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Event Report – Pen Y Graig 020624

Not sure why to be honest, but a beautiful day at Pen Y Graig Quarry only resulted in 62 bikes rolling up for Round 5 of the Aqueduct Classics 2024 Championship season. This is a great venue with a real range of section but for those who did make the journey it was well worth while.

18 Pre 65’s and a lower showing of only 9 Twinshocks filled the traditional classes and the mid evolution changeover bikes was 10 Pre 96 AC Monos and 5 Pre 2000 WC Monos. Up in the Modern Monos, 20 shinny hoppy machines graced the start briefing.

Experts were well represented with 5 riders ands those enjoying the lighter life of trials was 8 Novices. In the middle ranks, 22 Inters and 27 clubman gave the 10 king observers something to work with.

Nick – Observer / Section 10

Arrived at the paddock in glorious sunshine armed with bike, camera and pen ready to see where I fitted in for the day.

As it turned out it was observing Section 10 – solo, no Mentor keeping me on the path today then. Oh shoot……well something along those lines.

Early down to my section to familiarise myself with the routes, sat with a bit of shade and a little wren’s nest in the cliff behind for company.

A steady flow of riders appeared after a quiet start with the clubman and intermediate routes proving to be the most popular, yet held up well to the traffic. The last gate on the intermediate did seem to be catching a few out coming over the hump – whether the camber caught them out or were mis-sighting it. Overall, people seemed to be scoring well and enjoying themselves on all the routes. No major incidents or disasters which is just the way I like it!!!

Glad to get the first solo observing ticked off!

As always, a pleasure getting the opportunity to chat to you guys on your way through and learn a bit by watching ( how to and also how not to 😂)

The rumours regarding cake were strong again but no confirmed sightings around here🍰

Trevor Bennett – Twinshock / Novice

Been a while since I did an Acky as I could tell by the results things don’t move on too fast when you are getting things right or not as the case maybe. Jan/Geoff had me down as riding a Beta tr240 but I sold that after the Costa trial in 2021…..
I came to play on a Dalesman Puch, a long term project that has had me pulling my hair out with a misfiring motor. I really thought I had cured it and loaded it into my van to go ride a Red Rose trial on bank holiday Monday. Sadly my mother passed away on the Sunday night and it’s sat in there all week whist I attended to mothers needs. Anyway with everything in place for mum I needed some time to go and relax and saw on FB Acky are putting a trial on at my favourite hole. I think this will be my 4th visit to PEN Y GRAIG , first time probably back in 2016 I think.
Anyway the trial.

First face I meet in the field is Geoff, never changes, doesn’t need to. Greetings shared and parked up. Next up Russ. “Bloody L Trev what brings you here”. Condolences given and so it continues, Mark, Christine, Jan, Suz all making me feel welcomed back and even an offer of a dog sitter for RosieB my little Border Terrier. (cheers Russ)
As always Chris de Burger in attendance but I must say I preferred The Bappers when I first came to this place, they had a little more ‘added attraction’ to them but his food as always is excellent, thankyou.

Gear on, bike out of the van, go find the boys I was wanting to ride round with being Dave, Damien and Keith. It starts second kick which is a relief after forgetting to try it before I set off from home (remember it’s been in the van a week and ‘The meddle with it fairy’ can strike at any time).
Rider briefing done with a well honoured minutes silence for a member who’s passed away RIP fella (brought another lump to my throat) you will be missed by many it seems.

Then we are off, follow my leader out of the paddock, through the farm and tick over down the hill through the tunnel to trials playground heaven. So many sections can be made in the place it’s untrue. Park up, find the start of section 1 and do the walk, all fairly simple straight forward, what a good way to get back into the swing of things as the couple of previous trials I have attended this year haven’t gone to plan with an unreliable bike. But this time we are sorted (or so I thought) and off back to the bike. Starts first kick (nice) wait my turn, click into gear and off we go onto the bars as it jumps out of first, click back in and it jumps out again. Now my mind shoots right back to the 60s when my mum and dad bought me a Dalesman as a schoolboy scrambler and after a few months of using it that one did the same thing, jumped out of 1st. Dad said then ‘put it into 2nd and back into 1st’ well it worked then and it worked on Sunday, when I remembered.

So second attempt here we go, up a little bank along through the section turn left up hill, wack the throttle for a step to the left BUUUUH misfire, nothing in midrange but I manage to get up and out through the end cards.

Quick change of plan now, I didn’t want to marr the guys trial with my misfiring bike so I tottled off on my own so they could concentrate on their own event (after riding with them in the past I knew half their focus would be on getting me round). And so my day went, feathering the throttle in every section of every lap, having to dab on two occasions when it didn’t have the guts to get me up the banks.
I was relieved to finish I must say and was amazed at how little queueing there was ( I rode 8 sections on the trot with no queue) and was happy to sit in one for a while on the 9th.

So by 1.30 my trial was done, excellent sections, just what I needed as a confidence booster after losing my bottle after a serious injury to my shoulders a few years back. Many many thanks to Jan/Geoff, Russ/Suz, Mark/Chris and all the observers and helpers that go to make Acky trials what they are, Top Notch.

Not so much of a trials report, more of a ‘day in the life of TB’ who was so glad to get back on his bike and enjoy his time amongst friends. And to top it off I won my class, albeit the easy route, but I was concerned about riding that to begin with. Back for the next? All being well with a sorted bike after finding the points had closed up.

Thanks again guys and gals, much appreciated.
Oh but one downside I’m afraid. My little dog was dirty up to the eyeballs after running back through the tunnel chasing me back up that hill and had to go for an involuntary swim in the river before I got her home

Mike Griffiths – Observer / Section 8

Once again the quarry beconed us and yes I had a cracking section. A
tad on the long side but I made a fortune from hiring sat navs. The
sort of section easy to clean but easier to drop a mark or three.
Started a bit slippy , then grippy but reverting to slippery by the
end. The Cheshire set were in a determined mood but alas the ring
leader, Bert White had quite a spectacular dismount when the front of
his bike slid off some moss and dumped Bert un-ceremoniously by a tree.
Didn’t look too good to begin with but the gods were watching and a
battered Mr White continued. Alan Thomas’s Fantic sounded in grand form and he was steaming round. We also have a star in the making as Rian Garlic , riding a twin-shock Honda performed really well . Look out
Chris as he will be soon beating you.

Also there were some nice twin-shock bikes riding round and giving a grand display. Yes I far prefer the older bikes . Must be an age thing. There were very many smiling faces but I think it was the weather that helped there. It was also nice to hear riders complimenting the whole trial. The course plotters certainly got this one right with some grand sections and yes the sunshine certainly helped . Mind you they had all
the lemon drizzle cake and left my whistle silent in shock.

A rare occurrence for my section was a queue. Nowt to do with me it was the section length and blighters falling off in the last bit caused the
delay. Just a thought lads and if you all have 10 minutes walking,
talking and watching a section before riding , it adds one and a half
hours to the time the poor observer is standing. Just remember that
for the next trial and there is a shortage of observers.

Just a quick PS, Bert was OK, it was the carb rubbers that had a hole in and caused the bike to miss , thus locking the front wheel against a rock.. Good job the manufacturer does not make contraceptive devices…

Before we move into the usual stats, we have to close by once again say a huge thankyou to the club team for all of the effort they put in over the preceding months to make this happen, the observers for still taking the time to support and the land owner as always.

Top Places

Pre 65

  • Expert – Richard Beddoes, BSA (108)
  • Intermediate – Robin Foulkes, Francis Barnett (36); Sam Alderman, BSA (41); Phil Alderman, Triumph (53)
  • Clubman – Steve Walker, Francis Barnett (1); David Chapman, Triumph (1); Jon Flower, BSA (6)
  • Novice – Roger SMith, BSA (6); Terry Lloyd, Triumph (21)


  • Expert – No riders
  • Intermediate – Mike Smith, Honda (31)
  • Clubman – Phil Cottiga, Honda (4); Oliver Barker, Bultaco (5); Graham Pennington, Bultaco (6)
  • Novice – Trevor Bennett, Beta (2); Allan Thomas, Fantic (10); Paul Beswick, Ossa (20)

Pre 1996 Air Cooled Mono

  • Expert – Kev Ellis, Yamaha (43)
  • Intermediate -David Matthews,Yamaha (38); Ian Tracey, Ossa (53); Paul Cartwright, Gas Gas (67)
  • Clubman – Ian Emery, Gas Gas (6); Andy Steele, Yamaha (21); Paul Corfield, Yamaha (23)
  • Novice – No riders

Pre 2000 Water Cooled Mono

  • Expert – Richard Webster, Montesa (8); Chris Garlick, Honda (14); Mike Jones, Gas Gas (47)
  • Intermediate – Alec Roberts, Montesa (39)
  • Clubman – Marcus Greer, Beta (46)
  • Novice – No riders

Modern Mono

  • Expert – No riders
  • Intermediate – Michael Warburton, Vertigo (23); Jason Trumble, Vertigo (35); David Ellis, Beta (46)
  • Clubman – Martin Howard, Montesa (6); Kev Williams, Beta (15); Joe Price, Beta (15)
  • Novice – Tony Williams, Gas Gas (9); Graham Seager, Beta (27); Gordon Evans, Tenaci Wong (52)

Observer List

1 – Russ

2 – Wendy

3 – Dave

4 – Ian

5 – Gordon

6 – Jeff Jughes

7 – Brian

8 – Mike

9 – Mark

10 – Nick Shenson


Bikes Classes

  • Pre 65 – 18
  • Twinshock – 9
  • Pre 1996 Air Cooled Mono – 10
  • Pre 2000 Water Cooled Mono – 5
  • Modern Mono – 20

Route Classes

  • Expert – 5
  • Intermediate – 22
  • Clubman – 27
  • Novice – 8


Pre 65

  • Ariel – 0
  • BSA – 6
  • Drayton – 2
  • Francis Barnett – 3
  • James – 1
  • Triumph – 6


  • Beta – 1
  • Bultaco – 2
  • Fantic – 2
  • Honda – 3
  • Majesty – 0
  • Ossa – 1
  • SWM – 0
  • Yamaha – 0

Pre 1996 Air Cooled Mono

  • Aprilia – 0
  • Beta – 0
  • Fantic – 1
  • Gas Gas – 3
  • Honda – 0
  • Ossa – 1
  • Yamaha – 5

Pre 2000 Water Cooled Mono

  • Beta – 1
  • Gas Gas – 1
  • Honda – 1
  • Montesa – 2

Modern Mono

  • Beta – 8
  • Gas Gas – 3
  • Meccatechno – 1
  • Montesa – 1
  • Scorpa
  • Sherco – 1
  • Tenachi Wong – 1
  • TRS – 1
  • Vertigo – 4

Event Report – Pen Y Graig 050524

Photos courtesy of Richard Webster via Aqueduct Facebook Page

Can you believe that we are already at Round 4 of the 2024 Championship and a visit to Pen Y Graig say 64 riders join us for a fantastic day of trials sport.

Out of trend, the largest class was Modern Monos with 22 bikes, with Pre 65 and twin shocks having 15 and 12 bikes respectively. The Pre 2000 Water-cooled class is slowly growing with 5 bikes on the day and the well established and contested Air Cooled Monos having a very respectable 10 bikes.

Our Expert and Novice routes certainly demonstrated that it was worth putting the flags out as 7 riders took to the Red route and it was great to see 5 White route riders continue their enjoyment of the sport. In the mid ranks we had 29 clubman riders take to the Yellows and 23 inters tackling the Greens.

As you can see from the table below, almost all of the classes apart from the 3 in yellow have at least one rider taking part in that class/route combination.

Steve Harding – Clubman / Modern Monos

So we are back at Pen y Graig on a beautiful spring morning the sun shining and all the blue bells in full bloom,  what more could you ask for.

First of all as usual, a huge thanks to all the Aqueduct team for putting on such a great event again, all of the observer’s for giving up there Sunday,  the land owners and Chris deburger for keeping us fed and watered.  

So we get underway at 11oclock as usual after the short briefing and instructions to keep the noise level down to help keep the neighbours happy on our way down to the quarry,  not hard to do as it’s down hill so tick over was plenty enough. 

So here are a few of my favourites of the day, we started off on section 10 at the bottom by the fuel drop off. You start off and straight away up and over a slippery mud bank on to some shale, keep climbing and turn left round a tree and and along a bit of an off camber rocky ledge before a tight left. Then down over some more loose rocks before getting back to the bottom then almost stop while doing a really tight right only to head back up on the slippery shale bank again. A left turn past another tree and then down over some more rocks back to the bottom and out of the section.  Not the easiest but enjoyed it.

Section 7, Alan on watch, a cracking section this one. 

Through the start gate and drop down before another slow right before climbing up a steep slippery shale bank turning a bit left then half way up a bit of a right before getting to the top. Navigate between two large boulders whilst going over some loose rocks at the same time braking to turn tight left. Then along the top and drop back down on the loose shale to the bottom of the section before another slow right and back up the bank over a couple of steps and out of the section. I only managed to clean it once but enjoyed it. 

Section 8 In the shade of the trees a nice flowing section to cool down a bit from the sun . You start off from the top a bank and drop down into the section and over a bit of a log, then a bit of a right up and left round a tree then drop back down on a bit of an off camber bank and back up over a bank then back down and up again then left out of the section.

