Event Report – Pen Y Graig 031024

A very very low turnout of only 47 bikes (which raised some concerns for the organisers) so any feedback on this to help them understand would be useful?

Moving on from that, the usual stats were 14 Modern Monos, 13 Pre 65’s, 12 Twinshocks and 4 in each of the Pre 2000 WC Monos and Pre 96 AC Monos.

Intermediate was still the most popular class with just under half (21 riders) and Clubman running 15 competitors. It was great to see 7 Novice riders on the day and the Expert class topped off the classes with 4 riders.

Stephen Harding – Modern Mono / Clubman

So here we are at Pen y Graig quarry again for another round .

The rider list was a bit shorter than usual for aqueduct but with other local trials on it was expected, (they didn’t know what they were missing, ha ha ). Got there early to help out with setting up and parking and as usual the great Chris deburger was first there ready to feed us all. Parking was a bit tight as it’s a working farm and things change with the seasons but managed to get everyone in. 

It was great to see Gordon back and on form. 

The weather report didn’t look good but ended up being perfect for a trial. Anyway here are a few of my favourites of the day, although it’s hard to choose as all were spot on. 

Got to start off with section 1, Gordon on watch. You start off from the main track and up over a bit of a bank before a dropping down avoiding a bit of a rock turning tight left and over a couple of more rocks. Tight between two trees before a really tight right up a bit then a tight left dropping down trying to avoid a couple of rocks. Then another slow left round a tree then straight back up the bank and back out onto the main track and through the end gate,  bit of a tricky slow section but managed to clean it,  

Section 6, Alwyn on watch. A nice flowing section after 4&5 Just to settle back down. At the top of the quarry you start off and straight away on to a steep climb to the top of the bank and a tight right under the trees  before dropping back down into a bit of a bowl and across the flat a bit avoiding a few rocks. Then turn left and a bit of a climb back up on some slippery loose shale and roots before a bit of a left and then out of the section.

Section 7, Sue &Russ on watch. So no quarters given. This was a very rocky section. You start off and straight away up over some slippery loose shale and rock before getting to the big stuff. Over some good sized rocks (very slippy) then on to more slippy rocks turning left over some more slippery rocks before dropping a bit back on to some normal ground. Finally a right out of the section, a tough one for me but managed to clean it 3 times,  

Then on to section 8, Geoff on watch. You start off in a bit of a black swamp and drop down a steep rocky bank over rocks and wet mud into the bottom of the section before turning a tight left in the mud. Then fire it up to the top of the bank before turning a bit of a right and dropping back down the steep bank over roots and loose shale back into the black muddy waters avoiding a good sized rock. Turfn tight left and back into the deep black muddy waters and back up the steep bank and out of the section, 

Overall I had a great day,  dropped a good few avoidable dabs on the first lap but that’s how it go’s some times. Really enjoyed the day, big thanks to everyone involved especially all the observer’s for giving up their Sunday and the aqueduct team for putting on such a great event again, not forgetting Chris deburger for keeping us fed and watered,  cheers every one.

Steve Blaxhall – Pre 96 AC Mono / Intermediate

On arrival I am directed to the farm yard to be shown to my parking space by Geoff. Once parked up, get the bike out the van. then go and sign on, have a natter with a few people before its back to the van to
get into my kit, fuel up the bike and check tyre pressures. Happy that i’m ready to go, I go off for a bacon butty from Chris De Burger, which goes down a treat. I am now fully set up for the trial ahead. A trial that
was definetly a case of what if, for me. Thinking about it on the drive home, I knew 2 sections cost me dearly.

Here are the 2 sections that racked the score up.
Section1. -. There were 2 lines into this section – a sharp right, left into the gully or a straight line over 2 humps to drop into the gully. I chose the latter. Then it was a short run along the gully to then do an almost 180 degree right hand u-turn which led you across the quarry track at 45 degrees to a steep drop, which before reaching the bottom. A tight left turn was required, being mindful of a large rock on the inside to catch your rear wheel (remember that Steven). Then it was a right (mind your head) left climb back onto the track, turning right for the end

Well I cleaned laps 1,2&4, but lap 3 my mind wandered – I forgot about the rock! Gordon was very generous in giving me a 3.

