a choice of 3 deeps ruts in the the river bank taking you steeply down to the water. It was a drop where gravity was in full control with me hanging on in free-fall needing a long dab each time to regain some control. There followed a climb up the stream trying to keep tight to the right hand bank to avoid hidden traps of deep water, to then hit a waterfall of 2.5-3ft in height. I got up this for a 1 first lap but bounced off it backwards on my 2nd attempt. Section 3: A nice preamble up the stream with a nasty rock to the left which had to be attacked hard as to its left the water concealed a deep hole which captured many front wheels for an inevitable 5. I rode the Yam straight over the rock feet-up both times but had a slack dab right on the end cards on lap1. Section 6: Having dropped into the stream from the left bank there followed 50 yards flowing upstream across a selection of deep pools and rocks to then cut across and out onto the far bank avoiding following the tyre marks of an early rider who went the wrong side of the end cards. I plotted my route carefully but ended up riding a totally different path as each time the early rocks forced an unplanned change of direction though I still managed to hang on for 2 cleans. Section 10: Loved this one! It opened with a steep rock step of 2ft+, followed quickly by another, to then traverse a muddy bog and straight onto a steep climb which luckily retained its grip despite the mud being carried onto it. There followed a steep descent down a rock face and two careful right turns to the ends. Two cleans for me. Section 11: This started with a tight right onto a bank with a rising/ falling left turn onto a seriously steep hillclimb which at the top had a tight right around a clump of tall heather which obscured the view of the narrow path that formed the way down. At the bottom of this was a drop into a sump which I underestimated just how much it would grab the front as the forks fully compressed costing me a 2 to recover. Second lap I lifted the front a little to jump onto the far bank to remain clean. Section 12: For me, staring the trial via the second loop first, this was my first section of the day. I found it scary! A small rock step followed by a steep climb to then traverse along the top and across a root strewn camber ( I remember losing the front there on my Ossa some years ago) to then make the first of the nasty, scary turns. This was was a 90 right, sharply down the hill, the issue being a deep rut which was so difficult to get into. Two choices – keep your front high to the left and let the back drop into the rut but then the front still had to be pulled into line causing a nose dive sensation of falling, or let the front follow the rut but the back would then kick up on the heather before it followed – again gravity taking full control. I needed a big dab each time and I’m sure I had my eyes closed! Once down and control regained there was then a steep climb to a righthand U-turn back down again. You needed to keep left to open up the turn as the descent had a similar scary rut through the heather. Keeping left was almost impossible though as the camber pulled you across to the right, tightening the turn, and making the descent far more scary (eyes closed again for me). Another dab each time here but two 2s was a satisfying outcome given what could have happened. Glad it wasn’t four laps. Section13: This section circled around a muddy pond almost like a basin,starting with a steep climb to then turn left and follow the rim through a muddy root strewn bog and a 90 left around a tree to a steep descent with a sawn tree stump sticking up right where you didn’t want to to be to make the turn smoothly. The camber of the descent drew you across towards the water and a quick cross camber climb before crossing some very deep water led to the ends. I cleaned it first lap but then later got too enthusiastic on the first climb ending up overshooting into the heather and needing a big one to recover and then another one at the base of the descent somewhat annoyed with myself. Section 15: Great section this one. A drop into a narrow stream gulley from the roadside, a gentle climb over several rock steps, to a slippy 90 left and a short blast up a very greasy root covered climb and once over the summit some careful turns to a swoop up and down the bank and out. A the base of the first descent was an awkwardly placed rock which caught my front first lap and cost a few marks but second lap I held it together for a clean. Sections 16, 17 & 18. These were back to back in the stream. The first had a drop in, a nasty rock step to climb the left bank and then drop back into the stream to cross some deep water before attacking a big rock step waterfall which was like glass. I got a great line both times and rode it clean each time despite slipping everywhere when I tried to walk it. The next had a tricky entrance with a nasty rock step on the turn followed by an innocuous looking gentle climb ( which cost me a dab!) to cross the stream again to the ends. Finally 18 started with an upstream gentle climb, threading between visible rocks and deep water to attack a rock step on the edge of the left bank and onwards to the ends. A clean and a daft 1 for me.