On lap 4 the heat was getting to me a bit and dropped some daft 5s, no excuse really it was the same for everyone,  overall I really enjoyed the day and once again big thanks to everyone involved,  look forward to seeing you all next time, cheers.

Mark Gaskell – Intermediate / Twinshock

I have struggled to finish a trial this year, either mechanical (unforgiveable) or rider (!) breakdown. Determined to set this state of affairs right, I arrived at PenY Graig with a fully fettled Whitehawk and a positive mental attitude. The sun shining helped.

The biggest problem I have riding the Whitehawk as opposed to the Triumph is the lack of engine braking. If I remember to cover the rear brake (and not the gear lever!) then it helps. Downhill turns are my nemesis on this bike. Guess what the Aqueduct team gave us today? Here are some of my best (worst) bits, riding round with Mark Newman, doing his best to stop me rushing into sections:

Section 2. A deceptive section, long, with lots of off camber turns.  Lap one, the nice lady observer warned me not to miss one of the gates. I misunderstood her, and missed the gate. A slack dab on the last lap saw me finish on 6.

Section 4. Mind games. The last elements of the section involved a tight left, then up to crest a short steep bank, with an off camber plunge down the other side. A tree was helpfully placed to collect anyone who went off line. Two cowardly 2’s, then a clean, followed by a 5 when I stalled on the crest.

Section 6. A nice easy climb up a rooty shale bank, turn left and back down, then pick your way across loose off camber rocks, before a short climb round a tree to the end. A 3 on lap one, as my path across the rocks was wrong, then a clean. Lap three didn’t concentrate on the “easy” climb, and my back wheel caught on a root for a 5. Lap four clean.

Section 7. An uphill rock step needs the application of more power if you are going to get over it.

Here endeth the first lesson.

Section 9. The last elements of this section got trickier as the passage of riders polished a root on the right turn out of the base of the building. I had managed to clean it on the first lap, but had a 1 and a 2 on following laps. On the last lap Jeff, the observer, pointed out that Mark and I were on the same score for that section, just to ramp up the pressure. We both cleaned it to tie that section, but Mark had managed not to have four silly 5’s, so had a far healthier score.

 I managed to finish 3rd Twinshock Intermediate, so quite pleased. I would prefer it if people didn’t point out how many Twinshock Intermediates were competing though, thank you.

As ever, many thanks to all involved in organising the trial. Your hard work is much appreciated!

Olie Dillon – Modern Mono / Clubman

Sunday’s trial at Pen y Graig was my first trial back after a few months off and on a new horse. And what a trial to make a comeback. Once parked by chief attendant Geoff, we were greeted with a beautiful clear view covering miles and miles and a glimpse of the always amazing Chirk Castle drenched in the early morning Welsh sunshine.

After a quick rider briefing from Russ (who managed to upset the team of ladies in the signing on van!!), it was a gentle quiet ride down into the quarry and the sections that awaited.

I’ve never ridden this venue before so didn’t know what to expect….but what a great place for a trial! It had a bit of everything for everyone and also little bits that people don’t like so a perfect cocktail of trials.

Now I can’t remember which section was which apart from one…. Section 5, so I’ll concentrate on this one, which is exactly what I should have been doing when riding it!!! The first lap was an utter nightmare (the observer will account for this too!!) Into the section and missed a gate. Very kindly given another attempt by Mr Observer (sorry, I didn’t catch your name). So second attempt, into the section and through the missed gate on the first attempt, only to miss another!!!! A very deserved big fat 5. And the kicker to this is it turned out to be my favourite section of the trial…..

Even with that embarrassing display of trials riding, it was great to be back in the sections and I had a brilliant day. 

Big thanks to the Aquaduct Classics team for putting on a great trial, Chris de Burger for keeping us watered and fed, the ladies in the signing on van (tut tut Russ!!) and of course the Observers, if it wasn’t for you guys we couldn’t play on our motorbikes. Already looking forward to the next round!

Before we move into the usual stats, we have to close by once again say a huge thankyou to the club team for all of the effort they put in over the preceding months to make this happen, the observers for still taking the time to support and the land owner as always.

Top Places

Pre 65

  • Expert – Tony Gush, Dot (21)
  • Intermediate – Robin Foulkes, Francis Barnett (11); Mark Newman, BSA (11); Les Richardson, Drayton 4t (14)
  • Clubman – Steve Walker, Francis Barnett (5); Tim Lewis, Matchless (12); Paul Brimelow, Cotton (12)
  • Novice – Roger Smith, BSA (1); Terry Lloyd, Triumph (10)


  • Expert – Paul Sagar, Honda (11); Paul Smart, Fantic (15)
  • Intermediate – Jerry Hawker, Honda (1); Mike Smith, Honda (14); Mark Gaskell, Whitehawk (36)
  • Clubman – Oliver Barker, Bultaco (17); Phil Cottiga, Fantic (17); Dave Broderick, Fantic (21)
  • Novice – Paul Beswick, Ossa (17)

Pre 1996 Air Cooled Mono

  • Expert – Peter Ruscoe, Honda (10); Terry Musgrave, Beta (55)
  • Intermediate – Dave Matthews, Yamaha (2); Stephen Richards, Yamaha (9); Rian Garlick, Gas Gas (10)
  • Clubman – Ian Emery, Gas Gas (12); Neville Kirkham, Yamaha (31); Paul Corfield, Yamaha (46)
  • Novice – No riders

Pre 2000 Water Cooled Mono

  • Expert – Chris Garlick, Montesa (16); Mike Jones, Gas Gas (50)
  • Intermediate – Alec Roberts, Montesa (10); Neil Francis, Gas Gas (20);
  • Clubman – Marcus Greer, Beta (65)
  • Novice – No riders

Modern Mono

  • Expert – No riders
  • Intermediate – Michael Warburton (0); Stephen Hall, Vertigo (5); Alan Corfield, Montesa (10); Richard Osborn, Gas Gas (10)
  • Clubman – Ken Williams, Beta (5); Bert White, Beta (6); Jason Breakley, Montesa (13)
  • Novice – Tony Williams, Gas Gas (10); Gordon Evans, Tenaci Wong (53)

Observer List

1 – Elwyn

2 – Wendy

3 – Ian Jones & Ffion Gush

4 – Brian

5 – Richard Webster

6 – Nigel Houlston

7 – Allan Thomas

8 – Gordon

9 – Jeff Hughes

10 – Sue


Bikes Classes

  • Pre 65 – 15
  • Twinshock – 12
  • Pre 1996 Air Cooled Mono – 10
  • Pre 2000 Water Cooled Mono – 5
  • Modern Mono – 22

Route Classes

  • Expert – 7
  • Intermediate – 23
  • Clubman – 29
  • Novice – 5


Pre 65

  • BSA – 4
  • Cotton – 1
  • DOT – 1
  • Drayton (Various) – 3
  • Francis Barnett – 2
  • James – 1
  • Matchless – 1
  • Triumph – 2


  • Bultaco – 1
  • Fantic – 5
  • Honda – 3
  • Ossa – 1
  • Whitehawk – 1
  • Yamaha –

Pre 1996 Air Cooled Mono

  • Beta – 1
  • Fantic – 1
  • Gas Gas – 3
  • Honda – 1
  • Yamaha – 4

Pre 2000 Water Cooled Mono

  • Beta – 1
  • Gas Gas – 2
  • Montesa – 2

Modern Mono

  • Beta – 7
  • Gas Gas – 5
  • Montesa – 2
  • Sherco – 2
  • Tenachi Wong – 1
  • TRS – 2
  • Vertigo – 2

Event Report – Nant Y Ffrith 070424

(photos courtesy of Nick Shenston)

The season is now well under way with Round 3 of the 2024 campaign kicking off at Nant Y Ffrith. The club took the opportunity to present the trophies for 2023 at the start and it was lovely to see Kevs family join us to assist, at his spiritual riding home.

Good weather greeted the 86 riders and it was great to see a strong following in the Pre 65 and Twinshock classes with 20 and 13 bikes respectively. The Pre 96 AC Mono and Pre 2000 Water cooled classes remain strong 12 and 6 bikes a piece with the modern monos making up the count with 35 riders.

The red (Expert) route was keep busy with 8 riders taking to those lines and the Clubman and Intermediate classes continuing to be the strongest with 45 and 31 riders a piece. Finally it was great to see 2 riders on the novice route developing their trials competition journey.

Mike Griffiths – Observer / Section 7

 What a grand start to the trial and a superb presentation of various
awards . Then onto business. Yet another cracker and the section I had
(7) was a grand test. Easy to clean but just as easy to drop a mark or

Grand weather (early on) and smiles every where. It also looked like
the sheep shearers had started early as Ed Beesley’e dreadlocks had been removed. Something was wrong as “butcher Foulkes” finished early. Was he wearing a gag ?  Pete Ruscoe had a dramatic start with a 2 but pulled himself together for a fine finish.  Some lovely bikes and all looked
nice and clean to start with. There was one brave fellow that tried a
bit of rockery making… Fancy trying that in my section.. Duly
admonished he soon shot off..

Just one little moan ! (Well I’m supposed to be grumpy
after all) There are still too many going round watching each other in
the section rather than progressing to the next one and discussing
things while waiting to ride.T here were riders with only 2 laps done in
3 hours.. Just think about it and you know who know who they are. Yes
you do it on practice fields but not in a trial as the observers can get
cold and wet. But to the other riders , well done lads with your attitude.
You’ll all be safe next month as I’ll be at the Scottish 6 day, creating
havoc there..

The Aqueduct team were as good as ever and produced a
grand day out. Oh and the cake at the start…… I’m supposed to be on
a diet to help my back…. See you in June.

Steve Harding – Modern Mono / Clubman

Got to the venue for about 9ish to help out with the parking and get set up. Some riders were there before me, not sure why so early but that are there,  got them parked up,  Chris deburger was parked up and getting ready for the rush of hungry riders .

I had radio contact  with Geoff so we could get everyone sorted, thanks for your patience,  the girls were in the trailer getting everyone signed on and bibs given out. So when every one was ready it was a short ride down to section 1 to kevs memorial stone for a short presentation for the winners of last year’s  trophies presented by Kevs family, which was great to see , 

So as usual, a huge thanks to all the Aqueduct team for all the effort you guys put in to put on such  a great event as all ways.  A massive thanks to all the observer’s for giving up their Sunday and braving the very windy changeable weather,  Chris deburger for keeping us fed and watered and the land owner for letting us use this great venue. 

All sections were spot on as usual  so a big thanks to Russ and the team for setting the sections on Saturday ready for the trial on Sunday, 

So here are a few of my favourites sections, although they were all spot on as usual. 

Section 3 is where we started. You start off from the top of a bank in the trees and in to the section over a couple of roots and head towards a tree where you turned a tight right. Then take a wide turn before a steep drop down over some more roots into the bottom of the section before heading up an off camber bank on the opposite side. Turn a bit of a left between two tree stumps before dropping back down into the bottom of the section then across and up a steep bank of even more roots and then a bit of a drop left before existing the section,  

Section 5. After a short ride you come to a small wall on the right  that you had to get over to enter the section. Alan on watch,  a well seasoned rider so no quarters given. So you start off in the trees (which were bending a lot due to the strong wind, through the start gate and drop down towards a tree and a really tight left. Easy for the front to wash out and take a dab, then a bit of a steep climb over a few rocks before turning right. Drop down into the  old ruins and drop down over a few loose rocks and then between a couple of large rocks before a right and exit the section. A bit of a tough one for me but managed to clean it on the last two laps , 

Section 7. After a good ride down the track before coming to the section on the left. You start off from the main track and into section across a bit of a ditch then up a bit of  a left climb before a tight right round a tree. Over some slippery roots then drop down again into the rocky bottom and left between two trees before turning right towards the steep bank. Then fire it up to the top and keep it tight right on the top and along a bit before a really tight right and steep drop over some roots and then a really tight left to exit the section. 

Overall I had a great day,  dropped a good few avoidable dabs but really enjoyed the day. Once again a big thanks to everyone involved especially all the observer’s for giving up there Sunday,  these people are almost impossible to find  so I hope everyone appreciates there time,  cheers, see you all next time. 

Graham Pennington – Twinshock / Clubman

Blue skies and a fresh breeze welcomed competitors to the Nant Y Frith Forest for the April round of the Club Championship. A superb venue which will always be associated with the late Kev Williams. Thankfully the rain held off until later in the afternoon and it was a cracking days trialling. Thanks as always to the landowners, organisers, section setters, observers and caterers for another faultless event.