Section 7 – Through the start gate and make a shallow climb up the bank to your right. Turning left down the bank through the 1st gate, this gave you a better line for the right u-turn, which was next. After the turn, if your line was right a path could be made out through the rocks. After that, a left turn took you along a narrow path with a steep hump in the middle. This led you to a further left turn, then a little chicane of rocks. I was hit and miss here, quite literally. When the one and only time i got that chicane right, I got the penultimate left turn right and cleaned the section. Get that chicane of rocks wrong and the penultimate turn was a nightmare. In all, 6 marks on my score card. Must try harder.

Section 8 – What a great section this was and only cost me 1 mark. I have included it because it was responsible for giving me a little machine trouble, which may or may not of got me my 3 on Gordons section 1.

Let me explain, my bike did not like going through the water at the exit on lap 2 and after that was not running cleanly and randomly bogging until the last lap. Most telling though is how much it plays with your concentration when your bikes playing up. Like I said earlier a case of “what if” Excuses over!

Overall I was happy with my ride and had a great enjoyable day. Which is what its all about. Right?. We are really fortunate to be doing this. Many thanks to all the crew and observers for taking the time and effort to make this all happen. Last but not least, Chris De Burger for keeping us all fed and watered. See you at the next one.

Before we move into the usual stats, we have to close by once again say a huge thankyou to the club team for all of the effort they put in over the preceding months to make this happen, the observers for still taking the time to support and the land owner as always.

Top Places

Pre 65

  • Expert – No finishers
  • Intermediate – Robin Foulkes, Francis Barnett (0); Phil Alderman, Triumph (4); Dave Lovell, Triumph (4)
  • Clubman – Steve Walker, Francis Barnett (2); Paul Brimelow, Cotton (6); Stephen Leyshon (7_
  • Novice -Terry Lloyd, Triumph (11)


  • Expert – Paul Sagar, Honda (5); Richard Webster, Fantic (6)
  • Intermediate – Dave Pengilley, Kawasaki (0); Mike Smith, Honda (1); Jerry Hawker, Honda (1)
  • Clubman – Oliver Barker, Bultaco (0); Phil Cottiga, Fantic (9)
  • Novice – Allan Thomas, Fantic (8); Paul Beswick, Ossa (23)

Pre 96 Air Cooled Mono

  • Expert – No riders
  • Intermediate – David Matthews, Yamaha (3); Steven Blaxhall, Fantic (12)
  • Clubman – Andy Steele, Yamaha (9)
  • Novice – No riders

Pre 2000 Watercooled Mono

  • Expert – Mike Jones, Gas Gas (36)
  • Intermediate – Karl Kavanagh, Montesa (9); Alec Roberts, Montesa (10); Neil Francis, Gas Gas (11)
  • Clubman – No riders
  • Novice – No riders

Modern Mono

  • Expert – No riders
  • Intermediate – Stephen Hall, Vertigo (2); Jason Trumble, Vertigo (3); Simon Ward, Gas Gas (5)
  • Clubman – Ken Williams, Beta (1); Martin Howard, Montesa (6); Stephen Harding, Gas Gas (28)
  • Novice – Matthew Wilcox, Sherco (22); Arthur Adams, Oset (29); Oliver Roberts, Sherco (37)

Observer List

1 – Gordon

2 – Wendy

3 – Brian Cliff

4 – Ian Jones

5 – Nick Shenston

6 – Russ

7 – Elwyn

8 – Jeff Hughes

9 – Nigel Houlston

10 – Mike Warburton


Bikes Classes

  • Pre 65 – 13
  • Twinshock – 12
  • Pre 96 Air Cooled Mono – 4
  • Pre 2000 Watercooled Mono – 4
  • Modern Mono – 14

Route Classes

  • Expert – 4
  • Intermediate – 21
  • Clubman – 15
  • Novice – 7


Pre 65

  • Ariel –
  • BSA – 1
  • Cotton – 1
  • DOT –
  • Francis Barnett – 3
  • James – 1
  • Triumph – 6
  • Villiers – 1


  • Bultaco – 1
  • Fantic – 4
  • Honda – 3
  • Kawasaki – 1
  • Montesa – 1
  • Ossa – 1
  • Yamaha – 1

Pre 96 Air Cooled Mono

  • Fantic – 1
  • Yamaha – 3

Pre 2000 Watercooled Mono

  • Gas Gas – 2
  • Montesa – 2

Modern Mono

  • Beta – 3
  • Gas Gas – 4
  • Montesa – 1
  • Oset – 1
  • Sherco – 2
  • Tenaci Wong – 1
  • Vertigo – 2