For me Foel isn’t just about the sections themselves, the terrain in between is also a massive challenge. 4th and 5th gear blasts for miles along the forest tracks had my WES silencer so overheated the oil soaked wadding inside it set on fire, whereas some of the bog-crossing routes between sections had me almost carrying the bike. Strength sapping but an enjoyable, adrenaline fuelled day. Thanks to all who put in the work to organise, set the sections out, and of course to the observers, especially Amy who had the misfortune of a ride in an ambulance. Get well soon! – Ian Emery (Monoshock Clubman)
As usual, thanks have got to be made to the event organisers and the observers (and our best wishes to Ami following your tumble whilst observing!). I think looking at the feedback and the volume of photos taken, a simple thank you probably does not do it! Dont forget that all of the photos can be found on the Aqueduct facebook page and also on the Kia Twinshock Trials page.
Photos kindly reproduced following permission of Edward Wain, Andrea Godsmark and Gillian Lawson – https://trialsguru.wordpress.com/east-midlands-trials/
Top Places:
Twinshock Expert – Richard Allen, Honda (17); Matt Spink, Suzuki (40); Olly Wareing, Fantic (52)
Twinshock Clubman – Martin Gilbert, Honda (7); Stephen Robson, Fantic (14); Paul Cook, SWM (18)
Monoshock Expert – Steve Bird, Yamaha (10); Dan Sanders, Yamaha (14); David Carter, Gas Gas (17)
Monoshock Clubman – Colin Pedley, Yamaha (5); Gary Hawkins, Honda (8); Gary Fleckney, Honda (22)
Historic Spanish Expert – Gary Younghusband, Bultaco (29); Dave Wood, Bultaco (49); Stephen Bisby, Ossa (58)
Historic Spanish Clubman – Eirian Davies, Yamaha (10); James Waters, Yamaha (16); Chris Kent, Bultaco (26)
Pre 72 Britshock Expert – James Francis, BSA (24); Martin Stanistreet, James (57); Pete Morris, Triumph (63)
Pre 72 Britshock Clubman – Peter Edwards, BSA (7); Keith Gardner, Triumph (14); John Souch, Triumph (17)
Note: Keith Wells shows on provisional results in Twinshock Clubman but on a BSA (15 marks). Corrected classification may change the above.
1. Roger Kenton
2. Annette Cole
3. Pete Thomas
4. Karen Newman
5. Amy Newman
6. Graham Pennington
7. Tony Cartwright
8. Geoff Jones
9. Dave Williams
10. Pete Cottrell
11. Chris ( De Burger) Jones
12. Fiona Brimlow
13. Graham Miller
14. Denise Blunt
15. Ange Godsmark
16. Albert
17. Tim Godsmark
18. Gordon
19. Brad
20. Rob Goodwin
Bike Stats:
Total Enteries = 117 of which 89 were Clubman
Twinshock Expert = 9
Twinshock Clubman = 31
Monoshock Expert = 8
Monoshock Clubman = 20
Historic Spanish Expert = 5
Historic Spanish Clubman = 12
Britshock Expert = 6
Britshock Clubman = 26
Pre 72:
Ariel – 1
BSA – 17
DOT – 2
Francis Barnett – 2
James – 2
Triumph – 8
Aprilla – 1
Bultaco – 1
Fantic – 15
Honda – 12
Kawasaki – 1
Ossa – 1
SWM – 3
Suzuki – 1
Yamaha Majesty – 2
Yamaha TY – 2
Historic Spanish Twinshock:
Bultaco – 4
Kawasaki – 1
Montesa – 2
Ossa – 3
Suzuki – 2
Yamaha TY – 5
Aircooled Mono:
Beta – 2
Fantic – 5
GasGas – 2
Honda – 8
Yamaha – 11