The Clubman’s (Yellow) route sections were excellent and described below:
Section 1 ‘Top Bank’ Steep climb from the entry gates arcing left round the back of a big tree for a sharp right cambered turn over roots. Setting yourself up for another short climb to a sharp right
turn behind another tree and over a fixed green rock before heading left on a narrow track (that got narrower every lap) across the face of the bank, before dropping over large roots back to the road.
Section 2 ‘Lower Bank’ Nice level start to an uphill right turn behind a large tree, then climbing left over loose ground to drop over a large stone and set up for another short left climb between large rocks before heading right and down to the end gates.
Section 3 ‘The Bomb Hole’ into the woods for a combination of turns, drops and climbs across the hole with a short steep climb out over exposed roots which got more slippery every lap.
Section 4 ‘Twist and Shout’ a short but testing section entered over exposed large roots to make a tight right turn in mud followed by a tight left turn running the front wheel up over exposed roots
then a short steep step of earth and roots which polished up nicely, and another right turn to the end gate.
Section 5 ‘The Ruins’ a downhill entrance between the trees to turn sharply left and uphill before dropping right over the large stones of an old building then twisting left between large stones before
a right hand drop to the end gate.
Section 6 ‘Slippery when Wet’ Left through the start gate into an immediate muddy full right turn avoiding a large tree, twist left between large rocks to turn right between the trees over some large exposed right-angled roots.
Section 7 ‘The Hacienda’ Great section with more whistling than a 90s Rave. Steady entrance on loose stone to turn right across the slope behind a tree then left between the trees to set up for a steep climb on to the top of a bank with a right turn into a steep drop with roots and an immediate left turn to the end gate. Favourite section of the trial.
Section 8 ‘A River Runs through It’ First time the big stream at the bottom of the valley has been used in an Aqueduct Trial. Straight entry into the fast-flowing water, against the flow up the stream
bed to a right turn up the bank which got wetter and more cut away every lap. Avoiding large rocks turning back parallel with the water and keeping balanced in the liquid mud to the end gates.
Section 9 ‘Mud on the Road’ Another simple but tricky section along the bottom edge of the banking with some large rocks to negotiate and a final very muddy climb over a rocky hump to drop left and
hit the end gates.
Section 10 ‘The Dark Wood’ Into the trees just off the fire road and a very slippery entrance to a short earth step which dug away to reveal large stones followed by a sharp right turn between the trees over a couple of loose large rocks then dropping over large roots and divots to the end gate.

Before we move into the usual stats, we have to close by once again say a huge thankyou to the club team for all of the effort they put in over the preceding months to make this happen, the observers for still taking the time to support and the land owner as always.

Top Places

Pre 65

  • Expert – Tony Gush, Dot (47)
  • Intermediate – Mike Jones, Triumph (27); Keith Wells, BSA (28); Norman Tarbick, Drayton Bantam (30)
  • Clubman – Steve Walker, Francis Barnett (14); Paul Brimelow, Cotton (19); Damian Morey, Triumph (38)
  • Novice – Roger Smith, BSA (13)


  • Expert – Steve Cliff, Fantic (63)
  • Intermediate – Jerry Hawker, Honda (11); Dave Pengilley, Kawasaki (21); Tim Cuffin, Majesty (25)
  • Clubman – Oliver Barker, Bultaco (21); Tim Davies, Fantic (31); Phil Cottiga, Fantic (33)
  • Novice – No riders

Pre 1996 Air Cooled Mono

  • Expert – Peter Ruscoe, Gas Gas (39); Kev Ellis, Yamaha (67)
  • Intermediate – Craig Barkley, Yamaha (25); David Matthews, Yamaha (31); Paul Cartwright, Gas Gas (62)
  • Clubman – Ian Emery, Gas Gas (13); Andy Steele, Yamaha (43); Paul Corfield, Yamaha (54)
  • Novice – No riders

Pre 2000 Water Cooled Mono

  • Expert – Richard Webster, Montesa (15); Chris Garlick, Gas Gas (20); Mike Jones (71)
  • Intermediate – Alec Roberts, Montesa (24); Jim Droughton, Yamaha (59)
  • Clubman – Marcus Greer, Beta (54)
  • Novice – No riders

Modern Mono

  • Expert – Badger Owen, TRS (61)
  • Intermediate – John Petrek, Gas Gas (17); Dave Ellis, Beta (17); Mike Smith, Montesa (21)
  • Clubman – Oscar Davies, Gas Gas (13); Bert White, Beta (19); Eamonn Talbot, Beta (19)
  • Novice – Gordon Evans, Tenaci Wong (105)

Observer List

1 – Tony Cartwright

2 – Sue Goodwin

3 – Brian

4 – Wendy

5 – Allan Thoas

6 – Ian Jones

7 – Mike Griffiths

8 – Gordon

9 – Paul Edwards

10 – Ffion Gush


Bikes Classes

  • Pre 65 – 20
  • Twinshock – 13
  • Pre 1996 Air Cooled Mono – 12
  • Pre 2000 Water Cooled Mono – 6
  • Modern Mono – 35

Route Classes

  • Expert – 8
  • Intermediate – 31
  • Clubman – 45
  • Novice – 2


Pre 65

  • Ariel – 1
  • BSA – 6
  • Cotton – 1
  • DOT – 1
  • Francis Barnett – 2
  • Matchless – 1
  • Panther – 1
  • Triumph – 6


  • Bultaco – 3
  • Fantic – 3
  • Honda – 3
  • Kawasaki – 1
  • Majesty – 1
  • Whitehawk – 1
  • Yamaha – 1

Pre 1996 Air Cooled Mono

  • Fantic – 1
  • Gas Gas – 4
  • Scorpa – 1
  • Yamaha – 6

Pre 2000 Water Cooled Mono

  • Beta – 1
  • Gas Gas – 1
  • Montesa – 2
  • Yamaha – 1

Modern Mono

  • Beta – 16
  • Gas Gas – 5
  • Montesa – 4
  • Sherco – 2
  • Tenaci Wong – 1
  • TRS – 3
  • Vertigo – 4

Event Report – Plas Onn 030324

With Spring knocking on the door but the usual threats of snow, the climate was good to Aqueduct Classics as the second round of the 2024 series got under way. A good turnout of 93 bikes saw almost 1/3 (30) being Pre 65’s and another 15 being Twinshocks. With almost half of the bikes being in the clubs roots of classic trials this was a really healthy showing. The new Pre 2000 Water Cooled Monoshocks had 8 bikes and the Pre 96 Air Cooled Monos having 16. This just left 24 Modern Monos to make up the count.

Whilst we only had a single Novice rider this time, a good showing of 13 Experts mixed up the day with 44 Inters and 35 Clubman riders.

Mark Newman – Pre 65 / Intermediate

Riding my Francis Barnett…well just a quick insight first. Back in August 2023 I damaged my right elbow and was instructed not to ride ( well to be honest told no riding , lifting, no mountain biking , no tinkering, no nothing as my muscle was badly torn where it connected to the bone ). So if had a long layoff and to say I was going mad is an understatement, but I did manage a couple of easy outings on my big Ariel getting ready to ride the Talmag at the end of Jan 2024 but I decided to ride it at our Jan trial and had a big off which ended my ride. Then a fantastic 3 weeks in New Zealand to get to the point I was rusty, also I’ve not rode the Barnett for yonks.

I found the sections brilliant and even though challenging, slippy rocks and deep mud I had a cracking day and found I was doing ok. I rode round with Mark Gaskell who did his best to make me look even better, I found I was getting grip and the bike was feeling good. I especially liked section 2 (Kevs) , it had everythin,g steps, mud tight turns more steps and more mud , and I did cock it up on the second lap and incurred a 5. I then cleaned it again and on the last lap ( yes the sun was in my eyes as well ) I needed a steadying dab, it as like I said, challenging but the satisfaction at cleaning it was enormous. I was like a big kid…

Same with section 10 (Gordon) and his apprentice. He always has a tough one , tight turn , step banks , and slippy drops. I cleaned it 3 times and just once needed a steadying one. All in all, it was one of the best trials I’ve done and I thank everyone again for their efforts…keep it up. I’m looking forward to riding again . To sum up, by god it was slippy if not the mud then the rocks , but it was a great day and I’ve got the bug again so thanks .

David Riley – Twinshock / Expert

Turned up at this great venue expecting it to be a typical winters day however it was gorgeous and even quite warm. Although there were a lot of riders, the classes were split to start at different sections which cut down a lot on the potential queues.

All the Green sections were well laid out with the following 3 gaining most of my attention

Section 2 – A long windy route through the bomb hole in the lower brook. In through the start gate with a steady right turn into a muddy run up to a good root step and continue up the rocky brook. Next came another root step and right turn on to a grease bank. Down a greasy bank with a couple of roots and an angled rock just to keep your attention levels elevated? This was followed by a left uphill slippy turn into some rocks and a root gully which tended to kick you into an awkward angle of attack for another root step. Along a greasy bank, drop onto the brook path and uphill out of the section

Section 7 – Greasy downhill approach into the stream with a right turn which had a few holes to drop your front wheel into. Up the stream and a tight left out of the stream up a greasy bank and turning right back towards the stream. Dropping into the stream there were a number of lines into a left turn but these washed away after the 1st lap. Short, steep uphill over a tree root to a right turn on a grass bank and back across the stream and out.

Section 10 – Top end of the far gully, this section had a tight left turn over rocks to a steep muddy bank and a floaty right turn over a couple of roots. Back down the hill and turning left into the stream. Up the bank on the right and a nasty left turn over roots back into the stream

There were a number of riders and Observers went for a beer in the Butcher’s Arms on the way home and all agreed that it was a great trial which really took away your energy. Thanks very much to the Aqueduct Team, Barry and Sarah and the Observers

Michael Griffiths – Observer / Section 3

 Plas Onn must be one of the best trials venues the Aqueduct use
and Sundays trial was no exception. My section (3) was a beaut. Easy to
clean but easier to drop marks on. Early riders suffered a bit but then
again the later rider had it change. Jim Hough had an unfortunate 5 when his back wheel slipped on the moss and had a look at the outside of the blue flag. Some heroic dabs and a spectacular flight out of the last
climb by Nye Pugh-Hutchinson, alas he failed to hang on but did  a
gallant effort. Yet another rider to watch out for. On about young
riders and Ryan Garlic was outstanding and what a future star we have in
our presence. Mike Jones performed well on the Bulti as did Dave
Pengelly on the Quacker. Yes I prefer twinshocks… The section planners
got it right and the atmosphere was spot-on . Thanks lads for the banter
though no insults from Pinkey or Moz so I was safe …

One or two needed livening to get on but as there were best
part of 100 entries we got finished nicely.  Mr (more chops than a
butchers shop) Foulkes was last man (a usual place) claiming a puncture
had delayed him. Well I suppose it’s a new name for gabbing. All in
all lads a grand day though my section proved to be in the shade and I
missed the sunshine. No not too cold. I  thoroughly enjoyed the day and
the chocolate cake at the start was the best yet. I think Geoff gave
Russ a lesson of towing a bike back with his recovery technique . Grand
job , roll on next month….

Stephen Harding – Modern Mono / Clubman

First of all as usual a huge thanks to all the Aqueduct team for putting on such a great event once again,  big thanks to Russ and the team for spending their Saturday setting out the sections in the wind rain and snow , also a huge thanks to all the observer’s for giving up their Sunday without whom it wouldn’t be possible for us to have a trial, Chris deburger for keeping us fed and watered, and the land owners for the use of this great venue, 

So we get underway at 11oclock as usual after the short briefing on where we should all start , we (yellows), we’re instructed to start at section 1, so we made our way down the valley to the bottom field where we got to the section. So here are a few of my favourites of the day ,as usual it is  hard to choose as all sections were spot on as usual ,so here we go.

Section 1 – You start off from the field and drop down into the stream and back out onto the opposite bank then a bit of a right and along the side of the bank before a slow left between two large rocks. A bit of an up hill and tight right over slippy rocks and drop down off a log into the stream and turn left on to the loose moving slippery rocks and follow the stream up. I personally went a bit left on to the bank before turning a tight right back across the stream and up the bank on the opposite side and out of the section,  very slippy but doable 

Section 2 – You start off from the very slippy field and drop down into the stream and across some slippy rocks before a bit of a bank then straight away turn tight right round a tree. Then drop back down over some more loose rocks before turning a tight left and climbing up and over a good sized step carry on up to where  kev was observing. Carrying on up the stream over loose rocks before a bit of a left round a tree and follow up out of the section. A tricky one but managed to clean it once

Section 10 – After a ride up the stream (that was like 2 green sections joined together) you get to 9 and 10. I started from the opposite side of the stream to the start gate, across the stream and and up onto a slippery bank before turning a tight right past a tree on slippery mud. You then dropped back into stream and back out up a steep slope and a 180 round another tree and drop back into the stream and turn right and though the exit. Only managed to clean it once haha , 

Some tough sections but really enjoyable, well done everyone involved, 

Before we move into the usual stats, we have to close by once again say a huge thankyou to the club team for all of the effort they put in over the preceding months to make this happen, the observers for still taking the time to support and the land owner as always.

Top Places

Pre 65

  • Expert – Jim Hough, Triumph (20); Tony Gush, DOT (23); Chris Chell, BSA (51)
  • Intermediate – Adrian Kent, Drayton Villiers (7); Sam Alderman, BSA (11); Peter Shone, James (11); Robin Foulkes, Francis Barnett (11)
  • Clubman – Steve Walker, Francis Barnett (2); Paul Brimelow, Cotton (4); Jon Flower, BSA (7)
  • Novice – No Riders


  • Expert – Peter Sagar, Honda (19); Steve Cliff, Fantic (45); Paul Smart, Fantic (55)
  • Intermediate – Dave Riley, Fantic (5); Mike Jones, Bultaco (6); Dave Pengilley, Kawasaki (9); Tim Cuffin, Majesty (9)
  • Clubman – Phil Cottiga, Honda (17); Graham Pennington, Bultaco (25); Dave Lycett, Honda (38)
  • Novice – No Riders

Pre 1996 Air Cooled Mono

  • Expert – Peter Ruscoe, Honda (24)
  • Intermediate – David Matthews, Yamaha (3); Paul Cook, Yamaha (7); Ian Tracey, Ossa (13); Craig Barkley, Yamaha (13)
  • Clubman – Rian Garlick, Gas Gas (4); Ian Emery, Gas Gas (10); Andy Steele, Yamaha (12)
  • Novice – No Riders

Pre 2000 Water Cooled Mono

  • Expert – Richard Webster, Montesa (15); Chris Garlick, Gas Gas (19); Mike Jones (73)
  • Intermediate – Jim Droughton, Yamaha (14); Alec Roberts, Montesa (16); Mike Smith, Montesa (30)
  • Clubman – Marcus Greer, Beta (56)
  • Novice – No Riders

Modern Mono

  • Expert – No finishers
  • Intermediate – John Petrek, Gas Gas (7); Elwyn Beedles, Beta (26); Oliver Cookson, Gas Gas (27)
  • Clubman – Oscar davies, Gas Gas (9); Martin Howard, Montesa (16); Spencer Davies, Beta (21)
  • Novice – Gordon Evans, Tenaci Wong (156)

Observer List

1 – Jeff Hughes

2 – Kev Ellis

3 – Mike Griffiths

4 – Wendy Smith

5 – Elwyn Williams

6 – Ffion Gush

7 – Brian Cliff

8 – Ian Jones

9 – Paul Winter

10 – Gordon Francis


Bikes Classes

  • Pre 65 – 30
  • Twinshock – 15
  • Pre 1996 Air Cooled Mono – 16
  • Pre 2000 Water Cooled Mono – 8
  • Modern Mono – 24

Route Classes

  • Expert – 13
  • Intermediate – 44
  • Clubman – 35
  • Novice – 1


Pre 65

  • BSA – 11
  • Cotton – 1
  • DOT – 1
  • Francis Barnett – 3
  • James – 1
  • Matchless – 1
  • Sprite – 1
  • Triumph – 9
  • Villiers – 1


  • Bultaco – 2
  • Fantic – 4
  • Honda – 6
  • Kawasaki – 1
  • Majesty – 1
  • Ossa – 1

Pre 1996 Air Cooled Mono

  • Fantic – 2
  • Gas Gas – 5
  • Honda – 2
  • Ossa – 1
  • Yamaha – 6

Pre 2000 Water Cooled Mono

  • Beta – 1
  • Gas Gas – 2
  • Montesa – 3
  • Yamaha – 1

Modern Mono

  • Beta – 5
  • Gas Gas – 9
  • Montesa – 4
  • Sherco – 2
  • Tenaci Wong – 1
  • TRS – 3

Event Report – Pen Y Graig Quarry 040124

The quarry is always a favourite spot for a lot of riders and with a cap on the entries, a lucky 72 riders jockeyed for the starting honours of the opening round of Aqueduct Classics 2024 season. A number of changes had come into play this year, mainly around the championship classes and refining a few matters that had confused some, so with everything clear and above board 23 pre 65 machines lined up with 9 twinshocks, and 17 Modern Monos. A new class (Pre 2000 Watercooled Monos) had been introduced this year to allow the early water boilers to have a class of their own and not be penalised against the modern mono bikes. It was great to see 9 bikes sign on in this class. The cut off for Air Cooled Monos had been clarified as Pre 1996 to move bikes such as the Air Cooled Scorpa into the Modern Mono class so this class concluded with 14 bikes.. These contest of the routes was split with 8 Experts and 3 Novice riders top and tailing the experience bands. In the middle it was great to see a balance of 24 clubman and 37 intermediate riders fighting it out in the most popular routes!

Nick Shenson – Observer / Section 8

Tales from Section 8

Well, Sunday was my first day observing and was posted on Section 8 with Gordon to act as my Apprentice Master. After a good long chat walking down from the farm, we set about walking the individual routes and running me through the essentials to get me up and running. Section 8, best described as quite shaded up against the quarry wall, damp, mossy and rocky. A hint of drizzle in the air would add to the already slippy nature of all the routes. The we started. Slow at first, with a steady flow of riders on the yellow and green routes. It soon became apparent where there riders were going to have the most fun, the tricky first turn at the top of the first incline on the green was going to punish the bikes with restricted lock. The next place was the slightly off camber run along the quarry face before dropping back down to the end was catching a few out. As the day went on as people were starting their second and third trip round that run seems to cut in and improve, then deteriorate towards the end. We had a look later and found that as that had worn in it had exposed a shiny damp tree root running across on an angle. More and more riders also started to fall victim to the green route cutting up and rocks gathering on the route, requiring intervention before causing too much bother.

The drizzle picking up later in the day adding another element to contend with. The experts seemed unperturbed by the first sump guard grinding ascent and left me in awe every time they came round – although I honestly thought we were going to have to start a moon rescue mission when the big water-cooled Gas Gas started to get a little flighty – well brought back to heel! Watching the little four stroke twin shock make short of the expert course was a real treat.

A big thanks must go to Gordon for putting up with my chatter all day and all the riders who not only offered kind words and support but kept me entertained with their riding skills and cheeky banter. I had respect for those who volunteered to observe before trying it myself and have even more so now. I had a fantastic time and hope to do it again soon, thanks.

Tony Williams – AC Mono / Expert

Pen y Graig trial arrived to a welcome by Steve and Ali then put into your parking spot by Geoff . We started on section 6, that grumpy man observing . A twisty tight turning section could easily drop marks on this one but scrapped through , then on to section seven, Alan Thomas observing. What a pig to ride, over large rocks that moved and really unbalanced you then bloody trees in the way as well. I’m sure Russ and Mark been have been watching the arena trials! Lucky to get through on 3. Next few sections not to bad, not easy, really testing ones.

Then down to section 2, Dave Lovell observing. Another pig of a section, it was pure luck if you cleaned it, A short run on flat to a tight turn back to right up over rock steps then tight turn down hill to a tight left uphill across rocks then a off camber, long exit. Another bloody 3. I’m afraid that was the story of the day for me, must try harder.

Must say a good safe trial and a real challenge. Toughest I’ve had with Aqueduct but really enjoyable. Thank You everyone for a great day.

Richard Webster – Pre 2000 Watercooled Mono / Expert

Most Sundays begin with a meet up at the nearest Greggs or McDonalds on the way to a trial or practise. All the top athletes and riders do the same apparently and last Sunday was no different. We arrived at PEN Y GRAIG and parked up in the pristine farmyard and made our way along the red carpet to the butty van for our second breakfast before signing on and embarking on the usual pre-trial gossip and bull#@!t.

This year sees the introduction of a pre-2000 water boiler class and the opportunity to add another bike to the collection – a Montesa 315 is my choice for this year.

After a quick rider briefing and reminder from Russ about new rules etc, we all quietly made our way down to the quarry.

Section 1, a fairly simple looking section with a tight turn midway through after an awkwardly positioned tree caught a few riders out and if your clutch wasn’t working properly (Chris Garlick excuse #1) it was even more difficult.

Section 2, a mixture of rocks and turns around the trees was also making life difficult for a few experts around the first turn, but once through this part the section was fairly easy to negotiate.

Onto Section 3 which featured a difficult climb up and over some large fallen trees towards the end of the section. Bive it too much or get your timing wrong and it was a difficult right turn before exiting the section. If you were unlucky enough to have the wrong throttle on your bike, it was made slightly more challenging (CG excuse #2)

A tight turn back on yourself featured in the middle of section 4 with slippery off-camber routes causing a few marks to be lost during the day.

A difficult turn and sharp climb up the bank at the end of section 5 resulted in a bit of a hit and miss scorecard, early riders through benefitting from more grip than the following riders apparently (CG excuse #3)

Up to the top of the quarry for section 6 which featured a nice rock wall step in the middle of the section followed by a very tight left turn over some awkward rocks. Riders were warned of crossing over their lines at this point in the section by our eagled-eyed observer.

Section 7 was another winding route back and forth across the rocks with a tight right hand turn up and back across loose shale at the end – caught me out on the first lap being too cautious (faffing)

Another jumble of rocks and turns at section 8 looked more difficult than it was, the scorecard reflecting this with a fairly low average score.

Down to Section 9 and a set of turns and banks which took fewer marks than it could have done if the weather had turned – maybe I missed the sunshine as Kev had his sunglasses on all day?!?

And finally section 10……disaster for me. Lap one I managed to knock my lanyard off going across the camber section and another 5! It didn’t get much better on the next lap and I couldn’t master the camber.

So, my first trial of the year and the second outing on the 315, at least I didn’t drown it this time like Nant Ucha in November.  For me, and from the other experts I have spoken too, the sections were spot on. Yes, they were tight and harder than normal, but an expert route should be challenging and the club delivered a great mix of sections – thank you. Onto the only moan…….section 10 queuing. And if you are one of the many riders who skipped passed it on the way down and had to double up at the end – shame on you. {Section setters – it was too long. Soap box away for another day.}

The first battle of the year between myself and CG ended with him taking the victory, it was close and if you ever need an excuse for your poor score then please see him at the next trial, he’ll be signing copies of Vol 2 of his latest book which has just been published. Only joking Chris, looking forward to the next trial and the year ahead – and I am 13 years your senior by the way.

The day was signed off with the obligatory beer or two in the first pub we found (The Hand Hotel, Chirk) to relive the day and continue with the usual banter.

Thanks to all involved with the organisation as usual, you do a fantastic job for us all – it really is appreciated. Shout out to all the observers for giving up their time whilst we play on bikes, CDB for keeping us fed and watered, a round of sarcastic applause to the neighbours for restricting the entry and a thank you to the landowners. I look forward to seeing you all again at the next round.

Mike Griffiths – Observer/Section 6

PenY Graig Quarry and what a cracking section I had. (6) The day started well with Wendy sharing her lovely cake, though it was nearly ruined when going for a butty and was greeted by the ‘legs’…. CDB must have won a bet to wear them in public ? Anyhow to the trial and I had a slippery journey to my section where on first glances it looked too easy. Ah but when it came to riding it I was surprised as the yellow was niggly. Yes I had a clean ‘cos the observer was not watching’. One or two good rides and some views on the riders.

Owd Codger Bert White, was really constipating and went clean. Young Logan Price showed some great prospect as did Rian Garlick. Hard to believe he is related to Chris, who incidentally did some spectacular front wheel turns with the back wheel miles in the air.. Did he stop or was the front wheel just moving ? Cake face , alias Mike Smith rode well but I think it was a sugar rush from all the cake he has to eat at home.. Moz was trying hard and looked very serious. Plenty of dabs and cleans and the rocks on the harder routes certainly caused the loss of quite a few marks. As a new section it was well set out , short and did a great job .

One slight gripe and it’s at some of the riders that drag their feet getting round. studying the section each lap , watching their mates ride it then sitting debating where they went wrong or excelled. Come on lads all post mortems in the carpark afterwards as it can get cold standing there like a prune waiting for some riders who have a leisurely Sunday’s rest and gentle ride round.. In other words there a few of you that need to get their fingers out and keep moving. By dawdling round it quite often means an observer on an out of the way section does not get back before the butty van has closed…

Well a great set of reports and many thanks to the two observers for theirs. It is also great to see a few new riders contribute. Maybe my nagging is paying off.

Before we move into the usual stats, we have to close by once again say a huge thankyou to the club team for all of the effort they put in over the preceding months to make this happen, the observers for still taking the time to support and the land owner as always.

Top Places

Pre 65

  • Expert – Chris Chell, BSA (64), SImon Chell, BSA (90)
  • Intermediate – Peter Shone, James (26); Robin Foulkes, Villiers (27); Norman Tarbuck, Drayton Bantam (33)
  • Clubman -Paul Brimelow, Cotton (7); Steve Walker, Francis Barnett (8); Jon Flower, BSA (20)
  • Novice – Roger Smith, BSA(7); Terry Lloyd, Triumph (8)


  • Expert – Paul Sagar, Honda (26)
  • Intermediate – Dave Pengilley, Kawsaki (22); Dave Riley, Fantic (28); Jerry Hawker, Honda (29)
  • Clubman – Oliver Barker, Bultaco (17); Phil Cottiga, Honda (25); Graham Pennington, Ossa (31)
  • Novice – No riders

Pre 1996 Air Cooled Mono

  • Expert – Patrick Edwards, Yamaha (27); Peter Ruscoe, Honda (47)
  • Intermediate – Ian Tracey, Ossa (4); Paul Young, Gas Gas (34); Stephen Richards, Yamaha (38)
  • Clubman – Andy Steele, Yamaha (31); Rian Garlick (54); Paul Corfield, Yamaha (55)
  • Novice – No Riders

Pre 2000 Watercooled Mono

  • Expert – Chris Garlick, Gas Gas (28); Richard Webster, Montesa (33)
  • Intermediate – Mike Smith, Montesa (17); Jim Droughton, Yamaha (28); Alec Roberts, Montesa (38)
  • Clubman – Alan Hotchkiss, Montesa (64); Marcus Greer, Beta (106)
  • Novice – No riders

Modern Mono

  • Expert – No riders
  • Intermediate – David Ellis, Beta (21); Elwyn Beedles, Beta (38); Paul Hempkins, Gas Gas (40)
  • Clubman – Ken Williams, Beta (4); Logan Price, Beta (17); Bert White, Beta (24)
  • Novice – Graham Seager, Beta (58)

Observer List

1 – Elwyn

2 – Dave

3 – Wendy

4 – Ian

5 –

6 – Mike

7 – Alan and Brian

8 – Gordon

9 – Kev

10 – Tony


Bikes Classes

  • Pre 65 – 23
  • Twinshock – 9
  • Pre 1996 Air Cooled Mono – 14
  • Pre 2000 Water Cooled Mono – 9
  • Modern Mono – 17

Route Classes

  • Expert – 8
  • Intermediate – 37
  • Clubman – 24
  • Novice – 3


Pre 65

  • BSA – 10
  • Cotton – 1
  • DOT – 2
  • Francis Barnett – 1
  • James – 1
  • Sprite – 1
  • Triumph – 4
  • Villiers – 2


  • Bultaco – 2
  • Fantic – 1
  • Honda – 4
  • Kawasaki – 1
  • Ossa – 1

Pre 1996 Air Cooled Mono

  • Fantic – 1
  • Gas Gas – 3
  • Honda – 2
  • Ossa – 1
  • Yamaha – 6

Pre 2000 Watercooled Mono

  • Beta – 1
  • Gas Gas – 2
  • Montesa – 4
  • Yamaha – 1

Modern Mono

  • Beta – 9
  • Gas Gas – 4
  • Montesa – 1
  • Sherco – 1
  • TRS – 1
  • Vertigo – 1

Event Report – Nant Mawr Quarry 070124

I can’t remember the last time I rode in competition. Probably 11 months ago, but it was lovely to be back at Nant Mawr Quarry for the inaugural year of the Kev Williams Memorial Trophy and meet up with old friends. Its wonderful to see Kevs family at the events and their long term connection with the club continues to ignite peoples memories and love of Kev as the fantastic person he was.

The first event of the year always is a biggie and 2024 was no different as 112 bikes rolled up into the quarry bowl. An incredible 40 Pre 65 bikes (of which 23 were Intermediate riders contesting the Memorial Trophy) were accompanied by 18 Twinshock, 2 Pre 2000 WC Mono (our new class this year), 20 AC Mono and 32 Modern Monos.

The top class was 47 riders taking to the Intermediate route with 45 Clubman having a great day on the yellow route. Add the 17 Experts and 3 Novice riders and we have a full set!

Paul Owen – Pre 65 / Intermediate

Nant Mawr Quarry 2024. The first meeting of the year was actually the last round of last year’s championship due to bad weather. With 112 riders the venue was ideal to cater for so many competitors. It was a cold icy start to the day but the sun soon made a appearance even if it was just for an hour or 2. The sections were all challenging and the rocks slippy but everyone was ready after the Christmas break and the Pre 65 Inters green route riders were all challenging for the inaugural KEV WILLIAMS memorial trophy. I believe there was 23 riders of us?

Here are 3 sections of the 10 of the pre65 green intermediate class.

Section 3. With a flat start we had to weave our way between big boulders in a sequence of tight turns. Then we had to attack a big rock step and then immediately into a tight right with a steep climb to the top between some big rocks. Then we rolled back down the banking to the out gate. This section became very slippy and I managed to land heavy against a rock and damaged my gear lever shaft and the bike was stuck in 3rd gear for the last lap that wasn’t ideal on my little bantam.

Section 7. Starting off on the banking and you rolled into the section. Over a few rocks and into a tight right turns the led into a left and about 5 metres of big jagged rocks that looked very daunting and then a right hand turn to the exit. I was actually surprised how easy the rocks were as I hit them with some speed instead of trying to pick my way through them. Maybe more luck than anything. Haha.

Section 8. You followed a shallow stream of water into the section under the trees and you had to get onto the right bank to then drop back across onto the left bank and over the top. Then you dropped into a deep puddle that the easiest line was the deepest part of the water. If you stayed in the shallower water the submerged banking was more slippy. You exited the water onto a rutted muddy section that was so easy to slide your wheels and take a silly dab as you turned right. You then dropped back into the water and up a slippy bank with tree roots showing. To much power and you’d spin out. Once at the top you had a right turn down a steep 15 foot drop back down to the bottom and into the muddy water. You had to be careful on the brakes going down the bank. As you hit the bottom you had to turn sharp left and immediately on the gas to get you back up a wet muddy climb out the section to the exit gate. All the sections were spot on. Nothing dangerous and a bit of everything.

Big thanks to the club and the observers who stood out in the cold all day and congratulations to all the 2023 championship winners.

Graham Pennington – Observer/Section 8

As Billy Connolly once said, “there is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes”. However, as result of the Weather Gods having a slightly different view last December a group of around 150 riders, officials and supporters found themselves in Nantmawr Quarry on a chilly early January Sunday Morning. What is normally a season opener, with no championship status, to help shake of the Christmas excesses, was now the final round of the 2023 Club Championship for all classes with the added prestige of the inaugural Kev Williams Shield for best Pre 65 Intermediate rider. Kev was a much-loved member of the club very sadly taken way before his time and as a mark of respect, the Aqueduct Committee decided that the Kev Williams Shield will be
an annual competition at the final trial of the year.

Having agreed to observe a section at the event, with one eye on the weather forecast and an ear to the words of the Big Yin, I decided that layers combined with some trusty ex Forces cold weather gear was the order of the day. As a result, I stayed toastie all day, even slightly warm when the sun made a very brief appearance. But by the time the last rider passed through the section just before 4 o’clock there was a definite nip in the air.

Section 8 was my allotted section, a classic combination of greasy mud, water, ruts, banks, tree roots and loose gravel. Most riders were familiar with the Section from previous events at this venue the twist being that this time it was running in reverse. As is normal practice for the club four routes were marked out for Beginner, Clubman, Inters and Experts. Each one had a perfect line for a clean but a slight hesitation or straying off the
line would readily take marks off you. Overall, the Section rode very well with only a handful of Fives, plenty of cleans and everything in between.

As it was a special event for the Pre65s it was nice to see so many well-presented machines in this class and a noted determination from the riders through my section. I know that the number of modern bikes competing can be a contentious issue, but for me the number of
old riders on modern bikes is a positive thing. With Men’s Health being such a topical issue I have long believed that Clubs such as Aqueduct Classics play a crucial part in the mental wellbeing of the people who take part in its events. And if switching to a modern bike can prolong the participation of an individual in these events for a few more years then so be it. As far as observing goes I would recommend all riders to give it a try at some point. It’s as enjoyable to watch so many different bikes and riding styles as it is to see the achievement of riders starting poorly but mastering the section by the final lap. However, it does demand a level of concentration and attention, from the first riders through at the start of the event it was non-stop for almost 5 hours, although it certainly didn’t feel that long.

Queues can be another contentious issue, but there was nothing on the part of the organisers or riders that would have got them through the section any quicker. I don’t believe that given the number of competitors and a reasonably compact venue, queues could be avoided. So, if you do find yourself queueing take the opportunity to relax for a minute and either catch up with old friends or make new ones.
Happy New Year.

Ian Emery- AC Mono / Intermediate

I’ve ridden every Aqueduct event at Nant Mawr over the years and usually come home with a nasty bruise from the unforgiving rocks and it’s always bitterly cold. Getting the first lap out of the way is always with trepidation but I have to say Sunday’s sections were spot on. Here’s a few of may favourites.

Section 1:  I like mud and this was muddy. A drop into deep (muddy) water led to a right/left turn and up a small rooty step on the far bank. Follow along the edge of the water for a few yards before a 180° turn up the embankment, over another rooty step to a drop back down to the ends. Reasonably straightforward unless you go the wrong way as my riding buddy did 

Section 3: The section began just like an arena trial with snaky tight turns around big chunks of rock. After the last tight 180° there was rock step of about 18″, a bike’s length of flat ground, and a steep exit climb of about 6 feet which was c.5 feet if you peeled to the right as you climbed. I chose the straight line steep route and needed a 1 on my first lap followed by two cleans and then on my fourth lap it all went wrong on the crest of the climb and I had a floundering three. Some riders made it look so easy but you had to be accurate and carry some speed.

Section 4: More arena trials stuff with a hop over a tractor tyre, a jump up a fairly steep rock step, a traverse across some slippy stuff to a 180° turn to then attack a root stricken slippy climb between trees to the end cards.

Section 5:  A variation of a previously used route but with a tricky climb made more difficult by a nasty rocky step at the bottom. The crest was right up against the rock face and was quite narrow. There followed a traverse along the edge of the quarry face with a slight climb. The tricky bit here was staying on the narrow piece of safe ground. Get a little bit to the right then either the front would slip away, or the back, or both – all leading to a big 5. There followed a steep descent over loose shale, a fairly tight left over a jumble of rocks and then out. Lost a slack 1 but otherwise managed OK.

Section 6: More rocks. Wendy in charge here, always with a smile. A drop in to a turn across the top of a big rock to then drop off its far edge. Then a swooping 180° around the far bank to drop back down across more rocks, up a rocky climb, across some loose shale to cross even more rocks on the way to the end cards. I don’t normally like rocks but these were nice ones. 4 cleans.

Section 7: Gordon in charge. This section looked really daunting. Entry over some awkward slippy rocks to a 90° right and an immediate 90° left to then be faced by a horrible looking selection of big rocks with big gaps in between. I watched a shiny new 4RT take a high line to the right, big handful of throttle, straight over the first big rock and landing the front wheel way past all the other rocks that followed with his back wheel riding over them all and the rear suspension doing its job perfectly. Hmm, could I do the same on my old Gasser without getting bashed and bruised? Turned out I could with 3 cleans and then a daft two as I messed up the entry on the last lap. Think I had my eyes shut each time.

Section 8:  Penno with the pen. My favourite section of the day. It was muddy, very muddy. The entry needed front wheel placement high on the right hand bank before dropping tight left into a hollow followed by a steep hump, followed by deep muddy water. You had to take this hump on the turn as you dropped over its crest otherwise the far bank would grab the front and forward motion would cease. After a wade through the depths with no idea what was under it all you climbed out to a 180° right turn to approach a steep, rooty climb which got wetter as the day went on. A right turn at the top, being careful not to knock Penno over was followed by a steep descent back into muddy water, a 180° left turn using the far bank with the front wheel and then climbing up a slippy hill with a kink in the middle which dragged you towards a tree and a pesky sawn off stump which caught a few people out. 3 cleans and a slack 1 for me. 

I enjoyed the day in close competition with my riding buddy Steve and it was tight at the end between us. Thanks as usual to Russ and Mark for some great sections, to all the organisers and helpers etc but mostly to the observers who stood out in the bitter cold all day to allow us to have our fun.

Stephen Harding – Modern Mono / Clubman

So where do we start ? First of all as usual a huge thanks to all the Aqueduct team for putting on such a great event again, a big thanks to Russ and the team for setting out on Saturday. Also a big thanks to all the observer’s for giving up the Sunday and standing out in the freezing cold so we can do what we love doing. So a big thanks to the land owner for letting us use the venue also congratulations to Sam Alderman on winning the Kev Williams memorial trophy.

All sections were spot on as usual and really hard to select some of my favourites. The day started off getting everyone parked up and there were a lot of vehicles to sort out but at this venue there was plenty of space for everyone,  100+ in the end. It was great to see so many happy smiley faces for the first trial of the year. So we had the usual briefing and a great tribute to Kev Williams !

So here are a few of my favourites…..

Section 5 – The only section on the second level this time here. So you start off and head through the start gate and on to some fairly good sized rocks before you get to a steep climb up and then on to some more slippery rocks before you get to the top and then turn tight right before descending down over even more rocks that were fairly loose down to the exit. Tough but doable , 

Section 8 – Starting off from the entrance road, you go through the start gate and turn left in to a muddy slippery start then you have to turn tight right over some deep ruts ( caught me out  every lap ) before dropping a bit into the water. Then up a bit of a slippy bank and tight between two trees then along and drop left back into the water before a bit of a left and back on to a muddy steep climb up a good bank and out of the section.

Section 9 – After a bit of a ride up a slippy track from 8 you arrive at what seemed to be top of the quarry. You start from the top a bit of a bank and drop straight down in to a steep bowl before a steep climb back up on to the very rocky plateau before a right then on to even more big boulders before dropping down on even more large rocks to the bottom. Then right up a bit and over more rocks then down through the exit. A tough one this one, I messed up on the 1st lap taking the greens for the middle part!

Overall I had a great day,  thank you to everyone involved, I don’t know how you keep  finding  these sections , but keep it up,  Thank you .

So finally, a huge congratulations to Sam Alderman for taking the inaugural year of the Kev WIlliams Memorial Shield. Dont forget, this is presented to the top placed Pre 65

Many thanks to Nick Shenson and Lynnette Harley Doyle for the photos.

Before we move into the usual stats, we have to close by once again say a huge thankyou to the club team for all of the effort they put in over the preceding months to make this happen, the observers for still taking the time to support and the land owner as always.

Top Places

Pre 65

  • Expert – Jim Hough, Triumph (21); Chris Chell, BSA (32); Simon Chell, BSA (62)
  • Intermediate – Sam Alderman, BSA (2); Paul Owen, BSA (8); Mark Lucas, Villiers (9); Mark Spencer, Triumph (9)
  • Clubman – Paul Brimelow, Cotton (0); Peter Shone, James (0);Steve Jones, BSA (3)
  • Novice – Terry Lloyd, Triumph (10)


  • Expert – Paul Sagar, Honda (33); Jim Williams, Honda (50)
  • Intermediate – Dave Pengilley, Kawasaki (1); Paul Cook, SWM (3); Robin Foulkes, Armstrong (12)
  • Clubman – Phil Cottiga, Honda (7); Steve Blackburn, Montessa (12); Darren Riley, Yamaha (12)
  • Novice – Graham Seagar, Bultaco (60)

Air Cooled Mono

  • Expert – Chris Garlic, Gas Gas (1); Patrick Edwards, Yamaha (6); Peter Ruscoe, Honda (17)
  • Intermediate – Ian Tracey, Ossa (9); David Matthews, Yamaha (9); Michael Warburton, Honda (11)
  • Clubman – Andy Steele, Yamaha (13); Stephen Hall, Gas Gas (17); Paul Corfield, Yamaha (19)
  • Novice – No Riders

Pre 2000 Water Cooled Mono

  • Expert – No Riders
  • Intermediate – Neil Francis, Gas Gas (29)
  • Clubman – George Edge, Montesa (38)
  • Novice – No Riders

Modern Mono

  • Expert – Mikey Wright, Gas Gas (37); Hayden Rainford, Montesa (43); Jordan Bannon, Gas Gas (48)
  • Intermediate – Neil Brooks, Sherco (3); David Ellis, Beta (3);Mike Smith, Montesa (9)
  • Clubman – Kev Williams, Beta (3); Gareth Evans, TRS (3); Alan Corfield, Montesa (3); Phil Clarkson, Beta (3)
  • Novice – Richard Yeoman, TRS (71)

Observer List

1 – Elwyn

2 – Dave

3 – Nigel

4 – Ian

5 – Brian

6 – Wendy

7 – Gordon

8 – Graham

9 – Jeff

10 – Dave


Bikes Classes

  • Pre 65 – 40
  • Twinshock – 18
  • Air Cooled Mono – 20
  • Pre 2000 Water Cooled Mono – 2
  • Modern Mono – 32

Route Classes

  • Expert – 17
  • Intermediate – 47
  • Clubman – 45
  • Novice – 3


Pre 65

  • Ariel – 1
  • BSA – 2
  • Cotton – 2
  • DOT – 1
  • Francis Barnett – 1
  • James – 1
  • Matchless – 1
  • Triumph – 11
  • Velocette – 1
  • Vincent – 1


  • Aprillia – 1
  • Armstrong – 1
  • Bultaco – 4
  • Fantic – 2
  • Honda – 4
  • Kawasaki – 1
  • Majesty – 1
  • Montesa – 1
  • Ossa – 1
  • SWM – 1
  • Yamaha – 1

Air Cooled Mono

  • Fantic – 1
  • Gas Gas – 5
  • Honda – 4
  • Ossa – 1
  • Scorpa – 1
  • Yamaha – 8

Pre 2000 Water Cooled Mono

  • Gas Gas – 1
  • Montesa – 1

Modern Mono

  • Beta – 10
  • Gas Gas – 8
  • Montesa – 7
  • Sherco – 3
  • TRS – 1
  • Vertigo – 2

Results 2024

Championship Standings

Sunday 7th January – Nant Mawr Quarry

Round 1 – Sunday 4th February – Pen Y Graig Quarry

Round 2 -Sunday 3rd March – Plan Onn

Round 3 – Sunday7th April- Nant Y Ffrith

Round 4 – Sunday 5th May -Pen Y Graig

Round 5 – Sunday 2nd June – Pen Y Graig

Round 6 – Sunday 7th July – Plas Onn

Event Report – Nant Ucha Farm 051123

A return to Nant Ucha Farm was due and on the cards, and as always, this venue did not disappoint. Recent rainfall meant that the fantastic streams at this venue were always going to be challenging and 78 riders took to the woodland to have a good days fun on classic trial style sections. A really good showing of 22 Pre 65’s paired with 18 Twinshocks made up the classic classes with 17 Air Cooled Monos and 21 Modern Mono’s also filling out the entry cards. New observers and new riders were evident (welcome and thank you…) and it was great to see 10 Experts alongside the 4 Novice riders. In the middle classes, 29 Clubman and 35 Intermediate riders finished up the day.

David Matthews- Air Cooled Mono / Intermediates

All the sections were challenging especially with the stream quite high but my favourites were 7,8 and 10 on the green route.

Section 7 – a drop into the stream then a left turn up the stream over a jumble of rocks which were difficult to see because of the water. This was catching quite a few riders out so picked my line and took a dab first lap ,wider turn next lap, 3 cleans.

Section 8 – a nice long section again, ride across the stream, right turn but couldn’t see the rocks for the water so was a bit of a gamble with the line. Got it perfect every time, well happy as it was taking a few marks. The exit was tricky turning back across the stream and had me for a dab. Cracking section!

Section 10 – well loved riding this, mud roots, tight turns, tricky exit. Well after walking and taking some advice from Elwyn, you run your wheel over the rock at the exit, makes the turn easier. Advice taken four cleans.

Big thanks to every one involved, helpers, observers, had a great day’

Stephen Harding – Modern Monos / Clubman

Well where do you start with this one,

First of all as usual a huge thanks to all the Aqueduct team for putting on such a great event again, especially Russ , Mark and co for giving up there Saturday to set out the sections on a cold wet November day and all the observer’s for giving up their Sunday without whom it wouldn’t be possible to have such a great event. A big thanks to the land owner for letting us use this great venue, and Chris deburger for keeping us fed and watered,.

The day started getting everyone parked and it was a bit tight with such a good entry but the sun was shining and most were happy with the parking so with everyone in and the start with the usual talk from Russ at 11o’clock we get underway. 

I was with my usual crew Tony Williams, Alan hotchkis, Alan Dyson and Oliver. We decided to start at the bottom of the wood at section 5.

This was a fairly straightforward section as you drop in through the start gate, in and climb a bit avoiding a rock and climb a bit more over some slippery roots and out of the section. Sounds easy but can catch you out,  

Then into section 6, the start was almost straight after the exit from 5 where you start off from the edge of the stream, then straight away in to the water and head to the other side over some very loose good sized rocks witch were slippery and seemed to move each lap. Then out of the water, up a good sized step on to the wet slippy muddy bank then climb a bit before a left and right then a tight left before a steep drop back into the rocky stream and across out up a bit of a wall and out,  

Section 3, well this one was a bit tricky for me for some reason. You start off from the now very muddy slippery bank, through the start gate and under the trees and down the slope towards the stream. Then drop into the water heading right straight away on to the lose rocks, still heading right before a bit if a left and a tight right back on to the wet slippy bank before climbing left up and out of the section. This, I took some daft dabs off me for the first three laps but managed to clean it on the last one.

Overall I had a great day and once again big thanks to everyone involved, cheers.

Alan Hotchkiss – Modern Mono / Clubman

On arrival at Nant Ucha I was greeted by Steve and Davhe Kynaston , who guided me to a parking spot on nice concrete behind the sheds (Godfather not in sight ). I promptly unloaded and headed off to sign on with the lovely ladies, ordered my customary bacon and hard egg bap,(still no Godfather), I decided I better have a whizz up and down on the 315 and boom, the Godfather………. banter, that’s better. I felt relaxed. Russ gave the meeting and we headed off to section 5 deep in the depths of the forest, welcomed by Mr Barker. It was a straight forward looking slippy off camber meander on the stream bank.

Section 6, well, starting off in a slippery stream across a small babbling rocky fall, up a steep slimes step, around a tree and a dropkick into a deep water (where on lap 2 I misplaced a front wheel resulting in a very cold wild water swim). Across the stream and exit up a greasy step.

Section 8, enter diagonal across a rock stream, up a slippery bank, 180 over a slippery hump, drop back in stream, up a step and immediate right (where I managed a stall ). Then left over rocks and out.

Section 1, pretty straight forward. Observed by Wendy, drop in the stream, 90 right up a bank, drop in, up a bank then 90 left (missed my jelly babies here ,I will bring supplies ).

Section 3 ( Russ,s section). This required 100% concentration due to banter from the clerks of the course. Steady drop in to the stream, 90 right across very loose rocks then exit up a greasy bank with a 90 left exit ( hip puller). All in all a great day and huge congratulations to everybody involved in organising this great sport.

Elwyn Beedles – Air Cooled Mono / Intermediate

After the rain on Saturday we were so blessed to have a lovely sunny day for the trial at the infamous Nant Ucha trials ground. With hardstanding parking courtesy of the Kynaston familys hard work at the venue Geoffers and the parking team had no problem marshalling some 78 riders to a parking spot. With the signing on trailer/awning and catering van already in position we were ready to go. Some folk think this just happens eh Geoff !

I get a bit excited come a Sunday so arrived early and took the opportunity to walk down to see what the team had managed to arrange for us to ride given the weather we had experienced.

The lads Russ, Mark, Barry and  Paul had done a sterling job laying on 10 sections that were all challenging but rideable and safe. Talking with Suzzanne when I arrived setting out in the wet with the soft ground had not done Russ’ recently broken ankle any good and he was visibly limping on Sunday. Appreciate your commitment Russ as always.

Wendy ‘the cake queen’ Smith gave up her day to stand in the cold to watch us through section 1 at the bottom of the field with sections 2, 3 and 4 all up this smaller of the two streams. We will have to find you a chair Wendy like Ian had on section 4.

On a personal note after being fortunate enough to win the club twinshock clubman championship last year I made the somewhat bold decision to move up to the green route this year and challenge myself a little more. Resting the TLR in the garage I moved across Japan to a Yamaha TY mono which I have found a little easier to ride and turn than the Honda. I will admit I have struggled this year with the gap between the yellow and green route but at Nant Ucha I felt it coming together a little more. Russ section 3 was a prime example of the difference. After dropping down to the stream we were met with a large nasty looking tree root to get up and over. Most chose a dab at the top early doors as I did but with encouragement from Russ and Mark then managed to get over it next 3 laps. Progress.

Section 7 overseen by Tony and his lovely daughters Ffion and Niamh was a wet rock jarring affair that caught a few out. I believe both Alan Hotchkiss and Richard Webster took full advantage of the deep water to clean both their bikes and have a bath themselves. Many more of us scrambled through hoping not to hit one of the submerged rocks wrong and end up in the same predicament.

This was swiftly followed by section 8 with Nettie on the pencil ably assisted by her enthusiastic daughter Eva. First time observers it was great to see them and have a chat we all really appreciate your help. Again deep water and invisible rocks it was a real challenge to keep both wheels in the right direction but a rewarding section if it went right.

Llanfyllin trials club head honcho Elwyn Williams gave up another Sunday to observe for us and  watched us through section 10 a long slippy affair with a tricky tree to negotiate at the finish.  Arriving on the third lap we were greeted with Elwyn being taken up the lane by Mark in the buggy. Fearing the worst we were comforted to discover that Elwyn was okay and Dave Wood had kindly offered to take over after having a problem with his Yam. Very sporting and selfless of you Dave thank you

I rode for a while with a old mate from back in the day South Shropshires Nick Woolley on his beautiful thumping Ariel HT 500. Nick is a lovely down to earth lad who has been there, done it and got the tee shirt and is more accustomed to ACU events but he was very impressed and complimentary with the whole set up with the Accy club. Apparently Russ wanted to buy the Ariel off Nick many years ago when they were riding the Sammy Miller events but Nick wouldn’t sell. Russ has never forgiven him but they do have a good laugh about it. The camaraderie and friendships go back years in the trials game and is so heartwarming in this modern world. By his own admittance Nick did not have the best of days but still beat me hands down ! I really take my hat off to you Pre 65 boys on the big old bikes I’d never pick em up ! Respect !

One of the last riders to arrive and sign on after sorting out his farm was Plass Onn landowner Barry Jones. Having helped layout the sections he had a pretty good idea where we were going and promptly went on to win Pre 65 Inters dropping a measly 9 marks. Great ride Barry and we look forward to coming to you for the next trial.

Little Logan Price rode number 33 on the 125 Beta to finish 5th in adult mono clubman dropping only 16 marks. He is a tiny little chap but nothing beats him and he shows great commitment well done Logan.

Paul Smart rocked up on a very trick looking twin shock Fantic in place of his normal TLR. It looked and sounded better than the factory bikes of that era but unfortunately a blocked petrol tank valve spoilt his day. The bike is a credit to you Smartie.

Ian Ramsay joined us for the first time travelling over from Bala with his Beta. New to trials and a friend of Rob Slogg he chose the white route and promptly won his class. By what I saw the yellow route will beckon very soon Ian.

Another improving rider is Paul ‘Corky’ Corfield from the ‘Pontesbury trials riding academy’ riding number 34 on sunday. After dabbling a few times last year with his Cub we persuaded him to pull out his beautifully restored TY for this year and after a few outings on the white route he is finding his feet on the yellow route dropping 26 marks.

Unknown to most of us Chris De Burger had problems with the catering van in the week after discovering the fridge had fallen over presenting him with a messy scrambled egg in amongst the uncooked bacon etc. This coupled to a broken burner valve meant he was coping with a small fridge sitting on the table we normally have outside and half the cooking capacity. No body noticed and the food and service was as good as ever.

Thanks again to everyone involved and roll on the next one can’t wait !

If you have read this far (and I hope you have), you would notice this reports photo is one of our new observers. Without these folk we dont get to do our competitions so dont forget on your last lap just to tip your visor and give them a hearty “thank you”. Remember, Santa is finalising the naughty and nice list and you dont want to be on the wrong one.

Before we move into the usual stats, we have to close by once again say a huge thankyou to the club team for all of the effort they put in over the preceding months to make this happen, the observers for still taking the time to support and the land owner as always.

Top Places

Pre 65

  • Expert – No Riders
  • Intermediate – Barry Jones, BSA (9); Dave Lovell, Triumph (10); Jim Droughton, Triumph (11)
  • Clubman – Steve Walker, Francis Barnett (4); Mat Duff, BSA (8); Tim Lewis, Matchless (10); Keith Goodwin, BSA (10)
  • Novice – Paul Beswick, BSA (28); Damian Morley, Cotton (21)


  • Expert – Chris Garlick, RS220 (14); Mike Jones, Aprilla (56); Tom Austin (103)
  • Intermediate – Robin Foulkes, Armstrong (11); Jeremy Clark, Bultaco (13); Dave Pengilley, Kawasaki (16)
  • Clubman – Oliver Barker, Bultaco (3); Phil Cottiga, Honda (3); Mark Newman, Ossa (6)
  • Novice – No riders

Air Cooled Mono

  • Expert – Patrick Edwards, Yamaha (17); Peter Ruscoe, Gas Gas (33); Kev Ellis, Yamaha (57)
  • Intermediate – David Matthews, Yamaha (5); Jason Trumble, Honda (8); Michael Warburton, Honda (11)
  • Clubman – Stephen Hall, Gas Gas (2); Paul Corfield, Yamaha (26); Tony Williams, Yamaha (49)
  • Novice – No riders

Modern Mono

  • Expert – Richard Webster, Montesa (29); Jordan Bannon, Gas Gas (89)
  • Intermediate – Stuart Parr, Beta (17); Steve Priestley, Sherco (18); Scott Lanzi, TRS (22)
  • Clubman – Jeff Hughes, Beta (7); Gareth Evans, TRS (9); Ken Williams, Beta (9)
  • Novice – Ian Ramsey, Beta (15); Luca Lanzi, Beta (54)

Observer List

1 – Wendy Smith

2 – Dave

3 – Russ

4 – Ian Jones

5 – Brian Barker

6 – Gordon

7 – Ffion

8 – Netty

9 – Pete Edwards

10 – Elwyn


Bikes Classes

  • Pre 65 – 22
  • Twinshock – 18
  • Air Cooled Mono – 17
  • Modern Mono – 21

Route Classes

  • Expert – 10
  • Intermediate – 35
  • Clubman – 29
  • Novice – 4


Pre 65

  • Ariel – 1
  • BSA – 9
  • Cotton – 2
  • Francis Barnett – 1
  • James – 1
  • Matchless – 1
  • Triumph – 5
  • Villiers – 1


  • Aprillia – 1
  • Armstrong – 1
  • Bultaco – 4
  • Fantic – 4
  • Honda – 5
  • Kawasaki – 1
  • Montesa – 1
  • Ossa – 1

Air Cooled Mono

  • Fantic – 1
  • Gas Gas – 4
  • Honda – 1
  • Ossa – 1
  • Scorpa – 1
  • Yamaha – 8

Modern Mono

  • Beta – 7
  • Gas Gas – 6
  • Montesa – 4
  • Sherco – 2
  • TRS – 1

Event Report – Pen Y Graig Quarry 011023

A very wet day greeted the 70 riders who took the opportunity to have a fantastic days trials competition at Pen Y Graig quarry. A great showing of 21 Pre 65’s and 16 Twinshocks which form the bedrock of our classic trials club were supported by 11 AC Monos and 22 modern monos. With 9 Expert riders and 4 Novices on the start cards, it was evenly spread with the clubman and Intermediate classes with 29 and 28 respectively.

Steve Harding – Modern Mono / Clubman

First of all as usual, a huge thanks to all the Aqueduct team for putting on such a great event again and all the observer’s for giving up their Sunday and standing out in the rain. Not forgetting Chris deburger for keeping us fed and watered.

The day started off with myself, Geoff and Ali on Car park duties stood out in the rain , it was tight but we got them all in.  So at 11o’clock we had the briefing in the farm yard and then set off down the long wet and muddy track to the quarry and then set off to find a section to start from. All sections were spot on and some testing due to the wet, slippy conditions. So here are a few of my favourites.

Section 7: At the top of the quarry, you start off from the a bit of a wet muddy area and into the section. Straight away you climb up a slippery shale and rock slope to a couple of big rocks where you had to give it a bit to get over. Then drop over the other side and keep left before turning a tight right on the off camber shale then tight left between two trees while dropping down over some loose rocks and then out ,

Section 5: You start off from the main track dropping down into the section and keep it left between two trees and over a couple of loose rocks before climbing right a bit. Then drop back down before another left and fire it back up a steep slippery slope and out of the section. 

Section 10: Back down to the bottom of the quarry where you start off from the the top of a steep bank which was very slippery due to the conditions. As you drop down you bare left a bit and go between two good sized rocks and drop on to the track. Cross over the track and into some deep muddy water then up left on the slippery bank before turning right and drop down and out of the section. 

Overall I had a great day,  thanks to everyone involved, cheers.

Paul Beswick – Pre 65 / Novice

This trial was the first time in two years that I had cocked my leg over a bike mainly down to financial and health problems. The last time I rode was here at the quarry so obviously I was more than a little nervous. Anyway, might as well jump straight in and see if I’d lost what little
talent I had two years ago.

The weather was a bit daunting especially as I left home at stupid o’clock for the 100 mile drive to the venue. The torrential rain abated the nearer I got to the venue which cheered me up a bit because I hate mud with a passion. When I arrived at 10.00am the car park was almost full but I managed to find a space for my little postman Pat van. Then the rain started. Oh well “it is what it is” as someone once said. Listened to the riders briefing and put putted down to the clearing in the quarry to drop off refreshments and arrived at section 1 bricking it.

Great to see so many friends who were very encouraging and seemed to have a lot more confidence in my “talents” than I did TBH. Strangest thing was I couldn’t stop my left arm and hand from shaking for the first lap which was bloody annoying to say the least. I was only riding the white route which was great for me so nothing too horrendous or silly,
apart from me getting lost a couple of times in the sections while I got my trials eyes back into action.

Russell and Mark got it spot on as far as I was concerned a perfect balance for a Septuagenarian wobbler who struggles to even remember his own name. Saying that, some of the other routes did seem to be taking marks and a few riders literally had steam rising from them while waiting at the following section. Saying that queueing was thankfully almost non existent which was great.

Again, well done to the Aqui team and the riders themselves. Why can’t all trials be like this? Anyway, by lap 2 I had settled down a bit and established a rhythm, now I knew roughly where I was going, and felt a lot more comfortable with myself. I was really enjoying myself now and
apart from a couple of stupid errors mainly down to changing my mind as to the line to take halfway through a section, (note to self decide on a line through the section AND STICK TO IT), it always ends in tears when you do that.

Before I knew it it was my last lap so remembering to check with the observers and also making a point of thanking them for helping make my day so enjoyable. I trundled round and made my way back to the van taking care as much as was possible, for a 17st blob on a Bantam, to keep the revs down and pull a high gear up the climb on the way back which
wasn’t easy.

I must say I’ve really REALLY missed riding my trials bike and especially the camaraderie and friendship of all the Aqueduct crew and fellow riders. I must say if anyone reading this has ever considered riding trials the give it a go especially with this club. I guarantee you’ll be made welcome although I can’t guarantee you’ll get cake as some of the crew seem to be not too distantly related to a flock of seagulls. I had a fantastic time and I’ll try not to make it another two years before I’m back assuming you’ll have me?

Mike Griffiths – Section 6

Up in my section there were some interesting bits. Some slippery and
some niggly and a few mobile rocks. Some surprise dabs but a well
sorted section. A few fives and some great big grins.

The Cheshire mob were trying like mad to stay clean and sadly they fippin well did. Very pleasantly surprised with no rock kickers . A good sign the message has got through and only one failure to say thanks.

Thanks lads I really enjoyed the day even if it pimply sissed down for a short while. The gortex worked for me and I stayed dry.  Yes I missed out on the cake and had to put up with the De Burger flashing his legs.

There was an ‘interesting’ plant growing by the rock face and it looked like weed.. Asking a couple of riders if they though it was cannabis and one gave a rapid no it’s not ! ! !   Wonder if he is a market gardener or has a dodgy pastime ?    See you all at the next trial

Before we move into the usual stats, we have to close by once again say a huge thankyou to the club team for all of the effort they put in over the preceding months to make this happen, the observers for still taking the time to support and the land owner as always.

Top Places

Pre 65

  • Expert – No finishers
  • Intermediate – Paul Owen, BSA (28); Jim Droughton, Triumph (33); Norman Tarbuck, Drayton Bantam (37)
  • Clubman -Paul Brimelow, Cotton (13); Steve Walker, Francis Barnett (15); Steve Jones, Triumph (16)
  • Novice – Paul Beswick, BSA (2)


  • Expert – Paul Smart, Fantic (61); Andrew Williams, Honda (100); Steve Williams, Aprillia (126)
  • Intermediate – Dave Pengilley, Kawasaki (24); Robin Foulkes, Armstrong (24); Jim Williams, SWM (34)
  • Clubman – Kenton Hackney, Honda (15); Oliver Barker, Bultaco (15); Phil Cottiga, Honda (22)
  • Novice – No entrants

Air Cooled Mono

  • Expert – Patrick Edwards, Yamaha (54); Kev Ellis, Yamaha (64)
  • Intermediate – Alec Roberts, Scorpa (44); Michael Warburton, Honda (46); Paul Young, Gas Gas (46)
  • Clubman – Stephen Hall, Gas Gas (10); Tony Williams, Honda (50)
  • Novice – No entrants

Modern Mono

  • Expert – No entrants
  • Intermediate – Mike Smith, Montesa (20);Stuart Parr, Beta (36); Neil Liptrot, Gas Gas (37)
  • Clubman – Martin Speed, Vertigo (3); Gareth Evans, TRS (8); Bert White; Beta (11)
  • Novice – Mike Sutton, Beta (21)

Observer List

1 – Elwyn

2 – Mark Newman

3 – Ian Jones

4 – Dave Lovell

5 – Ben

6 – Mike Griffiths

7 – Allan Thomas

8 – Brian Barker

9 – Dave

10 – Tony Gush


Bikes Classes

  • Pre 65 – 21
  • Twinshock – 16
  • Air Cooled Mono – 11
  • Modern Mono – 22

Route Classes

  • Expert – 9
  • Intermediate – 28
  • Clubman – 29
  • Novice – 4


Pre 65

  • BSA – 8
  • Cotton – 2
  • Francis Barnett – 1
  • James – 1
  • Triumph – 9


  • Aprilla – 1
  • Armstrong – 1
  • Bultaco – 1
  • Fantic – 5
  • Honda – 5
  • Kawasaki – 1
  • SWM – 1
  • Yamaha – 1

Air Cooled Mono

  • Beta – 1
  • Fantic – 2
  • Gas Gas – 4
  • Honda – 2
  • Scorpa – 1
  • Yamaha – 2

Modern Mono

  • Beta – 11
  • Gas Gas – 4
  • Montesa – 2
  • Sherco – 2
  • TRS – 1
  • Vertigo – 1

Event Report – Nant y Ffrith 10/09/23

The summer break is over and the autumn / winter campaign started up with a visit to Nant Y Ffrith. It was fitting to return here as it was a favourite practice ground of Kev Williams who we lost at the end of 2022. A couple of the members had recently visited the IOM to sprinkle some of his ashes there and it was a beautiful start to the trial to see a plague remembering Kev unveiled in memory of him.

We had 76 riders turn up for signing on with 12 Pre 65s joining 18 twinshocks and 18 AC Monos. The modern mono class completed the count with 28 bikes. It was nice to see 6 novice riders enjoying the day alongside 11 experts. The middle classes consisted of 29 clubman and 30 intermediate riders.

We have a great set of reports so grab yourself a brew and read on.

Kenton Hackney – Twinshock / Clubman

A poignant beginning to the event as at the pre start talk a touching plaque tribute to Kev Williams was unveiled, well done to all involved. The Clubman route with a few new routes to savour.

Section 1: Cheeky little off camber climb onto another camber with a tricky left in between trees. Deffo a mark taker

Section 2: Ably observed by our newest young observer. A tricky drop off the road with a left turn and a rise between trees which cut up as the day progressed and a twisty right exit.

Section 3: A cambered left climb threading between rocks followed by a descent with a right exit which required good braking skills

Section 4: In the woods, the usual section with new added exit. Small descent with the same rise opposite and a tight turn another small descent and rise. A left round a tree, small descent with a right turn in the dip with a left cambered exit to the end cards

Section 5: A drop off the path, left between the markers with various ways to the exit but it was constantly changing due to rocks being misplaced

Section 6: A pleasant ride taking in stunning views brought us to a tricky small slippy climb with a left turn through over or round a hardened previous section groove/rut. Then a left turn on jagged rocks and small drop back to the road (a very good mark taking section)

Section 7: Another winding ride down to the new addition – the stream. An entry that soon became a deep rut, a small fallen tree obstacle with a turn up a slippery exit and right turn exit between trees (a welcome addition to an already excellent venue let more stream action commence)

Section 8: A tricky climb with a left turn over rocks followed by a tight exit between trees with a tree root on an angle ! definitively a mark taking section

Section 9: Ably manned by Mr Griffiths (who was well at home in the undergrowth). Tricky small drop with a little rise, a left between trees and a constant left turn before dropping into the gulley with a tricky exit climb that became easier as the day continued

Section 10: A dark weave between the trees unveiled a winding drop between trees, a right hand turn, a wall step with a right turn and a tight exit left

Dave Pengilley – Twinshock / Intermediate

After what seemed a very quick summer break it was back to it on Sunday at Nant-y-Ffrith for the latest round of the aqueduct club championship, it was good to catch up with a few riders I had not seen in a while over a coffee before the start.

Prior to the trial starting everybody gathered by section 2 for the pre-trial brief, where a plaque was to be unveiled in memory of Kev, it was nice to see and chat to Kelly and family before the unveiling, Dave Lovell said a few words and then the plaque was unveiled, Kev’s daughter placed a single rose in the vase, this proved to be very emotional for myself and many others I suspect.

Onto the action…..

Section 1: this was a nice straight forward opener but you had to concentrate to make sure the last turn was not approached too fast, just enough room to turn between the trees and a straight run to the outs.

Section 2: was a tricky section very easy to lose the front wheel on the loose earth, glanced over to Kevs plaque as I entered the section thinking about all the chats we had about the isle of man and I was glad that he had the chance to get out there, I will be paying him a visit next time I am over on the Isle of Man, up at Joeys memorial.

Section 3: which was a cracking section on the green route, although this did cause me some concern while walking it as there was a choice of lines and much discussion from Moz & Mark, on which was the best, in over the root to the right, or the smoother but slightly tighter line to the left. the left line chosen, then a turn to the left and over a selection of rocks choice number 2!!!! To the right and risk dislodging the markers, to the left bit risky, or slightly left and fire it up the middle and grabbing the brakes and making the left turn drop to the outs without knocking the observer out of his well-positioned chair. This proved to be the best line for myself which resulted in 4 cleans.

Section 6: looked slippery but it rode well, up a muddy bank, quick left turn then right up another rock-strewn bank, then a tight turn to the outs which you needed the wheels in the ruts for a smooth passage to the outs.  Caught me for a dab on the last lap and with Gordon observing there was no chance it would be missed, 

Onto section 7: a new one in the lower part of the wood where a lot of work had been done to be able to use it, a short run up the brook right turn up a slippery bank and sneak around a large stone, (which was getting smaller as the day went on looking at the gouges and scars on it). Dropping back between a couple of trees and turn for the outs. Russ was there on the first lap keeping an eye on his and Marks section plotting, and saw me drop my first mark of the lap under estimating just how slippery it was, a lack of concentration saw me drop 2 more on the last lap here.

Section 8: proved tricky for me as well dropping marks here on 2 of the 4 laps while others around me cleaned it with ease.

Section 9: was a long section with some technical bits going through the ins from the side made the first turn a little easier but care was needed not to clip the handlebars on the trees, bit of a run to a drop into a tight left turn over rocks then up a rise to the outs. Rode much better than it first looked.

An excellent day’s trialling with a good well thought out long lap which kept any queuing to a minimum, Thanks must go to the organisers, caterers, and to all observers old and new for putting the time and effort in so we the riders can enjoy our sport.

Paul Owen – Pre 65 / Intermediate

Aqueduct classic trials club was back in the picturesque welsh Hills of North wales and with a great turn out of riders and a nice long lap with the sun shining meant one thing….. the championship round 7 of 10. Here is 3 of the sections I rode on my BSA Bantam in the pre65 Intermediate class.

Section 3…. with a slight uphill start you entered the start gate to the left and then a sharp right turn and up a 6ft rooted slippy climb. Into a sharp left that dropped you back down a bit and across a path to some large mossy rocks like steps on a uphill climb. It was very tricky and the rocks became slippy. Once over them you had another sharp left turn that dropped you down some uncovered roots to the out gate. Not many cleaned this section. I managed it on my 2nd lap but on my 3rd lap I was over the bars. Face planted the ground and managed to get my leg trapped in the forks. God knows how. Haha.

Section 6…. you rode into the section and up a muddy rocky rise and turned sharp left. Surprisingly it was very grippy. But then you dropped down over damp greasy rocks and up a muddy clay like climb to the right that was easy to spin up on. Once you crested the top you had to be careful of the loose rocks and a groove had formed in the sticky slippy mud on the left turn towards the out gate.

Section 10…. You entered a opening in the trees and it became dark damp and slippy on the slimy uncovered tree roots as you droped down to the section. Once at the start gate you immediately droped down a very steep drop and the tree roots were all bare and felt like ice if you touched the front brake. You had to do a figure “S” between the trees on the drop down and then to a sharp right turn towards the remains of a stone wall and ride over the top of it. The rocks seemed to move every lap as well. Then you did another S bend turn on a off camber back and to the out gate.

It was a very enjoyable and challenging tricky trials. Another great venue by the club. Big thanks to all involved and to the observers for a great day out.

Ian Emery – AC Mono / Intermediate

Always a pleasure to ride at Nant Y Frith and Sunday was brilliant again.  The day started with the unveiling of Kev’s memorial which was so well done by all involved and appreciated by family, club officials, and riders all deep in thought paying their respects. 

A few of my favourite sections.

Section 2: A nod to Kev on entry, dropping past the memorial and onwards to a 180° left turn to approach a double root step with little run up. Once over that a swooping right turn up the bank to drop down to the end cards. Easy to get in trouble and I was pleased with 4 cleans.

Section 3: This was a tricky one. The start was a climb between two trees followed quickly by a tight left. Tyre marks showed a choice of line – either a straight up blast over a slippy angled root or a more controlled meander where keeping momentum was key. I chose the latter each lap without issue. Following that was a short traverse over some loose rocks to a collection of scary big rocks. The first two were split with a V but that line meant the next monster rock became a big step to get up and over. If you made it there was a tight left turn on a steep bank before a descent to the end cards. First lap I flew up the middle cresting the big rock and managed the turn and descent for a clean. Second and third lap I tried the same but struggled to get enough grip to launch me over the big rock without foot assistance. Fourth lap I watched Moz take a high line to the right and got on top of the big rock but slam-dunked left. With trepidation I tried to copy his line but didn’t have the strength to hold on at the crest and stalled for a 5. 

Section 4: A natural hollow used before but yet another new route was set. A series of swoops, down, across, up, 180° turns in between, to a tricky steep root covered climb with little run up. Easy to fail without enough speed but also easy to hit the tree at the top with too much. Managed to go clean each time, very pleased. 

Section 7: Water and mud!! Never seen before at this venue. The start was through a deepish dirty puddle into the stream, straight for a few yards before a 90° right and a blast up a sticky muddy embankment with several wheel slots to choose from. At the top was a massive rock and a choice of 3 lines for a 180° right turn – either hug the perimeter left of the rock but mind your footrest, straight over the rock, or inside it to the right. I chose the perimeter but the key to success was keeping left during the climb as slipping right would give problems. Managed 3 cleans then a slack dab on lap 4.

Section 8: This was more tricky than it looked! Through the in cards to a tight right on a camber just before a hill climb which got steeper and steeper as it threaded through the trees. If you made the first turn without the front washing out the rest was straight forward but if the front misbehaved it made the climb a lot more tricky as I found out on one lap.

Section 9: Another natural basin and a great new variation. Into the section to an immediate tight 180° right turn, dropping into a dip to a nasty climb out between two trees. Not much room for error as I found out on one lap. A meander along the top of the hollow to the far end where a drop in was followed by a slippy rocky step which was best taken at reasonable pace keeping the front wheel high and letting the rear float the step.  Got it spot on twice but also had a 2 and a 1. 

Some well thought out sections, I really enjoyed the day so thanks as usual to all who made it happen. Apologies to those I nearly knocked over when my Gasser kept dropping into gear by itself, launching me into the air several times. An issue caused by a broken neutral detent spring which I discovered on strip down the next day. All fixed now and ready for Pen Y Graig. 

Mike Griffiths / Observer / Section 9

Returning back to haunt some of you, I was pleasantly surprised with the remarkable tribute to Kev.. One of the nicest men I have ever met in the trials world. Those who knew him will never forget that smile..  

Well out to my section (9) and a bit of a cracker. Nice and easy to clean but also easy enough to get a point or 5 off the unsuspecting. The Cheshire set disappointed me and no marks dropped.. Beta Bert was really concentrating and failed to drop any score as did Pinkey Hackney. Tony Williams stopped just short of the end flags with of all things a broken timing chain . Bit of bad luck there.

One or two clenched buttock moments were had with Moz having the most interesting as the Bantam front wheel slid across a log , nearly taking Moz into the “kitty litter” (nettles) . Not quite a stop but he escaped through the end flags only to go back to his motor for an underwear change.

Some really interesting bikes and the big Ariel  Nick Woolley rode was my favourite with the Panther of Les Richardson a close second. Dave Pengilly kept his Kwaka clean in more ways than one and Robin Foulkes and his rare Armstrong kept to the correct route on my section. 

Sunshine and smiles were the order of the day but a few red route riders did try the luxury of brushing an arm on the trees.

In my section ??????????  Yes eyes up my what ever and miserable with it.

 Any gripes from this side of the trial ?  No it was a grand event , no disputes or eye batting , just a superb event and only 18% of riders forgot to say thanks.

Before we move into the usual stats, we have to close by once again say a huge thankyou to the club team for all of the effort they put in over the preceding months to make this happen, the observers for still taking the time to support and the land owner as always.

Top Places

Pre 65

  • Expert – No riders
  • Intermediate – Paul Owen, BSA (15); Nick Woolley, Ariel (18); Mike Jones, Triumph (19)
  • Clubman -Steve Walker, Francis Barnett (1);Andy Steele, BSA (10); Alan Dyson, BSA 32)
  • Novice – Terry Lloyd, Triumph (14)


  • Expert – Paul Smart, Honda (20); Jim Williams, Honda (26);Andrew Williams, Honda (46)
  • Intermediate – David Pengilley, Kawasaki (7); Robin Foulkes, Armstrong (9); Tim Cuffin, Majesty (12)
  • Clubman – Phil Cottiga, Honda (7); Kenton Hackney, Honda (7); Darren Riley, Bultaco (8)
  • Novice – Graham Seagar, Bultaco (40)

Air Cooled Mono

  • Expert – Peter Ruscoe, Honda (3);Steve Williams, Honda (26); Kev Ellis, Yamaha (27)
  • Intermediate – Craig Barkley, Yamaha (9); Michael Warburton, Yamaha (14); Stephen Richards, Yamaha (15)
  • Clubman – Stephen Hall, Gas Gas (7); Paul Corfield, Yamaha (37); Neville Kirkham, Yamaha (54)
  • Novice – No riders

Modern Mono

  • Expert – Jordan Bannon, Gas Gas (25)
  • Intermediate – Mike Smith, Montesa (9); Paul Edwards, Gas Gas (14); Norman Tarbuck, Beta (15)
  • Clubman – Bert White SR, Beta (1); Gareth Evans, TRS (2); Ken Williams, Beta (5)
  • Novice – Mike Sutton, Beta (12); Glyn Roberts, Montesa (19); Andrew Bloor, Montesa (29)

Observer List

1 – John Sowden

2 – Suz / Jess

3 – Ian Jones

4 – Neil Roberton

5 – Dave

6 – Gordon

7 – Steve Jones

8 – Mark

9 – Mike Griffiths

10 – Brian Barker


Bikes Classes

  • Pre 65 – 12
  • Twinshock – 18
  • Air Cooled Mono – 18
  • Modern Mono – 28

Route Classes

  • Expert – 11
  • Intermediate – 30
  • Clubman – 29
  • Novice – 6


Pre 65

  • Ariel – 2
  • BSA – 4
  • Drayton Villiers – 1
  • Francis Barnett – 1
  • Panther – 1
  • Triumph – 3


  • Aprillia – 1
  • Armstrong – 1
  • Bultaco – 3
  • Fantic – 2
  • Honda – 6
  • Kawasaki – 1
  • Majesty – 2
  • Ossa – 1
  • Yamaha – 1

Air Cooled Mono

  • Aprilia – 1
  • Fantic – 1
  • Gas Gas – 4
  • Honda – 3
  • Scorpa – 1
  • Yamaha – 8

Modern Mono

  • Beta – 11
  • Gas Gas – 6
  • Montesa – 5
  • Scorpa – 1
  • Sherco – 2
  • TRS – 1
  • Vertigo – 2